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CONFERENCE CALL: SUNDAY, APRIL 29th at 8:30 PM EST - "New Wave of Warriors"

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Original 4/21/2012 Post

5:37:12 PM

Welcome Everyone.

It has been almost a year since our last teleconference call. So much has happened in that time frame... both in my personal health and with the growing wave of people from around the globe whose health is being restored.

With the absence of pain, a brand new hip, and continued success with therapy, I have begun to enjoy some of the best days of my life since I was run over by a car in 1979. Now that I am back up to speed and better than ever, we expect to do more conference calls and more outreach.

Please join us on the last Sunday evening of each month as we take a closer look at different aspects of Morgellons, examine the latest additions and alternatives to the protocol, and meet new people who are overcoming this challenge one day at a time.

I have always said that one must be brave and diligent to overcome this disease successfully. There is a new wave of warriors who have fully embraced and committed themselves to the protocol - with outstanding results. On this month's teleconference call, you will get to meet two of them who have agreed to share their journey with all of us through weekly posts to document their progress.

Monica (Living With This For a Few Months) and Teresa S. (Experiencing Less Itching) have each been on the protocol for less than seven months and have experienced amazing transformations in their quality of life. These ladies will tell their stories in their own words and will be available to answer any questions you may have.

John Burgstiner will join us to talk about the new products that Logos has made available that appear to be accelerating the healing process and making the herxheimer experiences of sufferers less severe.

I hope you will all be able to attend. Once again, the call is Sunday, April 29 at 8:30 EST (7:30 CST, 6:30 MST and 5:30 PST). Dial 1-218-862-1300 and input the conference code 664059.

I look forward to seeing you there!

God Bless; Never, Never give up Hope!


Responses (Newest First)

12:08:42 PM


This sounds like it could be very informative and beneficial
for so many of us!

I certainly will be there. I Thank you folks in advance.

warm regards,

11:10:03 AM

Hello Wendy,

Welcome, It's easy, on Sunday@ 8:30 pm EDT. the conference call begins, so a few minutes earlier
you Dail 1-218-862-1300,a voice will ask you to enter your conference code; then put in 664059.
In a minute or two The conference call will begin!

NO worries talk with you there!

God bless,NEVER,NEVER give up HOPE!

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