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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:


Hello Folks

I want to post on an issue that was discussed on Mel's most recent conference call. Seth , from Natural Immunogenics, discussed how it is "vital to understand the relationship between our teeth and our overall health." He then shared how valuable having a "biological" dentist can this regard. This is something that I have also strongly advocated for for many years now.

So here is the link to the site that Seth mentioned where you can search for a possible biological dentist in your area.

A biological dentist will actually do blood work that will then be used to specifically align your treatment to ensure that nothing is used that will have a negative effect upon you. A biological dentist therefor brings a powerful therapeutic value to your individual health care that will make a significant difference to your overall health and to your individual recovery.



Hello Melvin,

I thought you might enjoy this video!

I've known you for over fifty years my friend and I find that you have truly changed, except maybe your love for trains.!!



Being overwhelmingly sick, trying to constantly fight every single battle you’re up against every day, has an impact on your overall well-being. So that every day becomes a constant uphill battle with you always just trying to fight off what you’re up against.

When this happens it will cause your body to get stuck in a sympathetic stage and your nervous system continues to stay in the fight mode.

To be in a constant high alert status will make you become exhausted.

Wanting, wishing and then regretting that we aren’t well only tells your nervous system to keep constantly fighting.

So now tell yourself that you are safe here right where you are.

Being safe where you are is telling your nervous system that this only a temporary circumstance that you have accepted. This places your mind at ease versus a resignation, meaning you’re stuck here in a constant forever fight.

The good news is, changing your mindset helps in your recovery! Remember you have the availability to choose!
So don’t forget that in doing so that you are not giving up, you are just deciding to take the battle in a more relaxed state to help you overcome!

There is much medical research that has proven that it works and I have listened to other individuals with chronic Lyme and pain speak about how it helped them in their recovery.

The sympathetic system controls “fight-or-flight” responses. In other words, this system prepares the body for strenuous physical activity. The events that we would expect to occur within the body to allow this to happen do, in fact, occur. The parasympathetic system regulates “rest and digest” functions.

Hope you find this helpful!
Start strong & with the Lord!


I’ve experienced times of limited sight that comes as quickly as recovery. Like 6 months of optical neuritis. The recent experience of severe immobility for almost 8 months takes great courage and faith.

Happy to say I’m doing better. Prayer and trusting myself. Exercise is key for my body and mental. I’m getting outside to see my chiropractor rather than coming to my apartment.

Also I’ve spent years working on the relationship with my mom. Even moved from Boston back to Cleveland with hope something would happen. Never having expectations I had patience.

Within the last month I’m more relaxed and enjoy her gifts. Made me a quilt and wreath for door. And I love them. Not my style but I see the love and that makes me love them.

So all of this is new and I like it. Thank you for Mel and everyone in this community. Like Mel says have hope and you’ll get better. I’m grateful to say this is TRUE.



Hi Tea

Brilliant post sister. "Thank you." I would like to add that serotonin is another hormone that works alongside dopamine in the brain. And interestingly, they are both made in the gut. Go figure!

That said, I like to charaterze that they work together like this. Dopamine fuels feelings of joy and happiness. But serotonin fuels feelings of initiative or "being engaged." So interestingly enough, a person can actually be happy but still "immobile" or keep themselves alone with a serotonin deficiency. Or a person can be active and busy, yet "depressed" with a dopamine efficiency.

I think it is therefor very helpful to understand this relationship between these two hormones so we can better navigate through the emotional side of recovery. They certainly must each be in balance and working together for us to be emotionally healthy and well rounded!

"Strength and love"


Hello Everyone ,

Hope you are having a wonderful day in the Lord today ,
Yesterday was the Saturday call Coffee Tea with Me , thank
You Mel for bringing us all together once again , unfortunately
The Special guest that was scheduled for the call had an
Emergency and was unable to be with us , we do hope everything
Is OK with her and her family .

So we just all talked a little bit about the progress we are making
And how we're improving .. this will be a short post today , the call
Was not lengthy but it was very nice hearing how everyone is doing.

Laurie talked a bit about how she's doing , and did say it takes a
Long time to build your immune system back up , and how important it is to be patient and embrace the long haul of it even though we want to be better so much sooner, I sure understand, I would like to be well now , but know I have to be patient with the process and be determined to stick it out no matter what ! Laura stated she has been on the protocol for five years now , and she's doing good , she mentioned she gets to get her hair done for the first time in a long time , congratulations Laura that you are doing so much better and on your way to complete recovery !

Every victory no matter how big or small is a happy moment , and we should indeed be happy about each one ..

God's richest Blessings to you Laura and to your family also !

Jen talked a little also about how mach better she is as well , Jen encouraged everyone to listen to your body , and be kind to yourself through the process , and she stated through much prayer and patience she is improving , Congratulations to you as well Jen and God's richest Blessings to you and your family as well !

Peter came on and told us all that he had received his certification and he is now certified for the, Certified Response System for clinical conditions and he could now possibly bring to the forefront the Morgellons sufferers who have been told what they have isn't real , that it's all in there head. We all know it's not a d we certainly all know it's very real !

So now Peter says he can be an advocate for the people who suffer from this disease , Congratulations to you Peter for you achievement and your servant's heart , God Bless you in your endeavor to help others !

Joe gave a short update on Carrie Ann and his family , he loves where he lives now and says it is very beneficial to the whole family's well being and continued healing .
Congratulations Carrie Ann, Delilah and Joe and well wishes to all of you !

