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Forum Pages - Name of Thread needed

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Original 9/9/2014 Post

11:04:24 AM

Hi Mel,

I think that the thread pages need the name of the thread when you open them. Sometimes, I am reading a thread and I get distracted and I go back to the main forum page and then forget which thread I was on.

Can you somehow put the name of the thread somewhere on the thread page? Or am I missing it somehow?

Thanks so much!! And thanks, Mel, for everything you do here, John, too, and Peter.

Responses (Newest First)

9:49:19 PM

Hi mel
I saw that in the address bar the other day, but i cant see it when im on my cell phone.

6:05:20 PM

Hey, hey

Thanks, Mel! What a great tip to make the discovery process easier. "This helps more than a little...this is huge!!"

Love you, brother.

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