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Original 9/19/2014 Post

6:05:05 PM

Hi my name is shawn from the u.k.
I have what i believe this disease for several years, until it really showed its card in April 2013, later subsided then reared its ugly head in August, 3 months went by, doctors, sent away, reading websites etc and really panicking, eventually being referred from my local doctor to a doctors at Royal Barts hospital in London, he stated he knew of Morgellons but knew very little. ~So i decided and was lead by our good Lord to this site at the end of November. I ordered the full protocol for 3 months as i live in the u.k.
I am not going to say it has been easy as it has fought with me, i HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT GIVE INTO THIS, I HAVE HOPE!!
MEL has so very kindly supported me with weekly telephone calls when things have gone into reverse, ( thats how i saw it) and several others Twiggy, Justin, Eleanor to name but a few. I have read and read this site, always looking at the forum topics.
Basically what i am saying, those who are in the position that i was in, please as Mel says "never give up hope" there is light at the end of tunnel, i am just going into month 11 soon, i have stuck to my diet, the protocol, i exercise as i work in construction and try and go to the gym, my energy is abundant, i feel way better, i am winning, i do get tired now and again, then just try and rest even if it is a cat nap.
I know i have a way to go, but i know i am seeing the light, i talk and prey to our good lord, Please believe that god will guide you if you wish to get to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Apart from the protocol, diet etc i must emphasise i use a sprayer just like the hairdressers use and put Kleen Green 7 parts water to 1 part Kleen Green, luke warm, all over my body 2 x per day, morning and night. i have found this helps tremendously.
We will win the battle and join Mel, Peter and so many more warriors to the end of the tunnel and into the light, We are all here for each other
God Bless to you all

Responses (Newest First)

6:48:12 PM

Hello Shawn

Thanks for this wonderful post and CONGRATULATION!

Warm regards,