Nancy spoke a bit about her progress also and how much better she is doing as well , she no longer has cancer and stated her Dr said she didn't have to come back for five years , I believe that's what she said , she also say how grateful she is to Mel the protocol , the HCAF and God for her continued recovery ! Also the fantastic progress she has made , Congratulations to you also Nancy on accomplishing so much in turning things around , may you continue to experience progress and be doing your Happy dance very soon , prayers go up for Rusty as well and I hope he is doing well and he remains well for a very long time to come ! God Bless you and your Family Nancy !

I also am doing better , I have some really good days now and I'm looking forward to full recovery as soon as it can happen , I'm determined to stay the course and stay on point until the day I to am fully recovered!

Thank You Mel for helping all of us and giving your life to see everyone gets well , Thank You! I pray for your continued well being and your happiness and God's Richest Blessings for you Mel and everyone who helps with the protocol and putting it all in place !

Well wishes also to Everyone suffering from this disease and to everyone who will visit this website , I hope all get well very soon and God Bless you All !

Mel & Peter
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 03/23/24


Tuesdays Visitor's

United States of America 23
Turkey 9
Russian Federation 8
Netherlands 3
Other 1
Canada 1
Japan 1
Singapore 1
Finland 1

Hello Everyone visiting this website ,

I hope you are finding the answers you need and also hope you find your way to recovery !

Feel free to reach out to this community with any questions you may have ,We are willing to help in any way we can ..

Blessings to you all !


Hi everyone,

I hope you all are doing well. I am with the family on a small spring break trip to Great Wolf Lodge this week. I have gone on so many waterslides with the kids and we're having a great time.

Timothy, how long have you been sick? I hope you are seeing improvement on the protocol.

I first started having symptoms in May of 2020, but didn't find Mel's site until sometime in fall of 2021 and started on the protocol on 10/23/21, so almost 2 1/2 years ago. Before I found Mel's site I was hospitalized with diverticulitis July 4th 2021. Had I found and started the protocol sooner this probably could have been avoided. I also had Covid twice and most recently had the Flu (all 5 of us in the family got it) a few weeks ago, and still dealing with residual symptoms (cough and congestion). About 6 months ago I was having severe pain and my Dr. sent me to a urologist and I had an ultrasound in which they found a cyst and a clot (not at risk of it traveling). All they want to do is pharmaceutical pain meds with bad side effects unless it gets very bad and in this case, they do surgery. I have been using RSO and Nattokinase for this which seems to have helped the pain go away, Praise Jesus!. Things have greatly improved with Morgellons symptoms, but I still have longer to go to get completely well as some problem areas linger on. We all have been through so much and seem to have more going on than just morgellons. Thankfully the protocol can help us get the body back to a healthy state.

Timothy, I heard you mention about eating less meat on a call. I feel like I must do this too. Lately I seem to be in pain when I eat red meat. I think this is related to the diverticulitis and meat staying in the gut longer and irritating it. I was in so much pain a few nights in a row in the last week, and got so little sleep from the pain after eating steak for dinner one night. Unfortunately, I had to take simethicone gas pills, tylenol, and ibuprofen to make it through, but it greatly helped. So I think I'm going to have to give up red meat for a while and will continue to try eating more salads and fruit. I seem to do fine with chicken and salmon. And I am to the point I seem to do fine with adding more fruit without making my morgellons symptoms worse, and I think it is so healthy for cleansing the body if you can handle it. Two things I don't think I will ever bring back is alcohol and sugar. Because it is hard for me to do those in moderation and they are like poison for the body. Thankfully there are so many keto foods available these days.

Teddy, I hope your breakout has completely healed. Even though the herx is hard to go through at least we know it is a good sign of the body purging toxins out and we are healthier on the other side of it.

Nancy, I hope all is well with you and Rusty and that you are continuing to improve.

Joe, I hope you, Karianne and Delilah are doing well and Karianne I hope you are continuing to improve.

Have a great week everyone!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3


Hi Katherine.

I would also like to congratulate you on your getting clear of symptoms. And it may well be that much of your problem has centered around insulin resistance, which the Fitcos 1 C will most certainly address. Its a remarkable preventative aid for type 2 diabetes as well!

Please remember to remain dedicated to sustaining a healthy diet as you now move forward. We must always stay diligent to eating organic and non processed foods. Again, I'm thrilled for you!


John W.

It seems only yesterday that I got a call introducing me to Mel and the start of his online community. I'm glad I jumped at the chance to help and be part of the journey. We all know Mel by now, he can be a pain in the ass and is a stickler for detail. Though this is one of the key things that's made this community work. He has a huge heart and really just cares about helping people get better.

Further, I know he appreciates what I do behind the scenes to keep the technical side of the running. Further, he takes care of me and knows I get pulled in different directions taking care of kids and always asks how they are and how I am doing. In short, I'm glad to know him and glad that he trusts me to help on this most important resource.


