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Original 8/17/2015 Post

John W.
4:10:39 PM

Hi Mel,

I thought you would find this cool. The current "Alexa Rank" for is 2.2 million out of 30 million they index. That means it's in the top 7.33% of the sites they track and probably pretty good in the 967 million websites in the world.

John W (invisiblegold.Com)

Responses (Newest First)

John B
11:00:06 PM

Well said Pete. It is said that the truth will set you free. In this case, one has to wonder.

Like Mel, I am proud of how far Nicole has come, but it is a fair question to ask "what exactly are we advocating for?". We all agree that Lyme and Morgellons are real and that no one in the world should continue to live under the delusion that they are not. No one should have to suffer from the horrific symptoms of this nightmare, much less the rejection and isolation that so often comes along with it.

The problem is educating the masses while overcoming the ignorance and arrogance of the medical establishment and the greed of the powers that be. As Peter stated, that is a tough challenge.

Should we advocate anyway? Absolutely, because too many Lyme and Morgellons patients are suffering needlessly, being categorically mistreated and misunderstood by their doctors and their families.

Which brings us back to Mel; as always, laser focused on the truth. Regardless of what it is or where it came from, who is to blame, etc., the pathway back to vital health and productivity is found in the restoration of the bioterrain.

That is the silver lining that allows Peter to say "In the end it doesn't matter" because he knows the way out of this present darkness.

Prayers and best wishes to all.

John B

6:34:03 PM

Hello Folks

I am compelled to remind people that the real reason we see so many people succeed here is because Mel has focused his attention and his message on healing. His tireless work in creating and pouring himself completely into this web site has never waivered, and certainly never will. However, his focus has never included trying to effect social change. He is driven only by his commitment to relieve suffering, to provide hope to the desperate, and to celebrate their return to health.

Sure, I agree that many more people that get well here should bring forth an honest testimony. However, in my humble opinion, this is not a venue for placing blame or advocating for change within the CDC. For many reasons, I have serious reservations about encouraging the use of social media to attempt to further the cause of Lyme or Morgellons. Those of you that know me realize that I have never changed my views in this regard.

The challenge for Mel is to reach and minister to the afflicted while looking out for their best interests and maintaining the integrity of the information being offered here. The misinformation rampant within other social media platforms only serves to confuse and distract sufferers, which leads to wasted time, energy and resources.

The small percentage of modern medicine that actually recognizes that Lyme and Morgellons exist can't agree on what they are and how to treat them. Meanwhile, Mel has slowly and purposefully established a simple model that changes lives and restores productivity.

Given the times we are living in and the enormous profit invested in our continued ignorance, I'm just not very optimistic about any legitimate breakthrough treatment options coming forth through a grass roots campaign to legitimize our disease. Talk about a nightmare: God forbid they develop a vaccine for this!

I don't have the time or energy to pursue the notion that we can make any significant difference in societal norms about our disease, or what is right and what is wrong, or who did what. When all is said and done, it does not matter!

Instead, let us acknowledge that each and every one of us that benefits here is obligated to commit to putting forth a greater effort to participate in the process. Help grow Mel’s “focus that is founded on healing.” Get busy with that. Choose to make an honest and measurable difference by participating. You owe Mel, and yourself, nothing less!



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