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6:09:11 PM

Thank you so much for rsponding. I will contact you via your email.

pamela mae
6:48:53 PM


This really touches my heart.
My name is Pamela and I have had this for over 6 years.
We now know that the testing through Great plains will tell you which antibiotic is useful on mels protocol.
It is a simple Urine and comp stool test that comes in a kit to your home .The test will check your body for which things work best for you.

Meanwhile what you can start on is the things you 'Can' get on mels protocol - then get your testing done so you can tweek the antibiotic and antifungal(and if you need 'NATURAL' antiparasiticals

What I think would be best for your doctor so he will know what to do,is to order the testing,then talk with the counsellor at Great Plains to see how to read the tests.

I am always looking for Doctors who are sympathetic to morgellons.
I look for doctors for people all day long and would really like it if you would email me.

I would love to help.
Pamela Mae

6:09:11 PM

I am a 55 year old female and my mother is 80 we have been struggling with this for 13 years. We were both teachers. After being disabled with Lupus I came to live with her. She taught on the border of Texas and Mexico. Being a special Ed teacher she contracted it from a student she taught for three years. We have done many alternative methods. The things that have helped us are getting rid of all pets, living separately, tile floors , Zippered vinyl mattress covers both on matress and box springs, we use sonozaire ozone machines model 105a set on 30 unless they get unbearable then we set at at 100 and leave for a day because you can breath it at that point. We wipe everything down with a mixture of thieves essential oil cleaner, pepermint and vodga. We mop with chlorox. We too have scaled down on what we own. We also use the ozone in the car before we wipe the car down with the mixture. Make sure too cover electronics with tape and tape both in car before extreme ozone treatment. The best results I have had were in a hard hyperbaric not the plastic home kind although I do practically live in mine it also does a great job. When I took 55 sessinons in the large metal chamber I thought they were gone,I will never know because of running out of money plus while I try not to go in my mother's house, I take her to doctor appointments, Church, errands etc. When we are together it is worse so I don't know if I got again from her after being cured or if I was cured in the first place. We are together as much as possible or we would go insane. My mother is too large and claustiphoboc to go in my portable hyperbararic. My mother is getting weaker by the day and I know I will be caring for her when she gets too weak herself so we are looking forward to trying your protocal, Mel. We are now in San Antonio, Texas. Our Dr. is a believer in this, he just does not know what to do. So hopfully , he will help us with the Bactrium. We have tried many different things and both have trouble with our immune systems, thyroid , thymus and adrenals. We are just running really low on funds but ypur protocal seems affordable. Thank you I hope some one is helped a little even with what little information I have. Also we contracted this from scabies.