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Allergic to Bactrim

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Original 12/28/2011 Post

6:58:57 AM

I am going to start the protocol Jan 1. However, I am allergic to sulfa-based meds including batrim and cipro - what are some other alternatives that might be helpful?
Responses (Newest First)

10:54:52 AM

Hello Zenmorgie,


Thank you for your excellent question. The issue of access to meds - whether from physician ignorance/neglect or allergy issues like yours - is a difficult one.

John Burgstiner of Logos Nutritionals has worked tirelessly (thank you again John) to make available some viable alternatives for those facing access challenges. Check out his recent post 'Overcoming the Access Issue'.

Welcome again Zen. Please keep us posted on your progress.

God Bless, Never give up Hope!
