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Conference Call Coming!

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11:29:48 AM

Hello Everyone,

Welcome as always. I'm happy to announce our next conference call on Sunday, May 3rd. Our featured guest will be Mary, author of the post "The importance of sunshine, sleep and vitamin D". She will be interviewed by the ever informative John Burgstiner, who will also update us with the latest developments from Logos Nutritionals.

The call is Sunday, May 3rd at 7:30 PM EST (6:30 PM CST, 5:30 PM MST and 4:30 PM PST). Dial 1-712-432-3011 and input the conference code 664059.

We look forward to seeing you all there. As always, if you are unable to attend you will find it posted in our conference call archive a few days later.

God bless, Never Ever give up HOPE!


4:47:32 PM

Hi Mary

I would also like to thank you for the information you provided during the conference call.

Mel regularly reminds us of the importance of rest and sunshine towards getting well. You connected the role that vitamin D plays in this. In doing so, others will now be better able to realize how to pay attention to learning more about certain things that significantly improve their chances for recovery!

Thanks to you too, Mel, for facilitating these calls each month. They continue to bring forth great information as well as keeping everyone connected.

And special thanks to you, John, for the generous gift of your time that reassures us all so much!


9:16:41 PM

I want to say thank you again to Mel for asking me to present on a conference call. I never would have volunteered! :) I hope that I made sense and that it was helpful to hear about some doctors' who specialize in understanding Vitamin (hormone) D's and sleep's vital role in a multitude of physiological functions, especially the immune system which is what we here are most interested in. And, how even D at the right levels improves our sleep, the deep sleep that we need to heal from M.
One thought that I don't think I completed because I think Mel might have thought I was going someplace far out with, was the geo-engineering. The reason I brought it up, is that I think that all the stuff they are spraying in our atmosphere to help with global warming as they claim, may actually be stopping the UVB from getting through to us in adequate quantities and that may be another reason for the widespread D deficiency. The thicker the atmosphere and ozone, the less UVB can get through to our skin, just like cloud cover, latitude, and winter season due to tilt of the earth away from the sun, causes. So, get your D and sleep everyone!
Warmest Regards and Blessings, mary

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