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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Date Added: 9/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 8/2/2024

Hello folks

I came to discover and then value the application of proper spine alignment towards supporting optimal function of all internal organ systems several.years back. I then became fully persuaded that specific chiropractic care should be included in every individual restorative protocol.

That said, I would suggest that this educational program might be of serious value. Since it is supported by good science, R.S.B. is providing a free opportunity to grow in the wisdom that this will certainly demonstrate. Hope you can carve out the time to invest in discovery here.



Date Added: 9/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 7/2/2024

Hello folks

As we get older, our eyes can be harmed by various factors (like poor nutrition to our cells, reduced blood flow, and exposure to blue light from the sun, computers, phones, and LED lights.)
Over time, these factors then weaken and damage the cells and tissues in our eyes, causing the macula pigment to degrade and the gel-like vitreous they consist of to become more like liquid.

When the gel-like vitreous becomes more liquid, it releases small bits of debris made up of dead protein and enzymes called “Floaters.” These floaters float around inside our eyes and eventually come into contact with each other, forming larger clumps of debris. These clumps then settle somewhere in the eyes and slowly gather more debris, causing them to spread across the surface. These clumps restrict the cells’ access to oxygen and nutrients, leading to suffocation and injury. This process also increases inflammation, creating an acidic and toxic environment that results in oxidative stress. As a result, our vision gradually declines over time.

The combination of oxidative stress, poor nutrition, and cellular debris gives rise to various age-related eye conditions such as vision decline, cloudiness in the lenses, clogged drainage, dry eyes, retina detachment, and even blindness.

But the good news is that the nutrient support in this protocol will, over time, reverse this process and eliminate these floaters. And now you understand the physiology of what causes them and why they will go away.

Strength and Love,


Date Added: 9/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/16/2024

Hello folks

I want to share a nutrient that will help those of you that may be struggling with sleeping at night. Microwave syndrome is a term used to describe the many troubling effects of 5g EMF. At the top of the list is sleep disorders fueled by a change in our bodies natural zircadium rythyms due to the 5g microwaves. The Logos Sleep Advance is helping some, but others may need additional help.

Tart Cherry Extract or Tart Cherry Juice contains Trytofan, which is a powerful sleep aid. So drinking Tart Cherry Juice will help a great deal. You can also look for Tart Cherry Extract, which will also assist you to sleep.



Date Added: 9/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/13/2024


Here is the link to the American Institute of Health web site where you can take the Holmes-Rahe inventory of some 47 questions that will give you the tool for you to identify the stressors in your life. I urge everyone to "take it". It then gives you a point total that quantifies the level of stress you are under. In my humble opinion, this inventory is foundational to managing your stress. Hope it helps!

Strength and Love,


Date Added: 9/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 7/13/2024

Hello Folks


The term "terrain" was coined by French physiologist Claude Bernard in the 19th century, who used the term for the body's internal environment. Since the body comprises mostly water, the terrain of the body is in essence an aqueous medium. This includes the blood, lymph, and the fluids inside of and between the cells.


The state of the terrain is determined by four factors, namely: its alkaline/acid balance; its electromagnetic charge; its level of poisoning; and its nutritional status (including oxygenation.) The condition of the terrain is absolutely central to the balance between health and disease.

In a garden, we can easily understand the notion that unhealthy soil will yield unhealthy, disease ridden plants, while healthy soil will produce strong, healthy plants. The same concept applies when we look at the terrain of the body. If it is balanced, it will promote health. If it is unbalanced, it will lead to disease.


An unbalanced terrain disrupts the normal function of the body in this way: the immune system is less active causing enzymes, hormones, and other chemical messengers to not work properly. The elimination of toxins is less effective. Prostoglandins and other inflammatory chemicals over accumulate, and digestion and nutrient absorbtion becomes severely inadequate.
The body then struggles to maintain balance between and amongst its many mechanisms, and eventually fails when the level of disruption reaches a "tipping point".... And morgellons arrives!

This is when the variety of symptoms begin, such as skin issues, recurring infections, and neurological and muscular skeletal problems, just to name a few. Biting and stinging sensations soon follow. And this all depends upon individual susceptibility, types of toxins, nutrient deficiencies, and co infections.


Most people then turn to chemical drugs to suppress the symtoms. But these unnatural measures only serve to fuel the fire by aggravating the levels of toxicity, acidity, and the degree of disruption of normal functions. At best, they only offer temporary relief, while worsening the underlying imbalances that led to the development of symptoms in the first place!