Hello Everyone ,
A New Country has visited the website , How I Cured Morgellons , The Country of Nicaragua is the New Country to visit . Hello to Nicaragua !
Nicaragua is a Country in Central America . It's the largest of the Central America Republics. Nicaragua has a unique history in that is was the only Country in Latin America to be colonized by both the Spanish and British. Nicaragua's population is mostly made up of Mestizos , people of mixed European and indigenous ancestry.
The Climate is slightly cooler and much wetter in the east than in the west. The annual temperature is in the low 80's . The rainy season lasts for about nine months of the year and the dry season extends from March to May.
Nicaragua's forests contain valuable Cedar , Mahogany and Pine Timber as well as Quebracho Quaraciem a type of Ironwood .Greapinol which yields resin and Medlar which produces a crab like fruit.
The Mammals of Nicaragua are Pumas , Jaguars , Ocelots , Margays , various Monkey's , Deer ,and Peccaries Birds range from Eagles , to Egrets to Macaws to Pelicans , reptiles include Crocodiles , Snakes, Turtles and Lizards .A variety of Toads , Frogs , Fish ,Mollusks, and insects are also found.
Agriculture , Forestry and Fishing engage as much as one third of the labor force and produce one fifth of the total national income. Major crops include Corn , Beans and Rice, Sorghum , Plantains and Cassava . Various Fruits and Vegetables are produced for local consumption.
Cattle are a significant source of Hides , Meat and dairy Products. Other Livestock include Goats, Hogs, Horses, and Sheep. It's Folk Traditions are expressed in beautiful Art and Crafts , Religious Ceremonies and Country Music . Nicaraguan Social Life is centered on Family and Fictional Kinship. Many Social Events are tied to the Roman Catholic Church.
Nicaraguan Cuisine is a mixture of Indigenous and Creole Traditions. Corn Tortillas stuffed with meat ,onions, garlic, sweet pepper and tomatoes , cooked i Orange Juice and Broth . Yummy !
The most popular Sports are Baseball. Boxing has also grown in popularity. Other preferred Sports include Football "Soccer" , Weightlifting , and Swimming.
Welcome to Nicaragua !
We All hope you find the Path to Healing and Hope in the pages of Information written by the wonderful people who share your journey to recovery. We Hope you find the Information you need to help in your journey to recovery.!
1) Albania
2) Afghanistan
4) Anguilla
17)Benin , Republic of
18) Bermuda
20) Bosnia and Herzegovina
21) Botswana
23) Bulgaria
24) Cambodia
26)Cayman Islands
27) Chili
28) China
29) Colombia
30) Congo Democratic Republic of
31) Costa Rica
32) Côte d'Ivoire
33) Croatia
34) Curacao
35) Cyprus
36) Czech Republic
37) Czechia
38) Denmark
39) Dominican Republic
40) Ecuador
41) Egypt
42) England
43) Estonia
44) Ethiopia
45) Finland
46) France
47) Georgia
48) Germany
49) Greece
50) Greenland
51) Guam
52 )Honduras
53) Hong Kong
54) Hungary
55) Iceland
56) India
57) Indonesia
58) Iran, Islamic Republic of
59) Ireland
60) Isle of Man
61) Israel
62) Italy
63) Jamaica
64) Japan
65) Jordan
66) Kazakhstan
67) Korea
68) Kuwait
69) Latvia
70) Lebanon
71) Liechtenstein
73) Laos People's Democratic Republic
74) Luxembourg
75) Macedonia
76) Malaysia
77) Malta
78) Mexico
79) Moldova, Republic of
80) Monaco
81) Morocco
82) Mozambique
83) Nicaragua
84) Nepal
85) Netherlands
86) New Zealand
87) Nigeria
88) Northern Ireland
89) North Macedonia, United Kingdom of
90) Norway
91) Other unidentified country
92) Pakistan
93) Panama
94) Paraguay
95) Peru
96) Philippines
97) Poland
98) Portugal
99) Puerto Rico
100) Qatar
101) Romania
102) Russian Federation
103) Saudi Arabia
104) Scotland
105) Serbia
106) Seychelles
107) Singapore
108) Slovakia
109) Slovenia
110) Somalia
111) South Africa
112) Spain
113) Suriname
114) Sweden
115) Switzerland
116) Taiwan
117) Thailand
118) Trinidad and Tobago
119) Turkey
120) Ukraine
121) Uzbekistan
122) United Arab Emirates
123) United States
124) Venezuela ( Democratic Republic of )
125) Vietnam
126) Wales
127) Zambia
128) Zimbabwe

John Burgstiner

Dear Mel,

Wow! Hard to believe its been 15 years since you made your promise to God to use your second chance at life to serve others who are suffering with toxic illness. After seeing the dramatic transformation we witnessed in your health, I was happy to support your efforts to help others… if for no other reason than to reinforce your own continued recovery. Little did I know the incredible impact your ministry would have in the lives of so many around the world.

I pray God’s continued blessings upon you and all whom you serve. May He be glorified in and through your efforts to see lives restored through the information, encouragement and natural healing protocols offered in this community.

Here’s to another 15 years of His protection and provision, and to the joy of serving Him together.

In His Love,



Hey Y-all

The elk are coming around and we are still getting a bit of snow every now and again. Spring is a comin and now it's time to get the jeeps out and get the motor home up and Sprung for Spring.

Dodie and I are getting along and trying to take care of ourselves.

We give our health to God and trust in him always.

God Bless you all.


Hi everybody,

Sharing makes a wonderful Community! It shows how much we love and care for each other! Just a kind word can make someone’s day.

On our Sunday calls really help us connect and have wonderful conversations, prayers and make friends with people from everywhere! We learn about the different cultures and how they differ from ours. So many can’t go to church and this helps us get through the week. No one needs to feel alone or that nobody cares or understands, we need each other, need to laugh, need to pray and share thoughts. It can really make a difference.

After a while some get tried of making a commitment but if it helps someone else, God wants us too.

Thank goodness he doesn’t get tried of us! Sometimes we can’t be on calls but we know in our hearts someone is thinking of us and praying for us! Amen

Thank you Mel, for twelve years of Sunday prayer and fellowship where we bond as a community.

Nancy S


Dear All,

Please join us for Prayer and Fellowship every Sunday. Don't be shy, everyone is absolutely welcomed in with open arms:-).

No one needs to be alone in this difficult healing journey. And it's really nice to come together in Worship and Fellowship.

We Pray and connect with God then support each other in Fellowship. It's nice that we get to know each others journeys and care about each other too.

