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How To Contact He Cures All Foundation

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Original 2/4/2013 Post

3:09:21 PM

I'm new to this site. I just started the protocol 3 days ago. I have Morgellons as well as both of my little girls ages 7 and 9. I cannot afford the protocol for all three of us. I can barely pay for one package a month. I'm desperate to help my children.I'm so depressed and scared. Pleases any advice on what to do. Also how to contact the He Cures All Foundation for help with the protocol.
Responses (Newest First)

Nancy G
9:50:55 PM

Peter your post about the foundation and the investment in us and how it shows God does not abandon us and the lessons of humility, etc... are so profound and it deeply moved me ... thank you for these words... I too God willing would love to give back some day and this makes me want to fight all the harder- the more people who beat this disease the more God's Light Love and Healing Shine in the darkness of MD.

3:26:41 PM

Thank you Peter for responding. I've read many of your posts and you are an inspiration to me. I honestly think this has happened to me to teach me to be a better person. To purge me of all my regrets and resentments. To forgive. To live life for others and not myself. To teach my children the true value of life and I pray I am able to do just that. I know this is much more than just a physical illness and a physical journey. And yes, to stay in constant communication with God. God bless you Peter

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