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A Positive Note

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Original 10/7/2013 Post

12:13:29 PM

Good evening fellow Warriors!

First off I want to add that I got back on my supplements and i'm feeling very good. I have not even even started the mms and I am noticing great changes in my health in general. This disease really took a toll on me so far from mental to physical health and for the past half year since i been taking the protocol supplements alone.

I used to have serious eye issues. Now this problem can do a serious toll on your mental health. If i could go back and comfort myself that I would be recieving the comfort i had been praying for, I would be in a lot better state before.

This thing at first is scary because we don't understand it. Initially, anything as unidentified and strange as this disease, the fear alone will put you in a bad state of health. Never feel alone with this because you're not. You will be suprised at the warmth of the hearts the sufferers of this disease have, and once we are on top of things we go back to enjoying life.

Never obsess and spent endless hours looking into different sites about morgellon's. Half of them are just trying to scare you. Your ultimate friend with this in the long run is your own head. Stay disciplined, do not obsess and don't let this disease get in the way of your normal thought process.

I remember how scared I was starting the protocol and being left on my own after talking to Pete or Mel everyday literally on the phone when my condition was a lot more severe. They can give you the motivation, courage and the tools to fight this, but nothing can really improve yourself as a human being better than this disease.

This disease helped me appreciate alot of things in life. It really improved me as a person. I am more mentally developed I believe, once i learned to motivate myself and get past the fear and turn to God.

While I was in the states a week ago I also got the chance to speak to Peter. I was literally in tears just thinking of what I was going through physically and mentally last time we spoke. He noticed I was doing alot better at talking and I was literally a different man from the past year.

I am not going to lie and say i am not even half way to being fully recovered. I have quite the way to go. But when you are on the path that's what truely matters. This disease will really build you as a person and I always look at it as a positive thing and brought me closer to God.

Now that is my positive message for the week to those scared and recently stricken. I pray for you to find courage and find your path to recovery like i did.

Responses (Newest First)

7:24:18 AM

Thank you so much Peter.

I always feel like I never have done good enough, How can you give me the credit , you did so much for me.
Now is time to show you my appreciation. I know you and Mel have been amazing to me! the light you two shine honestly is beyond my words.
If you call it kissing your ass or whatever they call it these days, Because I sure will take the ass kisser label rather than sitting there like a yuppie and denying the challenge that was set for me, like I did in the beginning. LoL without you two.

One day when I am fully recovered or when we are done this in this life time I will make Sure I will show god who you two are and god will show you my appreciation! Anyone who wonders why I am so thankful to Peter and Mel all the time. I want you to be clear, these two people saved my life, this disease isn't a joke. I'll never forget the day Peter called me and saved me!
I love you like I told you on the phone brother, I hope you know that I will always try to strive to have the love for mankind and god as you two do, I look up to you both...

Anyone reading this who may be afflicted, please open up to these people here. I have not met them all yet, but are are all blessed. I shine all the light my soul upon this community.
Fight the feeling of feeling bad for yourself,listen to those who speak, read as much as you can.
We are all going to beat this disease no matter what!

1:29:47 PM

Hello Mike.

God bless you, brother, for this uplifting, heartfelt post. We all appreciate your honesty in sharing your positive results. Thank you! It has been an honor for Mel and I to be of service to you in providing help towards your recovery. I can clearly see from your writing here that your mental functioning is much improved! Your post here can only provide others with the knowledge that this protocol heals this disease.

Godspeed my friend!

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