So the largest part of any natural treatment protocol must focus upon correcting the imbalances of the terrain. Mel and others here in this community maintain that when the terrain is restored to healthy, our diseases go away.

"Your aim here is to improve the condition of your internal terrain, which is exactly what the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol and Mel's specific delivery schedule imparts. This is the proven way back from this insidious syndrome.

"Just as seeds will not germinate when thrown on asphalt, bacteria.will not take hold in a favorable terrain!" Believe it and dedicate to it!

Strength and Love


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/21/2024

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know what has finally helped me to get better after 7 years on the protocol.

First, is God is helping me to recover, I do know first hand by putting my trust in him to get well!!

Second, I am eating doughnuts, coffee & french fries and getting no reaction after taking Fitcose 1C after eating things that I have been told to not eat on this protocol. It works by taking two after eating, just don't over
eat these things and take it slow.

I can't believe I have not been taking this before on the protocol but did not know how great these help.

Hope this helps others, too.

Thank you God!


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/28/2024

Hi Mel,

I just wanted to send you an email to say hello and express how truly grateful I am for the website/online community you created. I am still feeling good and so far no symptoms have returned. Words can't describe how incredibly blessed and fortunate I feel. I can honestly say that I really have no idea where I'd be right now had I not found you/the website. Thanks for making me smile on some of my darkest days Mel. Your energy is contagious and your sass is hysterical. I must say that it feels incredible to feel healthy enough to no longer need coaching calls, but at the same time, there's a part of me that misses talking to you (although I don't miss you enough to get sick again, so just wanted to make that clear lol).

I want you to know that I plan to give back at some point in the future. I'm having some financial difficulties right now, but when I'm in a better place financially, I plan to make a donation. I wish I had the funds to do that now, because I'm eager to pay it forward after everything you/the community has done to support me. So just know that I haven't forgotten about you!

You changed my life and gave me a sense of hope when I initially had none. You taught me so much about health/wellness and what it takes to restore one's health. I will always remember your big heart, how incredibly generous you are, and your goofy personality that has the ability to make everyone laugh. You are such a special person Mel.

I hope you're doing well! I know this is a pretty lengthy email, so I hope I didn't overwhelm you. No need to respond! Just wanted you to know these things.

Kim B


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/22/2023

Refocus, Restore and Renew.

If I could offer 3 words of advice for all struggling with this disease; it would be Refocus, Restore and Renew. Begin by focusing on the benefits of this amazing protocol. Remembering, knowledge is power.

REFOCUS: We need to understand what a bio-terrain is and why we must maintain it. Before this disease, I had no idea what a bio-terrain was and never dreamed I needed to maintain a healthy one. Learn the importance of your immune system, microbiome in the gut and digestion. Research the benefits of your supplements and how each one supports your health.

RESTORE: It takes time to restore your health (bio-terrain and immune system) You must remain patient and stay true to this protocol. Each supplement we take has a specific purpose and is equally important. Think of this process as a journey to restore your health, focusing on the positive! In addition, pray to restore your faith and relationship in our Lord.

RENEW: This is the point of the journey when people do the “Happy Dance” For me, this was the point that I once again was able to hug my family and friends. I had energy and clarity and truly understood the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The renewed version of myself will always take the basic protocol. I now understand the terms; bio-terrain, inflammation, cellular level, properly nourished body, immune system, microbiome of the gut and healing.

I pray each one of you begins this journey of Refocusing, Restoring and Renewing your health and ultimately your Life. It is time for you to become a new creation in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here. 2 Corinthians 5:17

In Christ,


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/10/2023

To all the newbies,

My story is the same as most. I went to multiple doctors and got multiple diagnoses. Everything that I was given treated the symptoms, not the problem. I spent a very large amount of money and time self treating. I did get temporary relief, but the problem still persisted.

When I did find this site, I was a little reluctant to join the community. I read as much as I could get to on the site. I stopped eating sugar and dairy products. So when I did decide to join the community and get on the protocol, I was a little ahead of the game. I made significant progress in curtailing the symptoms.

In about 3 months I started to notice symptoms going away. I was getting my life back to some sense of normalcy. I have made some mistakes, I have gotten of course, and I have made some wrong decisions. This August will be two years on the protocol for me. Yes, this seems like a long time. But it took a lot longer than two years for this condition to consume my body and wreak havoc on my life. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Is it possible to get well faster ? Yes, if you are willing to do what I have listed below and stay the course. Is it going to be easy ? No, but being persistent and following the Sum of Parts will get you healed faster.

