Original 11/15/2014 Post | |
Caroline 11/15/2014 3:57:04 PM | Good Day my fellow warriors of light. Do you all remember the Simpsons? If so, you might remember that whenever Marge (the mother) would get really stressed, she would rub her temples and repeat, "Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean." This always made me laugh really hard and recently it came up because I found myself get really stressed out. It didnt matter the life topic, I chose to get anxious about it. And then I remembered what Mel had said about stress and how this thing really likes a stressful environment. So I prayed. And then I gave myself one hour of unleashed screaming in my pillows, crying, stomping around, pounding on my drum, praying loudly....a real big pity party. After about 20 minutes of this madness, I burst into huge belly laughter. Thank you Mel, Marge and mostly the Lord for his long arms that inevitably reach down every time I call to Him. My personal experience: Managing stress = quicker healing/less symptoms Ok, so Im now on my 5th month of the protocol. I literally run to take the logos supplements. Its so interesting that given all my experience with herbs and plant medicine, these are the first ones that I literally crave. I do not have the same love relationship with MMS. I have had some difficulty integrating it into my routine, so in essence I had to start again at a very low dose. A reminder that our bodies are all different. My energy has greatly improved and the itching at night is getting so so much better, though still there. And oh man, there is so much purging going on..mostly black specks, changing lesions and increased scalp activity. Im taking this as a positive sign my immune system is kicking in. Thank you Peter and Twiggy. Im doing really well with the diet piece, only I really really miss dairy. Just sayin'... Also, if you must know, cleaning has never been my greatest skill, but this protocol has helped me prioritize and organize my life and surroundings. I have not chosen the throw away my things. Still have my rugs (vaccuum frequently) and most clothes are in a separate room in bags until I can wear them again. I have a beloved dog who I also treat with herbs. He shows no symptoms. Lastly, I want to give a big thank you to Mel for his leadership, kindness, and steadfast support of all of us. I know you don't have to do all that you do, Mel. I am truly grateful. Blessings and Thanks to all of you who continue to post your progress. We WILL beat this thing, even when setbacks happen. With Love, Caroline |
Responses (Newest First) | |
Deborah W. 11/20/2014 3:29:34 PM | I used to live in Key West FL. in the 70-80's for about 7 years. I really miss it. I think about it at times and have alot of good memories there. I lived on Elizabeth St., just around the corner of the Hemmingway house. The conch house I lived in has been torn down and a strip mall is now there. |
Mel 11/19/2014 8:06:14 AM edit upload | Hello Everyone, Welcome as always. Calm Blue Sea is where I grew up in the late forties, early fifties... yes I am that old! Some of you weren't even born yet or for that matter, were not even a twinkle in your parent's eyes! Boy was it calm back then; World War II was over and our country was rebuilding itself. Where I was living was the naval base in Key West Florida. Back then there were only three or four thousand people, compared to today's three hundred thousand and more. Boy was it calm, the ocean was the prettiest blue I have ever seen. I remember my first hurricane, not so calm. Our roof blew off and we lost our dog who crawled under the stove as we all headed to our storm shelter. I remember being bumped by a great white shark but not bitten, and since then (I was six or seven), I have never eaten fish. He didn't eat me, I never eat fish!!! I remember swimming in the officer pool with the Hemingway sisters. We were all so young, boy was it calm. Mostly I remember laughing a lot, which is so important for our souls. Those who can laugh during their experiences in dealing with any disease have a better chance of healing then those who do not. The thought I wish to leave you all with is this; those who laugh while fighting adversity truly have a better chance not only to recover, but to become a better human being. God bless you all, Never ever give up HOPE! Mel |
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