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A Special Announcement

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Original 2/7/2015 Post

1:19:40 AM

Hello Everybody

I want to share with every one that I have begun serious pursuit of becoming a licensed natureopath in the hope that I might better serve this community.

Although I have never told him, Mel birthed this goal in me two years ago through his encouragement in my dietary study. He also has invited me to serve as his head chef at the clinic that he envisions for the future. What an honor, no?

So, with Mel's blessing, approval, and guidance, my future posts might include a body of work designed to create an alternative healing reference.

I pray for your acceptance!


Responses (Newest First)

7:54:14 AM

Congratulations Peter,

I believe that is a noble decision on your part and I know you will be an amazing practitioner!

I only wish I lived closer to you so I could be one of your first patients :)

Wishing you a successful future

6:54:36 AM


I couldn't be happier for you. You've always been no knowledgable and helpful to us here. I can't wait until you get started with your schooling and will be praying for you every step of the way.


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