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Happy New Year 2016

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2:20:38 PM

Hello Folks

I want to wish everyone in this community a "Happy New Year," together with the hope that 2016 will bring forth healing and renewal.

As you move forward in the coming year, remember that in every waiting and disappointment, you will find God's appointment, and, that the dark place is necessary for stepping into the fullness of your's where character is developed.

Make this your motto for 2016...."Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out!"


John B
12:14:08 PM

Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year! May 2016 be a year of breakthrough and abundant blessings to and through each of you.

Love Always,


11:46:56 AM

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I Would like to extend best wishes to all of you.

We will endeavor to help of those who have come to the web site in the hope of restoring their health, as we have now for many years.

I salute those of you who have had their health restored,
for as we well know it was not easy!

I know that most will be moving forward and what you have learned to overcome Morgellons should serve you well in the future.

Please remember to come back and visit and help pay it forward!

You new folks who have joined us, now have many new ways to be in contact with me.

We shall now have Coffee,Tea with Me on the conference call line Fridays as well as Saturday Mornings. (6 am Pacific to 8:30 am Pacific)

The number for these morning calls, the Sunday prayer meeting call, and of course Conference Calls is 712-432-3011, Access code is 664059.

The Sunday prayer meeting continues to grow weekly, as you know we have prayer and then give the opportunity for anyone to asked questions of all who attend!

Every Sunday 3:30 pm Pacific. Please join us in this very special time.

For those who wish to Skype, Send me your Skype address and WE shall arrange a call!

God bless you all with Health, Never ever give up HOPE!
