Ruth 11/1/2016 6:43:11 PM | Thank you to everyone who was part of the prayer meeting on Sunday. Thank you John for leading the meeting with such a pastoral heart, for your gentleness and grace. Everyone's prayers were such a help and encouragement to me on a day when I was struggling emotionally. How you prayed and what you said spoke directly to me. Even though I did not take much part in the meeting I truly felt a part of it and at one spiritually with you all and am so grateful to you all. |
mel 9/18/2016 2:48:34 PM | Hello Everyone and Welcome, Thanks Peter! I added this quote from the bible for it reminded me of the way Morgellons and chronic lyme suffers have been treated. "He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem. Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted." (Isaiah 53:3) This is and was the farthest from the truth as this was the son of God. We are the children of God, led here for restoration of the Body, Mind and Soul. Prayer has always been the primary way of communication to our Heavenly Father and scriptures tells us that when 2 or more are gathered he is present. Corporate prayer is a great way to come together and petition the Lord on our behalf. Join us in our weekly prayer call. Sunday evening at; 6:30pm EST, 5:30 CST, 4:30 MST, and 3:30 PST just dial 1-712-432-3011 and enter the code 664059 Our focus will be on healing, restoration and salvation. The call is only 20 minutes but is a great way to release stress, anxiety, fears and most importantly praise God. The prayer call will be lead by our prayer warriors Daisy, John, Peter, Rose and myself. Prayer changes everything, so join us in this time of worship. God bless you all, Never vever give up HOPE, Mel |
Peter 7/25/2016 2:27:38 AM | Dear Mel The pouring out of prayer here each week does not change God, it changes us. It opens doors to let God in and let out self, to let in faith and let out fear. It helps us to find our way through this in that it stimulates us to think and to thank, and then works in the mind as a healing force. Prayer here aligns us with our highest purposes, aims and ideals, and dedicates our thoughts, feelings, and action towards goodness. Here we treat spirit. Your contributions through this weekly prayer devotional have become a window through which the light of God shines. I just want to say "Thank you!" Blessings, Peter |
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