Original 12/14/2013 Post | |
Mel 12/14/2013 2:51:21 PM | Welcome everyone. It is with great joy and humble thanksgiving that we announce the activation of the HE CURES ALL FOUNDATION website, HECURESALL.ORG. I would like to give thanks to John Waiveris, webmaster extraordinaire, and to the other members of our team, without whose passion and dedication this would not have been possible. Since I know that they would prefer that all honor and glory be given to the LORD, I will simply join them in thanking HIM. As I celebrate my birthday tomorrow, I can't think of a better present to receive than this website going live, which will greatly expand the number of lives we can all impact together for the better. Thank you all for your prayers and your support. Always remember, HOPE is only the beginning. God Bless; Never, Never give up Hope! Mel ************************************************************************* The following press release will be submitted to the wire services on Monday: Press Release for the He Cures All Foundation: He Cures All Foundation Announces Launch of New Website Reno nonprofit celebrates the launching of its website which “Brings Hope to Life” for those who are caught up in emerging toxicity diseases such as Morgellons, chronic Candidiasis, and Lyme related diseases. According to Mel Friedman, founder of the He Cures All Foundation and himself a former sufferer of Morgellons, MRSA and Candidiasis, “The focus of our foundation is not to prove that these often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed diseases exist, but to reach out to those who are caught up in their grip and give them hope, inspiration and assistance to recapture their lives.” Mr. Friedman and the He Cures All Foundation have an impressive five year track record of doing just that, having witnessed the dramatic transformation of hundreds of lives, many of which have been documented on his Morgellons community support website. “The foundation is an answer to prayer for the hopeless”, adds Friedman, “and this new website is a light in the darkness. In launching the site, we are reaching out to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see – in hopes that the Body of Christ will respond to help us help those who are suffering in needless isolation and despair.” The need is urgent and growing. There are thousands of sufferers out there who, like Monique, deserve a second chance: “I am so blessed that the He Cures All Foundation exists. Without them, I would not be here today recovering my health and neither would my daughter. I thank the foundation and those working behind the scenes and/or donating with every fiber of my being. If you think of where we would be without Mel, this website, the forum and fellow warriors, the protocol, the recipes, the phone calls, all of us are VERY blessed.” |
Responses (Newest First) | |
mel 1/10/2014 11:57:59 AM | Hello Nancy and welcome back! It warms my heart to see that the new He Cures All site inspired you to make this post. I too am in awe of what God has done and is doing there. So glad to see you are settled in and back home where you can enjoy being with your boys again. You have overcome so much in the past year. In addition to the various health conditions and coinfections, you have dealt with the stress of two moves across the country. We celebrate your return and look forward to seeing your continued growth as you apply what you have learned this year - in what will hopefully be a year with much less stress to contend with. You are blessed Nancy to have a compassionate and knowledgeable LLMD who can "fine tune" your protocol to target specific coinfections more quickly - something we look forward to doing in the Holistic clinic we dream of opening one day. But for now, we rejoice in the knowledge that slow and steady eventually wins the race. Thanks again Nancy for the update. Please keep us posted on your progress. God Bless; Never give up Hope! Mel |
Nancy G 1/9/2014 10:16:27 PM | Mel, Since my move back home, the holidays and rejoining time with my sons, celebrating my birthday, and getting settled into my new place with virtually nothing, I am now settled in comfortably. So I have taken time to look at the He Cures All Website and read every article and page and look at every photo. It is beautiful just as people are saying here. The work for Christ is what amazes me the most. The hands and feet of our Lord being done on earth. And I fully agree with the end times plague theme. The descriptions of the suffering in ways we never thought we would have to in America or anywhere for that matter, yet we found ourselves in unthinkable hell on earth. And here you were, the people here, the protocol, the support, the cheer- leading, the conquest of good vs. evil. I cry as I write this, not just for the healing that has taken place, but for the Goodness that has taken place. The bigger picture and Glory to God for restoring faith in humanity and giving us a reason to never let Him out of our midst. I want to say thank you again, for ALL you have done and continue to do. Although, I am fighting some Lyme co infections that are requiring more than what this protocol can sustain me with,due to my LLMD co infection of Bartonella, I am indebted to this protocol and the Foundation for getting me this far and for keeping in the back of my mind the Never Give Up Hope Slogan that got me through the darkest of hours and for keeping this monster of a n illness at bay to the point where my body did not succumb to it and I was still able to function, although in a limited way, but still function daily. Because I need more help from a LLMD, I was not sure how to proceed, but it took some time for me to get settled and think before I sat down to write my thoughts about this beautiful new website. I don't know what else I have to add right now for my Bartonella infection that I believe is interfering into my complete healing and keeping my lesions active have entered me into a new realm of this illness I believe. SO I have had to take some time to think everything over and consult with my LLMD. But now,being more aware of the bigger picture and still fighting the "what ifs" battle, I am renewed yet, again and inspired by coming here per usual. Thank you dear friends Mel, John B. my mentors along the way and the webmasters behind the scenes. Mel, I will be in touch via email to you. KK as they say on texts LOL and Peace, Nancy G |
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