Plug into, or take advantage, of all of the available options. There is no place you can go and get the wealth of knowledge available on the website for $5.00 per month.

There is no place you can go and get to speak to others dealing with the same issues that you are like the Saturday calls. At no charge. The Sunday calls can be very uplifting as well, if you so desire.

Become active in reading and posting on the forum. Share your wins and loses along the way. Support is what the community is about.

Coaching is available and I would highly recommend it initially to make sure you get started properly and headed in the right direction. There is so much information available on the site, it can very easily be misinterpreted. Mel’s coaching will keep you moving forward and making progress.

All of the above is from my personal experience. I know it works !!



Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/25/2024

Hello folks

"Thank you Robert.

I wanted to come in behind you to remind everyone that it is critcally important to understand that iron disruption is prevalent with Morgellons disease. And so understanding the role iron plays in our red blood cells is also very important.

One thing we can do is to investigate lactoferrin and how it can be useful to help with iron deficiency. A very good food source of lactoferrin are eggs. Just wanted to share this for your individual research efforts. Hope it compliments what Robert has shared.

We love you Robert!


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/15/2024

Hello All,

Thank you Tea, I appreciate your help and suggestions, I was doing some research on long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome, apparently according to the studies these two conditions go hand in hand from having COVID in the first place, the studies and testimonies of those who have had long covid state they also had chronic fatigue syndrome as well, they shared their road to recovery and said they are doing so much better now, they talked about how COVID effects your nervous system and your serotonin d dopamine levels, in hindsight my Dr said the same thing, I just didn't remember. The problem with Drs. Is they want to give you antidepressants to help your serotonin uptake levels which I don't want.

So according to several studies I read, what they have done was add B1,B6,B12, L-Tyrosin, L-Tryptophan, Choline and niacin to their dairy regime and now they say they have almost fully recovered and are now able to do almost everything they could do before they got COVID.

I'm of course very interested in trying these things, but don't know how much of each to take, (Mel Suggests you make a post to RSB), you want to keep your serotonin and dopamine levels in the normal range ..
I know Tea has mentioned this before, I remember reading the post but I can't find it now,Tea or if anyone has the right knowledge of the proper amounts of these natural supplements is needed to take, and if it's OK to take them and any advice, and !or personal knowledge you might have on this subject!

I'm currently experiencing these conditions and really want to eliminate them and feel better if at all possible, based on these studies and videos from long COVID sufferers it not only possible but being accomplished with the aid of these supplements.

Thank you Everyone and I would so appreciate a y and all input from anyone who would like to respond.. Blessings..


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/3/2024

Hi folks

It is the junction or sum of many parts that bring remission. One if of those parts is WPS. I remain a serious advocate for low dose internal use of chlorine dioxide.(WPS). Mel and I remain fully persuaded that it was instrumental towards my recovery. Here is a link for you to investigate. It explains the science in a very comprehensive manne and demonstrates the therapeutic value it is presenting towards reversing autism and spectrum disorders. . Please take a look. It may be the missing key for you to get completely clear of symptoms.



Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/27/2023

This post was so significant that while updating the testimonials section, Mel and I decided to re-post it.

His next conference call will be 7/6/24

Silver Hydrosol for Restoration of Intestinal Health and Balance
by Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom.