It's lovely that there are regulars and also new people who join and people pop in and out when they are able.

The Prayer Call isn't recorded so you have the privacy to talk about what you want to and the support of other group members.

We even have a laugh sometimes. We celebrate when people are doing well and we Pray when they are needing that extra TLC.

We are here every Sunday, come join us. We will be most happy to hear you and help you in your Journey!

God Bless You,


Hello folks

As industrialized societies struggle to contain multiple epidemics of chronic disease, many medical experts and researchers are now pointing to polyphenols (and other nutrients found in whole, minimally processed plant foods) as powerful allies in preventing and treating a variety of chronic conditions.

Polyphenols are compounds that give many plant foods their vibrant colors and distinctive tastes. They not only protect plants from disease and sun damage, but when you eat those plants, you’re getting similar benefits. So what does the evidence say about how polyphenols can fight chronic disease, and what the best sources are?

Here is a link that will give you a wonderful understanding of them. The Logos Vitamin C complex is one good example of where they are made available. This product provides abundant polyphenol as part of their practioner grade ideology.



Hi everyone,

We all know how hard it is to get rid of the sore's we get from this disease.
I have had a sore on my nose that keeps appearing over and over again.
I use the hallelujah treatment, but it takes so long for it to go away, and It has
become a very deep scar. Just recently, it started up again and was covered
with the white Filament and bleeding.

I was using thehallelujah treatment and decided to addvitamin E over the sore
and Hallelujah!it cleared up faster than it has before.

So what I did was the hallelujah treatment : first the WPS, clean green,
silver but before I put the Stevia, I put vitamin E (bit the end of capsule)
then the stevia over it and it cleared up. I am hoping it works for the
borrelia bars, it seem to have soften them ! Hope this helps!

Hope you are all so blessed in his love today and We know All things work
together for good!!



Hello all,

Anyone who lives in the US has heard of our God!

We know he is always with us and God sent the Holy Spirit also That shows how much he loves us. But it is up to us to accept and believe.

The same with our protocol we know it works and we have to believe in it. Some people have had it a long time before we found someone and something to help us and I am thankful God lead me here. I am Doing so much better! Praying for it to be totally gone by the end of this year!!

But life is so much better

Thank you for the He Cured All Foundation.

I am Trying to get things in our home back to feeling normal!

Praying for all and truly enjoy our fellowship.

Thankful to Mel and everyone who contributes to the community!


Hello folks

This link provides discovery that I have longed for people to understand for over a decade now.

I have personally dedicated over 80 hours of research time on the Carnicom site investigating the science that supports this truth. We are looking at a new life form here. And this organism has monumental health implications for our species. It is indeed bacterial. It is self filamenting, a property it has confiscated from fungal life. It is highly acidic, which means it is altering internal pH. And it produces biofilms at an accelerated rate.

Blood samples are also clearly demonstrating oversized synthetic eurethrocytes.(red blood cells). The fibers then also include a casein protein and a bacteria very similar to chlamydia pneumonei. There is clearly plenty of spectogrophy and microscopy to support this. Its time for folks to wake up more fully to hidden "gain of function" efforts that gave been in play for no less than 3 decades now. To understand these organisms supports why bioterrain restructuring is the way back.



Hello all,

Thankful for what I do have and most thankful for knowing my Lord!

We all think at times we have it bad with everything we are dealing with but when we look around we can be so thankful that we have each other to encourage each other and know God is in our mist!

If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be here learning how to get better or making friends all over the world

Also. so thankful for the He cured all Foundation for helping us get what we need help right now and thankful for Mel, John, and all the companies that work with us.

It can really make you feel like there are still caring people in our world! So thankful for all of you and everything you do!

Looking forward to the call Saturday with John and all the people on our mission to get well.

See you then


Hi folks

On a call a couple of Saturday's back, Diane asked about information regarding using the prescription drug Paxlovid to treat for Covid.

Mel asked me to research this!

This drug is classified as an anti viral. For right now,
my research.inclines me to issue a special word of caution towards using this drug.

I have found that there is much to investigate here. So I will be deepening my search into several side effects that may be unfavorable. My first inclination is to suggest that it be avoided. I will update everyone when I have completed my study of existing peer reviews.

As always on our website Mel Says "FIRST DO NO HARM"

I think it is reckless and ill advised to consider it safe.

Buy for now


Saturday1/13/2024 Coffee Tea with me Call.

Hello Everyone !

Mel, Peter and Dale were the guests on today's call .

Mel and Peter discussed the importance of getting enough
Rest and trying to incorporate extra sleep into your schedule
If at all possible .. Rest helps so much in the healing process
And helped you heal faster .

Dale joined the call and talked about how busy he is all the
Time , with his children and all their activities , his commute to
Work and back everyday along with his business he works on
Weekends .. it's hard for dale to get extra sleep but he does try
Best he can .. he also encouraged everyone to follow the protocol
With All the sum of the parts .. Cleansing and healing the body
Takes time but stay diligent and you will have success ..

Peter encourages everyone to be their own Integrative health
Specialist , learning and researching how the body works and how
We can help ourselves to regain our health again .. we have to
Workout our journey to recovery.. Peter also talked how our emotions
And environment play a very important role in our getting well , and
By dealing with the things that stress us we can get better sooner
Maybe , regardless it plays a very important role in our recovery and
Staying well in the future , things learned through this are valuable to
Our future well-being..

