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Conference Call Archives

Listen and learn about Morgellons and about how and why this protocol works. Conference calls take place as often as we can bring you new and or encouraging updates.

Mel Friedman is the host. For each call, he invites at least one guest panelist to share with us information that will help you in your journey back to abundant health. Callers have the opportunity to share their progress and ask questions of Mel or any of his guests.

These calls are a rich source of information and encouragement. Please join us if you can; if not, you can always listen to them here below the picture!


Conference Call Archives

Coffee, Tea with Me Couples Conference Call

Last weeks 11-12-16 Coffee, Tea with Me, the first ever Couples Conference Call was an overwhelming success.
Personal insight and information was shared from four couples at different stages of health restoration, from early on, to somewhere down the road, to the 90 percent club and finally the declaration that we are cured. We cannot properly express our gratitude to the four couples for their positive attitudes and the personal stories they shared with all. The information put forth in this call will be beneficial for all those those who are with us now as well as for those who come here in the future.

Coffee, Tea with Me 11-12-16

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April Conference Call - New Protocol Changes: Pulsing MMS Twice Daily

This call is loaded with helpful information about how our protocol has evolved, and particularly in regard to the use of MMS as we are now recommending a smaller dose taken twice daily. This discussion will give you tremendous insight into how and why the protocol works to restore integrity to the bioterrain.

Download: IA9688_04032016163156309_1087842.mp3

October Conference Call - "Immune Pulse - The Final Key?"

Great call with John Burgstiner discussing in detail the unique philosophy behind and nutrients included in Logos Nutritionals' new immune support formula, Immune Pulse. Fascinating insights from John that reveal the depth of effort and research that goes into each Logos product. Well worth investing your time here folks!

Download: IA9688_10112015163101270_1099084.mp3

June Conference Call - "Why Read Here?"

Oh boy, it seems like we say this a lot, but this may just be the best conference call yet!

Packed with great information, this call features five guests who discuss the impact of the educational components of this website on their recoveries. Thanks again to all who participated. I know this call will be a blessing for many.

Download: Why_Read_Here_FC_-_7615_3.03_PM.mp3

May Conference Call - "Vitamin D - Queen of Hormones"

Wonderful presentation on Vitamin D given by Mary, author of the post "The importance of sunshine, sleep and vitamin D". Mary shared compelling information about the role of Vitamin D as a hormone that affects every organ system and sleep's vital role in a multitude of physiological functions, especially the immune system which is what we here are most interested in.

John Burgstiner also shed light on the critical importance of Vitamin D and gave an update on the latest developments from Logos Nutritionals.

This is one of the most important calls we have made and is definitely one you don't want to miss!

Download: Mel_Conf_Call_Final_Edit_5.02.15_-_51615_2.55_PM.mp3

March Conference Call - "Sum of the Parts"

Great call with Mel discussing some of the key concepts to understand in order to find success with this protocol. This was the most informative call in under one hour ever.

Download: IA9688_03012015163127958_1081425.mp3

January Conference Call - Amber's Success Story/Q&A and "Ask Mel"

The first Conference Call of 2015 may just be the best ever! Many thanks to Amber for sharing the inspiring story of her family's health transformation. A great Q&A session followed with both Amber and Mel. You don't want to miss this one!

Download: IA9688_01112015163319222_1072852.mp3


Great call co-hosted by our own Peter H. featuring interviews with Bill M. and Ellen, all of whom share insights into their own victories over Morgellons and what they have learned through their journeys.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Download: IA9688_12142014163211936_1050397.mp3

November Conference Call - "Why Sovereign Silver?"

Wonderful discussion on the incredible healing properties of silver and the unique advantages of Sovereign Silver in particular. Many thanks to our guest Robert Scott Bell, a dynamic force for the causes of health freedom and natural healing.

For those of you who are new, the second part of the call focused on How to Use This Website Most Effectively.

You definitely don't want to miss this one!

Download: IA9688_11022014163130238_1098639.mp3

September Conference Call - Ellen of Troy

Great call with Ellen discussing her success with the procotol. Twiggy also shares about new soap. John B discusses thyroid issues.

Download: IA9688_09282014163005575_1061937.mp3

May Conference Call - Ask The Coaches

Excellent and uplifting discussion. One of the best calls we have had yet! John also shared information about the upcoming launch of the final product in his Burgstiner Wellness Protocol.

Download: mn2124_05182014163208388_1066860.mp3

August Conference Call - Symptom Free!

August Conference Call - Symptom Free!
Very informative interview with Kathy, a registered nurse and one of our original warriors who once suffered from MRSA, Lyme and Morgellons. She has now been free of all symptoms for nearly four years!

Kathy is a brilliant lady and a dedicated professional. Of all the wisdom she shared, two things stood out to me:

1. Having the diagnosis of Lyme made it easier for her to seek and receive medical supervision while she was on the full protocol.

2. When asked how one should deal with coinfections like Lyme or MRSA, she said the beauty of the protocol is that you can't address one without automatically addressing the others.

Its all about restoring the bioterrain folks! Listen in - you'll be glad that you did.

