Date Added: 6/10/2024 Date Of Original Post: 3/24/2024
Hello Everyone , Hope you are having a wonderful day in the Lord today , Yesterday was the Saturday call Coffee Tea with Me , thank You Mel for bringing us all together once again , unfortunately The Special guest that was scheduled for the call had an Emergency and was unable to be with us , we do hope everything Is OK with her and her family . So we just all talked a little bit about the progress we are making And how we're improving .. this will be a short post today , the call Was not lengthy but it was very nice hearing how everyone is doing. Laurie talked a bit about how she's doing , and did say it takes a Long time to build your immune system back up , and how important it is to be patient and embrace the long haul of it even though we want to be better so much sooner, I sure understand, I would like to be well now , but know I have to be patient with the process and be determined to stick it out no matter what ! Laura stated she has been on the protocol for five years now , and she's doing good , she mentioned she gets to get her hair done for the first time in a long time , congratulations Laura that you are doing so much better and on your way to complete recovery !
Every victory no matter how big or small is a happy moment , and we should indeed be happy about each one .. God's richest Blessings to you Laura and to your family also !
Jen talked a little also about how mach better she is as well , Jen encouraged everyone to listen to your body , and be kind to yourself through the process , and she stated through much prayer and patience she is improving , Congratulations to you as well Jen and God's richest Blessings to you and your family as well ! Peter came on and told us all that he had received his certification and he is now certified for the, Certified Response System for clinical conditions and he could now possibly bring to the forefront the Morgellons sufferers who have been told what they have isn't real , that it's all in there head. We all know it's not a d we certainly all know it's very real ! So now Peter says he can be an advocate for the people who suffer from this disease , Congratulations to you Peter for you achievement and your servant's heart , God Bless you in your endeavor to help others ! Joe gave a short update on Carrie Ann and his family , he loves where he lives now and says it is very beneficial to the whole family's well being and continued healing . Congratulations Carrie Ann, Delilah and Joe and well wishes to all of you ! Nancy spoke a bit about her progress also and how much better she is doing as well , she no longer has cancer and stated her Dr said she didn't have to come back for five years , I believe that's what she said , she also say how grateful she is to Mel the protocol , the HCAF and God for her continued recovery ! Also the fantastic progress she has made , Congratulations to you also Nancy on accomplishing so much in turning things around , may you continue to experience progress and be doing your Happy dance very soon , prayers go up for Rusty as well and I hope he is doing well and he remains well for a very long time to come ! God Bless you and your Family Nancy ! I also am doing better , I have some really good days now and I'm looking forward to full recovery as soon as it can happen , I'm determined to stay the course and stay on point until the day I to am fully recovered! Thank You Mel for helping all of us and giving your life to see everyone gets well , Thank You! I pray for your continued well being and your happiness and God's Richest Blessings for you Mel and everyone who helps with the protocol and putting it all in place ! Well wishes also to Everyone suffering from this disease and to everyone who will visit this website , I hope all get well very soon and God Bless you All !
Mel & Peter Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 03/23/24 |