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breast feeding

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Original 10/8/2015 Post

12:47:49 AM

I am new to the forum and I have a question, I hope someone with a little experience can help me. I contracted MD about 2 or 3 weeks before my baby was born. long story short it took me a while to figure out what exactly it was that I and my children had. sadly by the time I realized what it was my whole family had it including my now 3 month old baby. I bought the protocol but haven't started it yet because I am not sure if any of it would be to my baby's detriment? is there any part of the protocol I should stay away from because I am nursing my baby?
Responses (Newest First)

2:43:09 PM

Hello again, Joy.

Glad you some info from your doctor. That's a tough decision to make. Of course breast is best almost all of the time. Maybe you could continue with the breastfeeding as long as possible and if you feel you need to switch for your health you could. If you get worse then it would probably be a better option. Consider only using organic formula though as the stuff that's in conventional is pretty bad.

Please keep us posted and don't hesitate to ask for help. Hang in there! You are doing the right thing.

Many blessings,

11:19:10 PM

Hi Joy,

My father (an OBGYN and nutritional medicine pioneer) always favored breastfeeding when possible, and it certainly makes sense to me. Glad to see you are working with your doctor to maximize the health of both you and your little one!



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