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Eye problems

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Original 2/27/2014 Post

10:40:10 AM

Hi all,
I'm having a flare up of eye problems, very watery, cornea kind of smaller than usual, very irritated by the outside cold/wind, losing some eyelashes : ( sometimes there is random strong burning/watering for about a minute (about once a day this happens), a little redness overall but not like pink eye.
When I wake up there is gunk in the cornea areas, light yellowish and some black (gross I know, sorry).
Now, I had a lot of this before when my M/Candida symptoms were far worse... and I did recently have a relapse from emotional and physical stress. So I am following each element of the protocol so very faithfully in an effort to get back on track...
But please let me know if you’ve found remedies that helped you with eye problems.
I tried drops of the molecula silver but that didn't seem to help.
I am going to my doctor Monday, in case it does require specific antibiotics, but he doesn’t have much in depth knowledge of my ongoing conditions. I will also have him evaluate my levels of vitamins and everything in case anything is amiss.
Hope you're all having a good morning and I appreciate your insight as always <3

Responses (Newest First)

9:37:28 PM

Hello Jul

I just wanted to commend you guys for the manner in which you have shared useful information here. This demonstrates, in real time, the vision that Mel has for this forum and this community! As both someone who cares about us and who serves as our web administrator, his desire is for us all to participate. May God bless you for contributing.

Strength and Love

3:32:30 PM

Thank you both… I agree, I actually ended up doing a lot of tea tree oil based treatments around my eyes, which helped them a little though my eyelashes are still coming out more than usual. Unfortunately when working on my eyes I simply chased it so now I am having scalp problems : ( Teresa I agree with what you’ve said here- it is a full systemic thing that needs treated accordingly the thing is, that I cannot figure out why I am having such a resurgence of this right now… Is it lyme/bartonella, is there mold, hormonal fluctuation I do not knowwww, but I am digging as deep as I can with testing and what not to find some answers. Thank you kindly for helping me cope in the meantime : )

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