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9:18:41 AM

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I have a special favor to ask of you all, especially this latest group of NEW FOLKS.

First let me say that every day, that's seven days a week, I get up between 4 am and 5 am, and after almost two years it now feels normal. I get up and make my coffee (yes I drink coffee again, but in moderation). I turn on my computer, check my email, plan in my mind who needs a call and place their name in my Today Folder. Then I start calling to Europe (which is already in its early afternoon), come to our East coast and work my way across our country by time zones.

When 1 pm my time rolls around, I am usually tired and attempt to take a two or three hour nap. That is an 8 hour work day. After my nap, I cook dinner, spend some time with friends, or watch a movie just trying to relax.

On the weekends I try to talk with those whom contact was not made during the week. On the weekend evenings, just briefly, after my nap, if I took one, I then try and contact those from down under and Asia. Friday and Saturday evenings in the USA are Saturday and Sunday morning in that part of the world.

So I am asking those who are new, when I make my first call to you with detailed messages, please listen to the message. I always explain that I will attempt to call that weekend or request that you send me a day and time within my work parameters (6 am and 1 pm Pacific) and I will call you back then!

Please do not call my house, as I will get back to you ASAP.

I must attempt to try and maintain a semblance of life to maintain my own health. I truly appreciate your consideration and cooperation in this matter.

May God bless each and everyone of you with restored health as He has me!

Never ever give up HOPE!