A sea of potential enemies threatening our gastrointestinal microflora lives within us. We carry both beneficial and potentially pathogenic bacteria in our gut, but it is the balance of all life that determines good health or a diagnosed condition. When the “bad guys” multiply due to poor diet, antibiotics, chlorinated water, food poisoning or medical drugs, this resulting manifestation is called dysbiosis. If health is your goal, reversing this situation becomes imperative. Dysbiosis contributes to more serious conditions including Crohn’s disease, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other inflammatory immune disorders. Chronic gut inflammation can also lead to malabsorption, cellular metabolic shifts and obesity.
Although counterintuitive because of its antimicrobial properties, newer research on silver hydrosol reveals its ability to benefit gastrointestinal health. Silver can be delivered internally to the gastrointestinal tract and offer important assistance for epithelial recovery and terrain restoration. in other words, silver is essential for much more than its powerful antimicrobial activity. Its anti-inflammatory and tissue-regenerative properties are underutilized, yet may be more important, for recovery from chronic intestinal diseases.
Bacterial imbalances and Candida overgrowth in the gut (dysbiosis) most acutely affect the epithelial tissue, including the villi. The intestinal villi are tiny, finger-like projections in the wall of the small intestine and have additional extensions called microvilli that protrude from epithelial cells lining the villi. As published in Wikipedia, “They increase the absorptive surface area of the intestinal wall. It is important that the food is absorbed at a considerably fast rate so as to allow more immediate sustenance on an ongoing basis, especially for recovery from chronic illness. If the process is too slow, the concentration of the nutrients in the blood vessels and the food will be equal, thus, adequate diffusion will not occur. Digested nutrients (including sugars and amino acids) pass into the villi through diffusion. Circulating blood then carries these nutrients away.”
But with gut dysbiosis and chronic inflammation, the villi are damaged. Nutrient absorption is highly impaired. Pathogenic (bad) bacteria and fungi complicate and retard the healing process from within. Inflammatory cytokines follow. The immune messengers keep sounding alerts. The inflammation spirals out of control. Your doctor sees this and typically prescribes antibiotics or even powerful synthetic steroid hormones like prednisone. In my book Unlock the Power To Heal (co-written with Ty Bollinger) the chapter on gut health recovery is titled The Road to Colostomy Bags is Paved with Antibiotics and Prednisone. Unfortunately, for every symptom these powerful drugs may suppress, collateral injury and damage is the higher price paid by your intestinal lining. Rather than balance or symbiosis, new and dangerous levels of dysbiosis result. Many in the medical profession and millions of Americans are waking to the dangers of antibiotics and steroidal treatments. It would be wise to investigate and integrate more natural substances that work with your body, rather than against it. Wouldn’t you rather have side benefits, instead of side effects?
Complementary medical options provide hope and are supported with sound scientific reasoning



Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/27/2024

Hello! I’ve had a good week. Met a new woman more my age to clean apartment. We connected immediately sharing similar health and natural lifestyle values. And she became grandma yesterday. Lovely!

Great my mom and I cook each week. And we look forward to it. Good she gets to help and I am sharing something I love. Deal is I buy necessary groceries and provide recipes.

Best is she’s willing to try new things. Something not so easy. Noticed she also tries new things with her usual. Guess my spirit of everything is an experiment is catching.

Tried lemon bars by adding shredded coconut. Kinda thrilled with herself. Doesn’t admit it but I see her face.

I’ll work to post recipes. She jumped at the chance to make breakfast bars Tea posted. Those are really good.

I’m loving this new relationship. Granted it was a lot of work. Worth it!

Hope all is well.


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/12/2024

Hello Everyone,

If you aren't incredibly nervous or excited, there may be something more serious going on.

Check it out !!
Just click the picture


Date Added: 8/15/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/8/2024

Dear Mel,

Happy new year to you!!

I am down to 2 drops of the wps, and will shortly go down to zero drops soon. I have not had any symptoms of MD in a good while, by the grace of God.

I am happy to schedule a happy dance call in February or March if you think it will bring hope to the community. Or I can write a post...I am probably unknown to most of the folks in the current community--but I want them to know that the protocol works!!!

I feel like myself again...only better. I am working full-time and have gained back all the weight I trying to diet and lose a few pounds! The nightmare of MD has changed me for good...I KNOW without any doubt whatsoever that God hears our prayers. He certainly heard mine. If I had not found you, Mel, I would not be alive today. God led me to you and the website; God saved me...and maybe God's purpose was to test my faith, or to teach me faith. I am changed for the better--that is all that I know. I have been tremendously humbled and made stronger in my faith by everything I have endured.

My girls seem to have some issues with itchy scalps. Thank God MD has not descended upon them, but I have them on the supplements to combat any lingering Lyme symptoms. Thank God, my husband remains healthy, as do my 3 pets--2 dogs and a cat.

I have everything to be grateful for--my life, my health, my sanity, my family's well-being... everything...thanks to you, the protocol, the community who supported me when I most needed it, and to the blessed folks at Logos.

I think of you often...I have been getting colds weird after so many years of not catching anything when I was sick with MD.

I never did get a high fever or have a major herx, or become violently ill...but slowly , steadily, I got better. Patience is everything in beating this disease, as you know, and trusting that the wps in indeed doing its work, even when it doesn't seem to be....

From the bottom of my heart, Mel....thank you.

I plan on contributing to the HCA foundation for as long as I live...but after Feb. or March, I end my subscription to the website.

I pray and hope that you are in continued good health. May God bless you and keep you safe and content, always.

love, Maria

PS: Thank you for being hard on me with your trusty hockey stick when I needed it!! I will never forget my first conversation with you--you certainly shook me out of my state of denial! certainly had me rattled!! And thank God you did!!!!


Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/14/2022

Hello, my name is Terrific Teddy, aka Terrible Teddy.

My story is parallel to many others I have read.

I am not sure when I contracted this disease. I feel that it was quite some time ago, but surfaced about two years ago. I was experiencing the same crawling, itching, tingling and break outs that I have read about on this site.

I fought the battle by my self for over a year. I went to the doctor, I went to a
Dermatologist, I tried numerous home remedies, and spent A LOT of money in the process.

When I found Mel’s site I was a little apprehensive to join the community and reach out to Mel. But I had determined two things on my own. There was a cycle connected to my breakouts and I needed to heal from the inside out. I finally decided to join the community and started reading. I found that there is a wealth of very beneficial knowledge on the site. I was struggling to wrap my head around all the information.

I do work a full-time job and two part-time jobs. So, my spare time is limited.
Due to this I felt full time coaching would be the fastest way to get up to speed on what I needed to heal. When you read about something, it is very easy to misinterpret someone else’s information and maybe not do something the way it should be done. I had already read about other members that thought they were doing the right thing and then found out later that they weren’t.

I reached out to Mel in July of 2021. I purchased the consultation call package. After discussing my situation with Mel, I decided to get on the protocol and purchase unlimited coaching. Mel put me on the protocol in August. Fortunately, I had already dropped milk products and sugar from my diet.

It took about 3 months for the crawlies to start diminishing.

Then I had two severe break outs in November and December. Since then, I have not had any eruptions. Only single bumps or small patches. None that were large, except for exit points, but no open sores.

I will say that getting on WPS drops made a huge difference.
That is when the crawlies / tinkling / tingling situations really started to diminish. I was told that once your body starts to heal your environment will clear up. That has been the case for me.

The supplements / vitamins and WPS have turned out to be my primary
sources of recover. I use Kleen Green as needed on problematic areas, strictly for temporary relief.

To sum it up, especially for those of you who are new, read and understand the sum of parts. Then decide if you are willing to make a lifestyle change and commit to the necessary financial obligations required.

I am not completely healed, but I have made significant and marked progress. I am sleeping better; I have more energy and all the symptoms related to this disease are diminishing.

In closing, I want to thank Mel, all of those who contribute on a regular basis to the community and all of the professionals that have supported Mel and the community on our quest to get well.



Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/9/2024

After talking to Mel this morning on one of my three calls per week, I decided to share an update.

A couple of things I have learned on this journey of healing is that it requires patience and persistence. It took me a while,

but once I grasp the magnitude of what we are dealing with, it made it easier to come to grips with the fact that it takes

time. And that time frame varies from individual to individual based on a lot of factors.

The three things everyone must do are:

Get as much rest as possible.
Follow the recommended diet.
Follow the protocol. Including taking WPS as directed.

Another thing I realized is that we are the host for the toxins in our body. The quickest way to get well is to treat this condition

from the inside out. Meaning eat the right foods, take the recommended supplements, and take WPS. These three things allow

the body to heal. I initially did not have any issues consuming WPS. However, after a couple of stomach issues (not related to my illness)

WPS became harder to endure. I have started and stopped taking WPS several times for different reasons. Mel has assisted with this.

On New Years Eve I had a pretty significant breakout on my left rib cage. At that time I had been off WPS for a couple of days. I decided that

from that point on, I was going to start back on WPS and stay with it until I was completely healed. As of today this break out is starting to

diminish. I am completely confident that WPS sped up this process. I am at the point now where I am seeing and feeling my body getting


This is encouraging. I am going to make every effort for 2024 to be my year to heal. At times I get discouraged. When I do, I reflect on how

hard it was to get through each day in the beginning. That is not the case now. I can now function much easier with less stress.

My recommendation would be that you learn to be patient and give your body time to heal. And be persistent following the three factors

listed above.

This has been one of the hardest things for me to deal with in my lifetime. Fortunately we have Mel’s Protocol. For this I am thankful !



Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/1/2024

No, this is not Arnold....

Hey everyone!

I know I've been MIA for a while - recently got promoted and also started my MBA, so it's been taking up a ton of my time. I've been thinking about you all often and really missed being part of the community, so I've decided to come back. When going through something like this, I think it's important that you surround yourself with others who understand and can relate.

As far as my health, I'm not 100% well. There are many days where I feel hardly anything and then all of a sudden BOOM....starts up again. Last March was three years on the protocol, but I have hope that God will see me through to the end.

