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Original 12/2/2014 Post

6:01:14 PM

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Please mark your calendar for Sunday, December 14th as the date that Mel will host our last conference call of 2014, (A CHRISTMAS WISH FOR ALL). You will not want to miss this informative call.

I am both honored and thrilled because Mel has asked me to co-host the call. Mel says I will be the next one to be symptom free.

We will have three featured guests, each of which have become well. Bill, the only person to relocate without having a relapse will be here. Amber, whose whole family has gotten well, including her children and her mother will be with us. And last but certainly not least, Ellen, who restored her health in only 13 months, will again join us.

The call is Sunday, December 14th at 7:30 PM EST (6:30 PM CST, 5:30 PM MST and 4:30 PM PST). Dial 1-712-432-3011 and input the conference code 664059.

No worries if you miss the call as it will be added to our conference call archives as always.

See you on Sunday night… skip the popcorn but bring your questions!



Responses (Newest First)

5:13:58 PM

Hello Everybody

I just wanted to share what an honor and a wonderful experience it was to co-host this conference call. There were many good questions from several participants that brought forth an abundance of useful information about recovery.

I also want to extend a special thank you to Ellen and Bill for the gift of their time and experience. They shared special insights that can only come from healing.

I would urge everyone that was not able to attend to listen when you can. It was another great forum in what became another great call!


1:00:09 PM

For those of you who missed it, the December Conference Call is now posted in the Conference Call Archives. I hope it is a blessing and encouragement to you.

Thanks again to Peter and our wonderful guests!

God bless you all; Never give up Hope!


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