Peter posted a link to Rhays questioner , and he encourages everyone
To take the quiz to identify where your stresses are enabling you to work
On them and eventually eliminate them from your life , in doing so
It will encourage your body and emotions to heal faster .. emotions and
Thoughts play a huge role in your health as well , we do offer overlook that
Part of our lives but we need to address these things for our benefit..
Our Environment is important as well in the healing process , as we learn
How to support the adrenals and address the components of stress . Too
Much Cortizol can cause health problems on its own , so let's not neglect
All aspects of the body on our journey to recovery.. So we must learn how
To manage stress , not easy at times , but with knowledge and understanding
We can do it..

Peter recommends Tart Cherry extract which helps you sleep and the
Importance and absolute necessity of WPS .. in your regime ..

Mel we are all praying for you to get well very soon , you have the tools , and we
Hope and pray for your speedy recovery..

Peter talked a lot about the importance of a relationship with God through Jesus
And how it is so vital in so many ways to our complete health , for our
Emotional healing, physical healing and not to forget our spiritual health as well ..
So I sincerely hope all find that wealth of goodness the Lord has for everyone who comes to
Him , he's there for you , that's his promise ... God's blessings to all and Peter left us with this
Scripture to help us on our journey to better thoughts .. :-)

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.

God Bless and Good Health to All !
Peter & Mel
Rest, Sleep and Stress and how they affect your health.
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/11/23


Hi Everybody,

The December Kleen Green contest was such a lot of fun! There were so many wonderful entries. Each one of them must have been a lovely blessing to Cathee.

I was so excited to win 1st place in the contest. The prize I received from Cathee was 1 gallon of Kleen Green! I've been enjoying this fantastic prize so much.

Some of the things I've been using the Kleen Green for:

Mixing Kleen Green and water in a spray bottle and adding a few drops of essential oils (such as Gardenia and Clove) makes the loveliest smelling room spray.

My laundry smells so fresh and "kleen", with a little Kleen Green added to my wash.

Kleen Green mixed with water in a spray bottle makes a "kleen" and fresh body spray. A few drops of essential oils can be added to this too.

Kleen Green amazes me as a cleaner! Once again, a few drops of essential oils can add to the already nice, refreshing smell of Kleen Green.

Cathee, thank you so much for your kind and caring generosity. I appreciate the opportunity to be in the contest, and the gallon of Kleen Green that I received has been such a HUGE blessing to me.

Mel, thank you so much for putting together this great contest. I know that it's very important to you that there are times of fun in the community. Also, you know that the prizes are great blessings to those who receive them.

God bless,



Hello All,

God allows us to go through things in our lives to prepare us for other situations that we will have to face! He is always right and he knows what lies ahead, we will never understand why as long as we are living on earth but one day it will not matter!

But he guides us through whatever we just have to learn to trust him about everything! Praying for all the sickness in this world and especially Robin, Ruth Ann, Chrissy and her family and Holly.

It seems like we all are having a difficult time right now! But we will get through this together we have to support each other.

Saturday’s calls helps and of course Sunday’s calls lift us up! With God on our side who can be against us. Please post it does help.

Please don’t forget the He Cured All Foundation without them a lot of us wouldn’t be alive.

Looking forward to our weekend calls!

Love and prayers for all


Hey Folks

For years there has been an ongoing debate about whether eggs are healthy or not. So, since our discussion on Saturdays call included how eggs provide lactoferrin, (a nutritive component that helps reverse iron disruption in the blood with Morgellons), I thought a post with more on eggs might serve you well. I recently came across this.

Eggs are widely used as a symbol of fertility, new life, and unlimited potential in some cultures. But while they may make eggs-cellent decorations or literary allusions. (lol)

First, a little background: In the 1970s, there was a focus on reducing dietary cholesterol. Eggs were initially considered an unfavorable food because of their high concentration of cholesterol. However, the thinking on eggs changed when it became known that dietary saturated fat had a larger impact on fasting cholesterol. Not to mention that cholesterol is a growth hormone that we need!

That said, the truth becomes...eggs contain several vitamins, are low in saturated fat and high in choline, which is essential for brain health. Add to this the lactoferrin benefit, and that they clearly provide a wonderful natural source of protein, and I'm thus persuaded they are very healthy.

Strength and Love,


Hey Folks

For years there has been an ongoing debate about whether eggs are healthy or not. So, since our discussion on Saturdays call included how eggs provide lactoferrin, (a nutritive component that helps reverse iron disruption in the blood with Morgellons), I thought a post with more on eggs might serve you well. I recently came across this.

Eggs are widely used as a symbol of fertility, new life, and unlimited potential in some cultures. But while they may make eggs-cellent decorations or literary allusions. (lol)

First, a little background: In the 1970s, there was a focus on reducing dietary cholesterol. Eggs were initially considered an unfavorable food because of their high concentration of cholesterol. However, the thinking on eggs changed when it became known that dietary saturated fat had a larger impact on fasting cholesterol. Not to mention that cholesterol is a growth hormone that we need!

That said, the truth becomes...eggs contain several vitamins, are low in saturated fat and high in choline, which is essential for brain health. Add to this the lactoferrin benefit, and that they clearly provide a wonderful natural source of protein, and I'm thus persuaded they are very healthy.

Strength and Love,


Dear Mel,

Happy new year to you!!

I am down to 2 drops of the wps, and will shortly go down to zero drops soon. I have not had any symptoms of MD in a good while, by the grace of God.

I am happy to schedule a happy dance call in February or March if you think it will bring hope to the community. Or I can write a post...I am probably unknown to most of the folks in the current community--but I want them to know that the protocol works!!!

I feel like myself again...only better. I am working full-time and have gained back all the weight I trying to diet and lose a few pounds! The nightmare of MD has changed me for good...I KNOW without any doubt whatsoever that God hears our prayers. He certainly heard mine. If I had not found you, Mel, I would not be alive today. God led me to you and the website; God saved me...and maybe God's purpose was to test my faith, or to teach me faith. I am changed for the better--that is all that I know. I have been tremendously humbled and made stronger in my faith by everything I have endured.