Looking forward to chatting with you all this Sunday!



Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/11/2024

On behalf of Mel and all community members, I would like to extend a heartfelt "welcome back" to this thread and to several people from "down under" who now fully participate here.

Anyone looking for help can send an email to Mel ( and he will respond. He also offers video calling with no cost using Zoomba or Skype. I hope this thread and the mission of this healing ministry reach many there.

"The science here is sound." "And the resulting proof of healing that are found in the numerous testimonies here cleary support this." Look for yourself. There is much offered here.

Warmest Regards!


Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 8/15/2023

Hi all,

I would like to say a special thank you to everyone that joined and provided their views on the questions that were raised from around the globe. Although I can’t join the calls from Hong Kong it was great to feel included and the responses were incredibly helpful!




Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/8/2024

Hi Teddy

I think its noteworthy that you now have identified that your stone was oxalate fueled. That is important. So here are a couple links to a site that I trust that will give you direction and further discovery on how to proceed and what to understand. These articles will give you a solid start. I chose them because they provide dietary considerations. Take s look and if you have more questions after perusing them, please feel free to let me or Mel know.



Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/13/2024

Linda, every a tiny victory is a positive step toward your recovery. Baby steps and moving forward is wonderful.

I recall during my recovery, I would refer to my bio-terrain as a bucket full of rocks and dirt. Then picture placing a garden hose in the bucket and turning on the water. It takes quite a while before the bucket is empty as the rocks and dirt flow out. Once this happens the bucket finally becomes full of clean water.

The protocol, healthy diet, plenty of rest and constant communication with this community is how I overcame this. I look forward to reading your post on the day you claim your victory over MD. Remember to have faith in our Lord and peace in knowing he is with you.

Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 5:1

In Christ,


Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/24/2024

Hello all,

Teddy so sorry about your health problems but glad you are on the road to recovery! Hope you got a lot of rest, I am the protocol will help with a lot of things going on!

I agree with you about helping the He Cured all Foundation without them a lot of people would still be suffering! May God Bless everyone who gives.

Don’t ever give up everything is going to keep getting better!!! So glad we have some guys that understand and post!

Also want to wish Happy Trails to our fearless leader! One giant step for mankind! May you settle down soon,fast and peaceful!...

Enjoyed the calls last weekend always love to learn and pray! Wish all the people in the world felt the same way.

Chrissy hope you and your wee doggie are recovering well I know it has been hard for you.

Thinking about all the people in the world that visit this site God is so amazing and wonderful, praying they all get well!

Thanks Linda for a great job keeping up with it! Looking forward to making some of T’s ice cream!

Mel have safe trip and touchdown!!!!


Date Added: 8/6/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/24/2024

Hello all,

Anyone who lives in the US has heard of our God!

We know he is always with us and God sent the Holy Spirit also That shows how much he loves us. But it is up to us to accept and believe.

The same with our protocol we know it works and we have to believe in it. Some people have had it a long time before we found someone and something to help us and I am thankful God lead me here. I am Doing so much better! Praying for it to be totally gone by the end of this year!!

But life is so much better

Thank you for the He Cured All Foundation.

I am Trying to get things in our home back to feeling normal!

Praying for all and truly enjoy our fellowship.

Thankful to Mel and everyone who contributes to the community!


Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/6/2024

I’ve experienced times of limited sight that comes as quickly as recovery. Like 6 months of optical neuritis. The recent experience of severe immobility for almost 8 months takes great courage and faith.

Happy to say I’m doing better. Prayer and trusting myself. Exercise is key for my body and mental. I’m getting outside to see my chiropractor rather than coming to my apartment.

Also I’ve spent years working on the relationship with my mom. Even moved from Boston back to Cleveland with hope something would happen. Never having expectations I had patience.

Within the last month I’m more relaxed and enjoy her gifts. Made me a quilt and wreath for door. And I love them. Not my style but I see the love and that makes me love them.

So all of this is new and I like it. Thank you for Mel and everyone in this community. Like Mel says have hope and you’ll get better. I’m grateful to say this is TRUE.



Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/24/2024

Hello all,

Anyone who lives in the US has heard of our God!

We know he is always with us and God sent the Holy Spirit also That shows how much he loves us. But it is up to us to accept and believe.

The same with our protocol we know it works and we have to believe in it. Some people have had it a long time before we found someone and something to help us and I am thankful God lead me here. I am Doing so much better! Praying for it to be totally gone by the end of this year!!

