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Great News For Toxic Disease Sufferers

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual act of worship. Be no longer conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)

For at least 12 years, we have been ministering to those who are caught up in the nightmare of Morgellons, Lyme and other toxic diseases, we have witnessed a familiar pattern of transformation in those we serve. While each person’s journey is unique, we have observed certain common obstacles and experiences that are shared along their path to restoration that we wish to convey here.

Please note that although certain physiological symptoms are unique to Morgellons (i.e.- strange fibers), many similar coinfections and symptoms are commonly experienced by victims of Lyme Disease and chronic Candidiasis (a common type of fungal overload), all of which are characterized by a fundamental failure of the human bioterrain. In fact, in our experience, it is not uncommon to encounter people who suffer from all three syndromes at once – which is why the He Cures All Foundation has chosen to target our educational and support efforts accordingly.

This presentation will focus primarily on the familiar pattern of restoration we have seen in Morgellons patients, but the same basic pattern holds true for all who suffer from a severely compromised bioterrain – a concept that seems to elude the profit driven, testing based (as opposed to clinically based) model of allopathic medicine.

Gone are the days of the family physician who invested the time and effort to understand and convey all of the factors affecting one’s health. For the most part, our health care system has devolved into an impersonal sick care system in which patients are rushed through inherently flawed diagnostic protocols that view and treat them as sets of data. Heaven help the unfortunate soul who is plunged into the nightmare of Morgellons and seeks compassionate care from a system that refuses to acknowledge the reality of their suffering and compounds their isolation by labeling them as delusional.

Just imagine for a moment the terror of being invaded by unseen organisms that constantly bite and prick and crawl under your skin. How well would you cope with such torture for 24 hours, days, weeks or months? How would you respond to the constant itching, the immobilizing brain fog and the profound fatigue as your world collapses around you - and you are told its all in your mind?

The Metamorphosis Begins

By the time a typical Morgellons sufferer is led across the path of the He Cures All Foundation, they are but a shadow of their former self. They have been “chewed up and spit out” and labeled by decree of the medical establishment. No longer able to hold down a job, they are isolated from friends and even family who understandably look to the medical profession to make sense of the bizarre manifestations of the disease. Having blown through most of their savings in search of answers and relief, they turn to the internet where they are repeatedly victimized by ever present vultures who stalk cyberspace to profit from their desperation with worthless overnight cures. Surfing the net only compounds their confusion and multiplies their fears, and they descend into a living hell of darkness, hopelessness, loneliness and despair.

"My people perish for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6)

A Cry For Help

Sadly, we don’t know how many people are surrendering their lives in the face of such a diabolical spiritual storm, either intentionally or accidentally from unsupervised experimentation with dangerous self treatments. We can only assume, however, that some choose - as Mel Friedman did - to cry out to God for divine intervention. For it is at this point that so many tell us they were led to Mel’s website where they found a community of Hope and a light in the darkness.

Imagine once again that you are the one who has found yourself caught up in this nightmare. When you first arrive, your mind is flooded with a myriad of conflicting emotions as you see the reality of your nightmare confirmed. Physically and
mentally exhausted and still plagued with severe brain fog, you can scarcely take it all in as you begin to read the stories of personal struggle and victory over Morgellons. You have learned the hard way to guard your heart and to approach all things internet with a healthy degree of skepticism. Fear and Despair exchange knowing glances when a tedious, cautious optimism emerges in you.

Your mind begins to race with questions: “Could this be real? Is this really a place where I will not be scorned or ignored, but welcomed and affirmed? Who in his right mind would, after being delivered from this horrible scourge, be willing to descend daily back into the chaos and lead others out of this howling wilderness? If the protocol Mel used does work, how will I ever be able to afford it?”

Into the Light

Hours and days go by as you scour the website’s many articles, dietary advice and years of forum entries. Fear and Doubt linger in the shadows, but they are displaced now by a welcome new found companion - Hope!
Most importantly, for the first time in this cruel odyssey, you realize that you are not alone.

Still having more questions than answers, by now you have come to accept some sobering realizations. Your long journey of recovery has only just begun, and you are going to have to make some dramatic changes in your diet, your environment and in your thinking. Generally speaking, it is at this point that first contact is made with Mel and the He Cures All Foundation.

By the time arrangements are made for you to obtain the protocol support nutrients, you are already implementing dietary changes and speaking with one of our volunteer health coaches
who have themselves already successfully overcome Morgellons. It doesn’t take long for you to know that you are on the right path, for as your detoxification potential is restored and your toxic burden is lifted, your brain fog begins to clear, your sleep patterns improve and your energy begins to return. But you still have a long, long way to go.

New Found Freedom

Over the next three to six months, you eliminate nutrient deficits and lower your overall infection load, and you typically experience steady gains as your endocrine system begins to respond and cellular health improves. At this point, some are able to return to part time work and some semblance of normalcy. This stabilization is a welcome blessing that can be easily taken for granted as you celebrate your newly recovered freedom.

Setback - A Critical Juncture

Often, one may try to return to some of the poor choices they made before Morgellons, and they experience a devastating setback that can take weeks or months to overcome. They begin to understand the resilient nature of the opportunistic pathogens involved, which can and do retreat into the relative safety of biofilms or remote tissues with lesser blood supply, and can disappear from immune detection like symbionts.

This is a critical time, when they take to heart once and for all the words first spoken by the Apostle Paul and repeated by Mel when they began: "Be no longer conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2)

With patience and persistence, they do recover - and all the wiser. From this point forward, there may be occasional minor setbacks or detours which require testing to obtain specific solutions to address one's
unique challenges. By the way, this is where treatment paths for Morgellons, Lyme and Candidiasis often intersect or overlap - as well as other opportunistic infections such as MRSA.

A New Way of Life

Eventually, symptom free days turn into symptom free months and years, and the person who began this amazing journey has now been transformed physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most disappear as they reintegrate into society and wish to distance themselves from the stigma attached to Morgellons and the traumatic memories it logs.

Once restored, some give back a portion of the financial support they received from the Foundation in order to “pass it on” to the next bewildered victim, and others choose to take an active role as an HCA Health Coach. All seem to share a new appreciation for God’s loving presence during their affliction, for His faithfulness, His mercy, and His grace. Almost without exception, they say they can no longer take life for granted, that they live out each day with intention, embracing their future with renewed Hope and purpose.

Regardless of where they end up, we couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate their transformation. May God receive the honor and glory he so richly deserves!

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

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