My girls seem to have some issues with itchy scalps. Thank God MD has not descended upon them, but I have them on the supplements to combat any lingering Lyme symptoms. Thank God, my husband remains healthy, as do my 3 pets--2 dogs and a cat.

I have everything to be grateful for--my life, my health, my sanity, my family's well-being... everything...thanks to you, the protocol, the community who supported me when I most needed it, and to the blessed folks at Logos.

I think of you often...I have been getting colds weird after so many years of not catching anything when I was sick with MD.

I never did get a high fever or have a major herx, or become violently ill...but slowly , steadily, I got better. Patience is everything in beating this disease, as you know, and trusting that the wps in indeed doing its work, even when it doesn't seem to be....

From the bottom of my heart, Mel....thank you.

I plan on contributing to the HCA foundation for as long as I live...but after Feb. or March, I end my subscription to the website.

I pray and hope that you are in continued good health. May God bless you and keep you safe and content, always.

love, Maria

PS: Thank you for being hard on me with your trusty hockey stick when I needed it!! I will never forget my first conversation with you--you certainly shook me out of my state of denial! certainly had me rattled!! And thank God you did!!!!


Hello Everyone ,
Saturday's Call Coffee Tea with Me

Another great call with Peter today , I can
Hardly keep up with the vast knowledge that
Peter gives to this community , I for one am
Grateful the the insight , guidance and the
Strong arm to lean on , I think we all benefit
From the strength and hours upon hours that
Of research that goes into the knowledge that
Is brought forth to all of us from Peter , Mel ,
John and all the rest that contribute to our
Healing journey.. A Huge Thank you to all of
You !
Robert Scott Bell extended his apologies to
All on the call today , he has been recruited to
Help a dear friend campaign for office , so thank
You to Robert .
The call today was very informative , starting
Out with a discussion about Microwaves ,
Peter discussed the Huge towers they have
Put up everywhere for the 5G networks ,
He talked about this microwaves which is causing
What they call microwave syndrome, that being
The cause of the illnesses and how it's effecting
Our immune systems . You can if interested look
Into these towers and what they do for yourself
,research it and you will be better informed .
So Peter described how this microwave frequency
Affects our bodies at a cellular level , therefore
Affecting our blood, it puts off a positive charge
Which causes the blood cells to clump together ,
So that's why there's so much sickness right now ,
And why we're seeing immune system problems ,
Along with heart attacks , strokes , and air hunger ,
Because it's all around us we should do everything
We can to limit our time on our devices , put your
Phone on airplane mode, move away from smart
Meters and so on , so I would think we need
To educate ourselves on this subject and help
Ourselves the best we can ..
There were some really good questions and
Answers today , I really appreciated the insight
Peter so I can make informed decisions and not
Be guided the wrong way , thank you !
Without questions and answers we would not have
The knowledge to make good decisions..
I would highly recommend and suggest listening
To the call in its entirety, I cannot do justice to the
Wealth of information that peter shared today , but
I for one appreciate all the help I can get ! It's
Priceless ! Peter also talked the importance of
Incorporating WPS into the protocol and how it was
Instrumental if not the element that took him to the
Finish line , so please consider adding that to your
Protocol , but be sure to talk with Mel first and let him
Guide you through it.
Next subject was Vaccines , Peter talked about how
They are using MRNA I think that's what he called it , but
Again listen to the call in case I didn't get it right , but
It is a gain of function just like it was with Covid , so our
Immune system is being overwhelmed by these mutations,
And we are not designed to handle this , therefore illness is
Rampant .
Peter said we need to evolve our immune systems and
Them smarter ..
Peter suggested these enzymes to help us ,
They are , Nattokinaise , lumbrokinaise , and bromeline ,
These enzymes will help to break down the spike
Protein from the vaccines.. I believe they do the
Same if you've had COVID. These work with magnifizyme ,
Along with Infa-stat from logos , helps to reduce
Inflammation as well . Peter recommended Tart Cherry
Extract for insomnia with melatonin for sleep..
He suggest reading the Miller Review for a more
In depth understanding..
So in short do the research necessary to inform yourself
About the vaccines that are currently coming out
And take care of yourself .. Peter talked about how plants
Can purify your air , if you can't afford a medical grade
Air purifier.. There were many things discussed today so
Be sure to listen to the call so you don't miss anything ,
We all have come to understand the importance of reducing
Your stress if not eliminating it all together.. yes that would
Be a wonderful thing , we are all working on that I'm sure , it's
Interesting though how this disease thrives on stress isn't it ..
Has anyone thought about why that would be .....
Fruit for thought...
So in conclusion, Peter talked about the importance of
Staying connected to God through prayer and the Word of
God and may I add worship as well , we can gain insight and
Understanding as we spend that vital time with him !
So we need to do everything we can to find the truth ,
And find your way to health again !
I hope everyone will find the path for them to get their
Health back and I hope it's soon !!
Thank you Mel for always bringing the best of the best to these calls.
Happy New Year to Everyone and God Bless All!!