Download: conferencecall8.26.13.mp3

May Conference Call - Children and Morgellons

Very uplifting and informative call for those who are dealing with the challenges of Morgellons with their children.

Rose - who was a guest speaker on an earlier conference call - returned to share an update on her progress and a heartfelt thanks for the support network she has found here. Thank you Rose for your faithful prayers and encouragement.

We heard from some amazing Moms from around the globe who shared their strategies for helping their kids overcome Morgellons. Many thanks to Theresa, Debra and Linda for your courage, determination and your willingness to share your stories with us.

Download: mn2124_05192013173028368_1077730.mp3

February Conference Call

Excellent call featuring new warriors Tawney "Food For Thought" and Justin "Newbie Here" as well as seasoned warrior Peter "How Lucky Can You Get". Facilitated by John Burgstiner, this discussion is loaded with helpful information.

Download: mn2124_02172013173048512_1061690.mp3

September Conference Call - Improving Your Diet

This month's call focuses on diet and includes some special recipes from some of our brave warriors who are experiencing positive changes in their health. The recipes are included in the Articles & Dietary Suggestions section of our website.

Click on the link and enjoy while you learn.

Download: melconferenceedit2.mp3

July Conference Call

John Burgstiner joined us to talk about the new products that Logos Nutritionals has made available that appear to be accelerating the healing process and making the herxheimer experiences of sufferers less severe.

We talked about the difference between purging and herxing... great discussion!

Theresa and Monica talked about the commitment necessary to break free of Morgellons, including making dietary choices that don't sabotage your efforts.

Diet will be our primary topic next month, so tune in and check it out!

Download: melconfcall7.08.12.mp3

New Wave of Warriors

Join us as Monica (Living With This) and Theresa (Experiencing Less Itching) share what they have learned on their journey to restored health. These brave ladies are part of the "new wave of warriors" that have agreed to share their experiences with all of us via weekly updates on our forum.

Thanks again ladies for the great information!

Download: Monica and Theresa 4.29.12 mn2124_04292012173253491_1071057.mp3

Ashley's Story

After the May 22nd Conference Call had officially signed off, Ashley came forward to share her inspiring story, and she graciously agreed to have it recorded to benefit all of you.

Download: ashleysstory.mp3

May 22 Conference Call

PS shared with us about his experience at the Morgellons Conference in Austin Texas last month.

Download: conferencecall5_22edit.mp3

December Conference Call 12/5/2010

The last Thursday of November fell on Thanksgiving Day, so we decided to reschedule and try something different this time. We chose a Sunday, hoping many who were unable to attend due to work could listen live. As a bonus many of you have free weekends minutes on your cell phones. It proved to be a good decision, as many of you turned out for a great time of sharing valuable information.

The theme was"Avoiding the Pitfalls of Diagnosis"

On this call, Kathy and Michelle, two recovering Morgellons sufferers, one who also happens to be in the medical field, shared encouraging news of their progress with us as PS moderated an informative session.

Click Here to listen (It may take a little while to download).

May 20, 2010 - Guest Panel - Rose and Pat (aka PS)

Due to the largest attendance ever, this call ran over three hours, but it is packed with great information. Many thanks to all who participated!

  • Rose told her story on her battle with Morgellons since 2001, how she came to find our website a year ago, how she read most of our information in the forum, her first experiences with our teleconference calls, why she decided to try our protocol, the length of time she has been on the protocol, and how she is doing now.
  • Pat is a prolific Morgellons researcher and a plethora of information. He shared with us his insights on Morgellons and how he believes our protocol provides optimal support for those who are challenged with it. He helped eradicate many of the fears associated with MMS.
  • Mr. Common Sense provided immensely valuable insights as well as an unsolicited and heartfelt endorsement of our protocol.

  • May 20, 2010

August 26, 2010 - Guest Panel - John Burgstiner and Pat (aka PS)

This call will bring you up to date with the most concise summary of the features and benefits of Mel's protocol yet recorded. You can get a wealth of information in under 50 minutes.

  • Mel shares about the second anniversary of his protocol as well as the completion of the first year on the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol.  His health continues to improve as he prepares for a total hip replacement. His concluding statement where he says "If I can do this, you can do it" should bring hope to all.
  • John explains the historical evolution of Mel's protocol and how the Logos products restore the bioterrain and immune system integrity.
  • Pat discusses his journey with Morgellons and his continued improvement.  He also discusses a gentler approach to using MMS for those who have multiple health issues aside from Morgellons.

August 26, 2010 melconferencecall3.mp3

March 26, 2010 - Guest Panel - Pamela Crane and John Burgstiner

This call ran for over an hour and a half. It is packed with great information. Many thanks to our guest panelists and listeners alike!
  • Mel reviews the historical evolution of his protocol as his health has continually improved and discusses how to get the most out of this website.
  • John discusses the importance of restoring the bioterrain and natural immunity and explains in depth each of the Logos products that serve as the nutritional support backbone of our protocol.
  • Pam discusses the importance of lab testing to determine the proper antibiotic, antiparasitic, and antifungal treatments needed for your individual body needs, as well as any additional supplements needed to help restore the body's natural balance.

March 26, 2010