But life is so much better

Thank you for the He Cured All Foundation.

I am Trying to get things in our home back to feeling normal!

Praying for all and truly enjoy our fellowship.

Thankful to Mel and everyone who contributes to the community!


Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/7/2024

Being overwhelmingly sick, trying to constantly fight every single battle you’re up against every day, has an impact on your overall well-being. So that every day becomes a constant uphill battle with you always just trying to fight off what you’re up against.

When this happens it will cause your body to get stuck in a sympathetic stage and your nervous system continues to stay in the fight mode.

To be in a constant high alert status will make you become exhausted.

Wanting, wishing and then regretting that we aren’t well only tells your nervous system to keep constantly fighting.

So now tell yourself that you are safe here right where you are.

Being safe where you are is telling your nervous system that this only a temporary circumstance that you have accepted. This places your mind at ease versus a resignation, meaning you’re stuck here in a constant forever fight.

The good news is, changing your mindset helps in your recovery! Remember you have the availability to choose!
So don’t forget that in doing so that you are not giving up, you are just deciding to take the battle in a more relaxed state to help you overcome!

There is much medical research that has proven that it works and I have listened to other individuals with chronic Lyme and pain speak about how it helped them in their recovery.

The sympathetic system controls “fight-or-flight” responses. In other words, this system prepares the body for strenuous physical activity. The events that we would expect to occur within the body to allow this to happen do, in fact, occur. The parasympathetic system regulates “rest and digest” functions.

Hope you find this helpful!
Start strong & with the Lord!


Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/20/2024

Hello Folks

I want to post on an issue that was discussed on Mel's most recent conference call. Seth , from Natural Immunogenics, discussed how it is "vital to understand the relationship between our teeth and our overall health." He then shared how valuable having a "biological" dentist can this regard. This is something that I have also strongly advocated for for many years now.

So here is the link to the site that Seth mentioned where you can search for a possible biological dentist in your area.

A biological dentist will actually do blood work that will then be used to specifically align your treatment to ensure that nothing is used that will have a negative effect upon you. A biological dentist therefor brings a powerful therapeutic value to your individual health care that will make a significant difference to your overall health and to your individual recovery.



Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/19/2024

Hello Melvin,

I thought you might enjoy this video!

I've known you for over fifty years my friend and I find that you have truly changed, except maybe your love for trains.!!



Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/5/2024

Hi Tea

Brilliant post sister. "Thank you." I would like to add that serotonin is another hormone that works alongside dopamine in the brain. And interestingly, they are both made in the gut. Go figure!

That said, I like to charaterze that they work together like this. Dopamine fuels feelings of joy and happiness. But serotonin fuels feelings of initiative or "being engaged." So interestingly enough, a person can actually be happy but still "immobile" or keep themselves alone with a serotonin deficiency. Or a person can be active and busy, yet "depressed" with a dopamine efficiency.

I think it is therefor very helpful to understand this relationship between these two hormones so we can better navigate through the emotional side of recovery. They certainly must each be in balance and working together for us to be emotionally healthy and well rounded!

"Strength and love"


Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 10/29/2023

Dear All,

This website is a tremendous source of knowledge at your fingertips.

I think it's the best website hands down for toxic disease on the world wide web:-).

So many websites are full of extreme horror stories, doom, gloom and misinformation. They scare the living daylights out of people! As If this illness wasn't hard enough to go through in the first place.

It's great that it's all documented here. Previous warriors journeys like Monica's, Teresa's, Peter's and Justin's are all here. It's fantastic they took the time to share their healing journeys with us. And just look at the multitude of posts on the forum both present and past! It's so important to learn how to heal every day..and you have it all here at your disposal.

Make use of this knowledge and experience! In this way, other peoples journeys can help you too in your healing journey.

And please throw away the microscope! It's an instrument of torture to you when you have this disease. We are none of us Nobel prize winning scientists... we will not discover exactly what this is. We will not persuade the blinkered medical profession or many loved ones or friends either.

What we can do is shift the focus away from exactly what this is, to what we can do to heal our weakened immunity. That's it ...that should be your main purpose. And be gentle on yourself too, give yourself Love as you go through this difficult journey.

It's not your fault your immunity became compromised and you got this. So give yourself a hug, breathe and know bit by bit , you can get through it!!

With the Grace of God, the help of Mel and the community and the will get there.

