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Herbs, plants, spices and natural treatments for Lyme co infections

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Original 1/24/2014 Post

Nancy G
12:10:35 AM

I have been researching Lyme and co infections (goes much of the time hand in hand with Morgellons) and wanted to report my findings. Most of this may not be a surprise to those who have been here for a while, but for the new people it may help. Peter has always maintained and strongly advocated for using spices in food prep and teas with herbs etc.
As I dug in deeper to the research I found Pau D'arco which is in Candida Rid has amazing properties beyond what we typically see here. We know it fights Candida and fungus, but it has been proven to enhance immune function, it helps detoxification, cleans the blood, aids digestion, fights off numerous viral infections and has even shown effectiveness in cancer and the biggy is it's good for the SKIN!
When we take these herbs, spices and plant based things together, they create synergy in fighting off pathogens. They gang up on the junk in our bodies making them more powerful weapons.
Using spices like garlic, cucurmin (tumeric),etc. and as we all know squeezing lemons and limes into water are all serving an important purpose. Eating and cooking with coconut oil we mostly all know but you can also use on skin, hair and oil pull in the mouth to eradicate (over time) spirochetes in the mouth. Google Oil pulling.
Cinnamon with a tiny bit of organic honey together ( synergy) does some real amazing things to aid the body.
Serrapeptase we know is a biofilm buster, but it is being used in the Lyme community along with treatment with amazing results bringing people into remission when combined with their regimen due to it's ability to break down the protective colonies of bacterial biofilms.
Oregeno, cat's claw- all effective in helping Lyme patients and is in the Logos protocol for Morgellons. Cat's claw can do a zillion good things in fighting off pathogens.
Foods that are red orange, yellow help depression!
Pumpkin seeds ( again mentioned before by Peter) fight parasites. If you add Cloves with Candida rid you have all 3 well published ingredients for fighting parasites. I usually eat a little something when taking the products, so I just sprinkle a little fresh clove powder in some tea or mix it with a bit of honey to get the cloves with the Candida Rid.
Walnuts, olive oil, lemons, avacados, garlic, green tea all cleanse the liver! Avacado helps procude glutathione which is huge for Morgellons and/or Lyme patients. I am calling us patients aren't I? LOL This means we have medicine that's effective. YAY Okay that's enough for now. But you get the idea. Eat, sleep, heal, Eat, sleep, heal..... I find whatever we can throw at this beast the better!

Responses (Newest First)

Nancy G
4:45:51 PM

Linda, I am glad my post helped you! Thanks Peter- we certainly have to be our own doctors with this!

7:16:53 PM

Hello Nancy and Linda

Just wanted to say that this will be a really meaningful post for many! You know what Herodotus, the father of medicine said...."If you are not acting as your own doctor, you are a fool!"


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