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Friends i would love your advice please

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Original 3/13/2014 Post

6:55:36 PM

Hi to each and everyone,

Firstly i would like to send my deepest sympathy to Peter for the loss of his mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

I have been on the Protocol since 1st December 2013- nearly 4 months. i have am awful trouble with a massive rash, burning, itching on my neckline, so much so when i wear a round neck it just stays above the clothing, now i have worn v neck and yes the rash has followed down to the v neck.
it is driving me crazy, i put cream on and get small black specs coming out of the rash, but it is relentless burning and itching, it has been warmish sunshine for early spring 15c -59f as i work outside, i got bitten on my arm outside last week, it took a few days for the bite to go down, just a mark now, please please what advice would you give for a treatment to give relief for this rash.
I thank you for taking the time in reading my post.

Kindest regards


Responses (Newest First)

6:21:33 PM

Hi Twiggy,

Thank you for your support, as i write this the red bumps on my skin , exactly where i wear my v neck t shirts during the day, are itching so much it is driving me mad!! tried everything , just need to go to bed and try to fall asleep,
I have been following all your threads , your an amazing person who is determined to eradicate this illness,
I must go now and will continue this thread tomorrow .

Thank you, deepest appreciation of your advice.

9:46:07 PM

Hi there,

I have found apple cider vinegar baths to help a lot with those burning rashes. You can search apple cider vinegar baths for more information but basically you just soak in a tub of water with a cup or two of apple cider vinegar added to the water (I use more but have a garden tub).

You can get a big jug of apple cider vinegar at WalMart or some other stores but be careful to look at the ingredients. Some stores are selling something that says "apple cider vinegar flavored" on the front of the container and is not apple cider vinegar at all. Make sure the ingredients has only apple cider vinegar listed.

(Off of the subject and not for you to bathe in but good for anyone to know is that scented bleach, the last time I checked, doesn't disinfect but only cleans. If you buy bleach you might want to stay away from any bleach with the word "scent" on the container and instead look for one that says it disinfects.)

Back on the subject, I have also had good success with Activz silver gel applied to those burning rashes. Just put a little over the rash, no need to rub hard. You can do this a few times a day.

Two places Activz silver gel can be found are and

I hope this is helpful.

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