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Auntie M
9:35:28 PM

After using Janice's creme for less than 2 weeks, lesions on my face, hands and genitals have disappeared and other ones and inflamed areas are calming way down. The red that completely covered my face is gone. The skin texture has changed from before the infection, but is also getting better.

I started taking powdered sulphur by mouth today to see how my body responds. I also put some in my bath (1/2 teaspoon). It did not dissolve in the bath water (water also had vinegar and salt in it), so I crumbled it myself on my washrag and wiped that against my skin.

My acupuncturist emailed me about a tincture for psoriasis that has vinegar, sulphur and Chinese herbs in it. I am going to use it topically, as my legs and buttocks are getting new red areas. The psoriasis is not exfoliating like it usually does and I believe this may be due to the daily vinegar and MMS baths. As I mentioned before, psoriasis is a fungus, and the general consensus is that M is fungally-based (I believe what is all over my face and neck is fungally based), so it's worth a try as a topical application.