Take care,


Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/24/2024

Hello Everyone ,

Hope you are having a wonderful day in the Lord today ,
Yesterday was the Saturday call Coffee Tea with Me , thank
You Mel for bringing us all together once again , unfortunately
The Special guest that was scheduled for the call had an
Emergency and was unable to be with us , we do hope everything
Is OK with her and her family .

So we just all talked a little bit about the progress we are making
And how we're improving .. this will be a short post today , the call
Was not lengthy but it was very nice hearing how everyone is doing.

Laurie talked a bit about how she's doing , and did say it takes a
Long time to build your immune system back up , and how important it is to be patient and embrace the long haul of it even though we want to be better so much sooner, I sure understand, I would like to be well now , but know I have to be patient with the process and be determined to stick it out no matter what ! Laura stated she has been on the protocol for five years now , and she's doing good , she mentioned she gets to get her hair done for the first time in a long time , congratulations Laura that you are doing so much better and on your way to complete recovery !

Every victory no matter how big or small is a happy moment , and we should indeed be happy about each one ..

God's richest Blessings to you Laura and to your family also !

Jen talked a little also about how mach better she is as well , Jen encouraged everyone to listen to your body , and be kind to yourself through the process , and she stated through much prayer and patience she is improving , Congratulations to you as well Jen and God's richest Blessings to you and your family as well !

Peter came on and told us all that he had received his certification and he is now certified for the, Certified Response System for clinical conditions and he could now possibly bring to the forefront the Morgellons sufferers who have been told what they have isn't real , that it's all in there head. We all know it's not a d we certainly all know it's very real !

So now Peter says he can be an advocate for the people who suffer from this disease , Congratulations to you Peter for you achievement and your servant's heart , God Bless you in your endeavor to help others !

Joe gave a short update on Carrie Ann and his family , he loves where he lives now and says it is very beneficial to the whole family's well being and continued healing .
Congratulations Carrie Ann, Delilah and Joe and well wishes to all of you !

Nancy spoke a bit about her progress also and how much better she is doing as well , she no longer has cancer and stated her Dr said she didn't have to come back for five years , I believe that's what she said , she also say how grateful she is to Mel the protocol , the HCAF and God for her continued recovery ! Also the fantastic progress she has made , Congratulations to you also Nancy on accomplishing so much in turning things around , may you continue to experience progress and be doing your Happy dance very soon , prayers go up for Rusty as well and I hope he is doing well and he remains well for a very long time to come ! God Bless you and your Family Nancy !

I also am doing better , I have some really good days now and I'm looking forward to full recovery as soon as it can happen , I'm determined to stay the course and stay on point until the day I to am fully recovered!

Thank You Mel for helping all of us and giving your life to see everyone gets well , Thank You! I pray for your continued well being and your happiness and God's Richest Blessings for you Mel and everyone who helps with the protocol and putting it all in place !

Well wishes also to Everyone suffering from this disease and to everyone who will visit this website , I hope all get well very soon and God Bless you All !

Mel & Peter
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 03/23/24


Date Added: 6/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/29/2023

This connection to trains is absolutely "right on!" I love the profound meaning the words provide when describing a train enthusiast. Thank you for sharing this with the community, Peter. It truly gives us insight on certain connections and the needed "peace" people find throughout this life.

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." (Psalm 29:11)

In Christ,


Date Added: 4/10/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/22/2023

Refocus, Restore and Renew.

If I could offer 3 words of advice for all struggling with this disease; it would be Refocus, Restore and Renew. Begin by focusing on the benefits of this amazing protocol. Remembering, knowledge is power.

REFOCUS: We need to understand what a bio-terrain is and why we must maintain it. Before this disease, I had no idea what a bio-terrain was and never dreamed I needed to maintain a healthy one. Learn the importance of your immune system, microbiome in the gut and digestion. Research the benefits of your supplements and how each one supports your health.

RESTORE: It takes time to restore your health (bio-terrain and immune system) You must remain patient and stay true to this protocol. Each supplement we take has a specific purpose and is equally important. Think of this process as a journey to restore your health, focusing on the positive! In addition, pray to restore your faith and relationship in our Lord.

RENEW: This is the point of the journey when people do the “Happy Dance” For me, this was the point that I once again was able to hug my family and friends. I had energy and clarity and truly understood the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The renewed version of myself will always take the basic protocol. I now understand the terms; bio-terrain, inflammation, cellular level, properly nourished body, immune system, microbiome of the gut and healing.

I pray each one of you begins this journey of Refocusing, Restoring and Renewing your health and ultimately your Life. It is time for you to become a new creation in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here. 2 Corinthians 5:17

In Christ,

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