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August Conference Call - Symptom Free!

August Conference Call - Symptom Free!
Very informative interview with Kathy, a registered nurse and one of our original warriors who once suffered from MRSA, Lyme and Morgellons. She has now been free of all symptoms for nearly four years!

Kathy is a brilliant lady and a dedicated professional. Of all the wisdom she shared, two things stood out to me:

1. Having the diagnosis of Lyme made it easier for her to seek and receive medical supervision while she was on the full protocol.

2. When asked how one should deal with coinfections like Lyme or MRSA, she said the beauty of the protocol is that you can't address one without automatically addressing the others.

Its all about restoring the bioterrain folks! Listen in - you'll be glad that you did.

Download: conferencecall8.26.13.mp3