"What You Need to Know"
with Peter Horn
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/06/24


Hello Everyone ,
Saturday's Call Coffee Tea with Me

Another great call with Peter today , I can
Hardly keep up with the vast knowledge that
Peter gives to this community , I for one am
Grateful the the insight , guidance and the
Strong arm to lean on , I think we all benefit
From the strength and hours upon hours that
Of research that goes into the knowledge that
Is brought forth to all of us from Peter , Mel ,
John and all the rest that contribute to our
Healing journey.. A Huge Thank you to all of
You !
Robert Scott Bell extended his apologies to
All on the call today , he has been recruited to
Help a dear friend campaign for office , so thank
You to Robert .
The call today was very informative , starting
Out with a discussion about Microwaves ,
Peter discussed the Huge towers they have
Put up everywhere for the 5G networks ,
He talked about this microwaves which is causing
What they call microwave syndrome, that being
The cause of the illnesses and how it's effecting
Our immune systems . You can if interested look
Into these towers and what they do for yourself
,research it and you will be better informed .
So Peter described how this microwave frequency
Affects our bodies at a cellular level , therefore
Affecting our blood, it puts off a positive charge
Which causes the blood cells to clump together ,
So that's why there's so much sickness right now ,
And why we're seeing immune system problems ,
Along with heart attacks , strokes , and air hunger ,
Because it's all around us we should do everything
We can to limit our time on our devices , put your
Phone on airplane mode, move away from smart
Meters and so on , so I would think we need
To educate ourselves on this subject and help
Ourselves the best we can ..
There were some really good questions and
Answers today , I really appreciated the insight
Peter so I can make informed decisions and not
Be guided the wrong way , thank you !
Without questions and answers we would not have
The knowledge to make good decisions..
I would highly recommend and suggest listening
To the call in its entirety, I cannot do justice to the
Wealth of information that peter shared today , but
I for one appreciate all the help I can get ! It's
Priceless ! Peter also talked the importance of
Incorporating WPS into the protocol and how it was
Instrumental if not the element that took him to the
Finish line , so please consider adding that to your
Protocol , but be sure to talk with Mel first and let him
Guide you through it.
Next subject was Vaccines , Peter talked about how
They are using MRNA I think that's what he called it , but
Again listen to the call in case I didn't get it right , but
It is a gain of function just like it was with Covid , so our
Immune system is being overwhelmed by these mutations,
And we are not designed to handle this , therefore illness is
Rampant .
Peter said we need to evolve our immune systems and
Them smarter ..
Peter suggested these enzymes to help us ,
They are , Nattokinaise , lumbrokinaise , and bromeline ,
These enzymes will help to break down the spike
Protein from the vaccines.. I believe they do the
Same if you've had COVID. These work with magnifizyme ,
Along with Infa-stat from logos , helps to reduce
Inflammation as well . Peter recommended Tart Cherry
Extract for insomnia with melatonin for sleep..
He suggest reading the Miller Review for a more
In depth understanding..
So in short do the research necessary to inform yourself
About the vaccines that are currently coming out
And take care of yourself .. Peter talked about how plants
Can purify your air , if you can't afford a medical grade
Air purifier.. There were many things discussed today so
Be sure to listen to the call so you don't miss anything ,
We all have come to understand the importance of reducing
Your stress if not eliminating it all together.. yes that would
Be a wonderful thing , we are all working on that I'm sure , it's
Interesting though how this disease thrives on stress isn't it ..
Has anyone thought about why that would be .....
Fruit for thought...
So in conclusion, Peter talked about the importance of
Staying connected to God through prayer and the Word of
God and may I add worship as well , we can gain insight and
Understanding as we spend that vital time with him !
So we need to do everything we can to find the truth ,
And find your way to health again !
I hope everyone will find the path for them to get their
Health back and I hope it's soon !!
Thank you Mel for always bringing the best of the best to these calls.
Happy New Year to Everyone and God Bless All!!

"What You Need to Know"
with Peter Horn
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/06/24


Hello Everyone ,
Saturday's Call Coffee Tea with Me

Another great call with Peter today , I can
Hardly keep up with the vast knowledge that
Peter gives to this community , I for one am
Grateful the the insight , guidance and the
Strong arm to lean on , I think we all benefit
From the strength and hours upon hours that
Of research that goes into the knowledge that
Is brought forth to all of us from Peter , Mel ,
John and all the rest that contribute to our
Healing journey.. A Huge Thank you to all of
You !
Robert Scott Bell extended his apologies to
All on the call today , he has been recruited to
Help a dear friend campaign for office , so thank
You to Robert .
The call today was very informative , starting
Out with a discussion about Microwaves ,
Peter discussed the Huge towers they have
Put up everywhere for the 5G networks ,
He talked about this microwaves which is causing
What they call microwave syndrome, that being
The cause of the illnesses and how it's effecting
Our immune systems . You can if interested look
Into these towers and what they do for yourself
,research it and you will be better informed .
So Peter described how this microwave frequency
Affects our bodies at a cellular level , therefore
Affecting our blood, it puts off a positive charge
Which causes the blood cells to clump together ,
So that's why there's so much sickness right now ,
And why we're seeing immune system problems ,
Along with heart attacks , strokes , and air hunger ,
Because it's all around us we should do everything
We can to limit our time on our devices , put your
Phone on airplane mode, move away from smart
Meters and so on , so I would think we need
To educate ourselves on this subject and help
Ourselves the best we can ..
There were some really good questions and
Answers today , I really appreciated the insight
Peter so I can make informed decisions and not
Be guided the wrong way , thank you !
Without questions and answers we would not have
The knowledge to make good decisions..
I would highly recommend and suggest listening
To the call in its entirety, I cannot do justice to the
Wealth of information that peter shared today , but
I for one appreciate all the help I can get ! It's
Priceless ! Peter also talked the importance of
Incorporating WPS into the protocol and how it was
Instrumental if not the element that took him to the
Finish line , so please consider adding that to your
Protocol , but be sure to talk with Mel first and let him
Guide you through it.
Next subject was Vaccines , Peter talked about how
They are using MRNA I think that's what he called it , but
Again listen to the call in case I didn't get it right , but
It is a gain of function just like it was with Covid , so our
Immune system is being overwhelmed by these mutations,
And we are not designed to handle this , therefore illness is
Rampant .
Peter said we need to evolve our immune systems and
Them smarter ..
Peter suggested these enzymes to help us ,
They are , Nattokinaise , lumbrokinaise , and bromeline ,
These enzymes will help to break down the spike
Protein from the vaccines.. I believe they do the
Same if you've had COVID. These work with magnifizyme ,
Along with Infa-stat from logos , helps to reduce
Inflammation as well . Peter recommended Tart Cherry
Extract for insomnia with melatonin for sleep..
He suggest reading the Miller Review for a more
In depth understanding..
So in short do the research necessary to inform yourself
About the vaccines that are currently coming out
And take care of yourself .. Peter talked about how plants
Can purify your air , if you can't afford a medical grade
Air purifier.. There were many things discussed today so
Be sure to listen to the call so you don't miss anything ,
We all have come to understand the importance of reducing
Your stress if not eliminating it all together.. yes that would
Be a wonderful thing , we are all working on that I'm sure , it's
Interesting though how this disease thrives on stress isn't it ..
Has anyone thought about why that would be .....
Fruit for thought...
So in conclusion, Peter talked about the importance of
Staying connected to God through prayer and the Word of
God and may I add worship as well , we can gain insight and
Understanding as we spend that vital time with him !
So we need to do everything we can to find the truth ,
And find your way to health again !
I hope everyone will find the path for them to get their
Health back and I hope it's soon !!
Thank you Mel for always bringing the best of the best to these calls.
Happy New Year to Everyone and God Bless All!!

