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Avoid Tap Water!

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11:59:03 AM

My symptoms completely cleared after I stopped drinking tap water and things made from it (fountain soda, coffee, soup, most pasta). Instead, try bottled water from a non-local supplier -- one where they don't use chloramine to treat the water.

I live in the bay area, California, near Palo Alto. My symptoms began in 2008 with the worst flu-like symptoms I've ever had, followed by persistent itchiness, rash, and irritation on my upper body that lasted for years. Dermatologists (several) called it contact dermatitis and prescribed topical steroids. No help.

Finally, it was coffee that gave it away. About 30 minutes after a cup, I'd feel short of breath. After this, my eyelids would get worse and rashes on my arms would worsen. I thought it was the coffee or chocolate (it's got to be a mocha for me), but no, it's just the water. The same things happens with a cup of our plain old tap water. I now brew my own coffee with bottled water, and have no issues. I also cook with it, and have been symptom free for 2.5 years, other than a few times eating out when my eyes have gotten itchy a short time after. That's now manageable with antihistamines, over-the-counter allergy medicines.

Good luck. I hope this helps.

12:30:03 AM

Hello GG

Bravo on your post title. In my opinion, along with "avoid all sugar" and "avoid all GMO's," you've hit on the most important three words there are to people afflicted with Morgellons. Thank you. my research investigating municipal public water analysis, I counted 28 nominal particulate class 1 toxic substances. You cannot even pronounce most of them, but these include lead, mercury, styrene, benzene, toluene, and chlordane, just to name a few!

If that isn't enough to get your attention, how about asbestos and bacterial cysts, not to mention chlorine and fluoride. What is in our tap water from day to day is really just a "crap shoot."

I am sure, like me, you are now really looking forward to John's "environmentals" section. I know we will be paying attention to what it will teach us, no? Hope to hear more from you in the future, GG.


8:21:50 PM

What about distilled water? The brand I'm currently using is Crystal Lake distributed by Rite Aid. On the container it says "Steam Distilled". Is this ok? Or should I buy water at whole foods market? I don't know much about water treatment processes but I've always been cautious of tap water and even water fountains & bottled water.

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