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Original 2/2/2013 Post

10:48:03 AM

Welcome everyone.

Four years ago, this website was founded on the basis that people could recover from the disease now known as Morgellons. It was born to provide hope, knowledge and inspiration to others who, like me, would have to go down this path.

It was born with the hope of being able to help even one other person restore their health. It was born with the understanding that it might take up to two years before we began to see results.

On the morning of the fourth year, more than a hundred of you have fully recovered, and more of you than ever are getting well at the same time. This could never have happened without the support of those of you who have shared your time, talents and resources both here and through the He Cures All Foundation.

So many times I have quoted the ancient Hebrew prophet Hosea, "My people suffer for lack of knowledge". Although he was referring more specifically to knowledge of God and walking in harmony with Him, this truth certainly applies here where fear and desperation are being replaced with love, knowledge and purpose.

This forum was created to provide a place to build community and exchange knowledge. Now it has evolved into a place where one can find virtually all the answers one will need to deal with our disease.

What a humbling thought for all of us, that our trials and tribulations are being used for a greater purpose; that we are leaving a legacy of love, giving Hope to all who are led to this place - even when we are no longer here.

The history of this website begins on page 19. Those of you who have been willing to go back there and read forward are amongst those who seem to be getting well at the highest percentage of those who come here.

So much information provided today by the new wave of warriors is actually mined from the forum's archives. So as I have asked every few months for the past four years, please read all you can. Yes it is time consuming, but I assure you it makes the journey easier.

The biggest question you all want to know is "When is the next conference call?"

On Sunday, Feb 17th we will be holding our first conference call of the new year - an open forum inviting four of our new wave of warriors to field questions. Full details coming early next week.

Be brave, be diligent, be regimented, and you too will become one of the new wave of warriors.

God Bless; Never, Never give up Hope!


Responses (Newest First)

Nancy G
8:57:52 PM

Mel, All I can say is thank you thank you thank you over and over and over

5:52:45 PM

Congratulations on the 4th anniversary of your Grand Endeavor, Mel!!

Keep up the great work.

Men's Breakfast is this Saturday at 7AM if you wish to go with me, let me know...


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