"What You Need to Know"
with Peter Horn
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/06/24


About 6 months ago I suffered a huge decline in mobility. Overnight the toxic load was greater than I could eliminate. Unable to put any weight on legs I was scared yet knew I would be ok in time. At least I prayed for it to be true.

The big change started with being able to transfer. Homecare discharged me because my needs became a “skill”. I’m grateful for the “shower girl” and others who tried to help.

Well I get to enjoy showers on own…a huge win. I learned the gift of relying on God. As if I needed another lesson. ;)

Last Weds. I faced my fear and not only got up but out into car for bloodwork. My friend was so excited too we rode around for errands and lunch. I even transferred to couch for first time. It wasn’t as much about getting there as it was about getting up safely. I hope to not call fire dept. again.

Today I’m relieved and cautious when moving around. Grateful for every day and being able to spread joy. Take nothing for granted as many already know.



Hello everyone,

I decided to re post this, I believe that our continued growth has directly related to our ability to translate all over the world.

A special thanks to our webmaster John Waiveris!

Good Morning All and Welcome,

It's been about two plus years with the new translation installation and here are the interesting numbers!

For the past year we have been 62 / 38 newbies to regulars.

In these first two year we have seen a good increase in newbies 62 / 38% regulars, it seems to be working as our goal was to be to reach and help more people!!

Also very good, the fact that our pages read has increased by 30% and we had the record month in pages read this past December!!!

We will keep you all posted with updates on our new translation installation.

God bless,


Hey Tim

Hello my friend. So good to see you back in our midst. Let me see if I can help with your question.

1) My experience tells me that skin issues are a detox reaction. So I believe you must first and foremost see symptoms as healing. And remember that your skin is actually the largest organ system in the body and will act to rid cellular waste and infection through purging. This happens because bowell and bladder are overwhelmed and not able to eliminate all unwanted waste. Secondary bacterial imbalance in the microbiota (skin flora) of the skin will fuel your symptoms too.

2) If you are dairy intolerant, skin issues may result as an auto immune response.

3) Sounds like your air purifier has a hepa filter to self engage. So it appears to be medical grade, which is really necessary. But mold spores will trip it into high, so you should self test. Try Home Depot or Lowes for kits to self test mold. I found them useful to register for mold.

Hope this helps, brother!

Mel and Peter

Hello folks

Here are some useful considerations for you to contemplate as you navigate through the "sum of the parts" in 2024. They will become instructive for you to contemplate in your journey to recovery.

** Pray daily as an exercise in fulfilling mind and body healing accomplished through conviction
to faith in Christ and the living God
** Commit yourself to the therapeutic power in positive thinking.(learn about behavioral
** Accept and fully embrace the absolute requirement to introduce the nutritional component of
recovery that is provided through the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol in combination with
specific dietary guidelines
** Convict yourself to healthy routines and habits that you must incorporate for life
** Learn about your bioterrain through investigating the science of bioremediation as authored
by John and Carson B Burgstiner and the healing legacy of Logos Nutritionals
** Embrace the therapeutic alliance provided through this community and it's message

Our warmest regards

Mel and Peter

Hello folks

Here are some useful considerations for you to contemplate as you navigate through the "sum of the parts" in 2024. They will become instructive for you to contemplate in your journey to recovery.

** Pray daily as an exercise in fulfilling mind and body healing accomplished through conviction
to faith in Christ and the living God
** Commit yourself to the therapeutic power in positive thinking.(learn about behavioral
** Accept and fully embrace the absolute requirement to introduce the nutritional component of
recovery that is provided through the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol in combination with
specific dietary guidelines
** Convict yourself to healthy routines and habits that you must incorporate for life
** Learn about your bioterrain through investigating the science of bioremediation as authored
by John and Carson B Burgstiner and the healing legacy of Logos Nutritionals
** Embrace the therapeutic alliance provided through this community and it's message

Our warmest regards

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