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I am needing some advice

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Original 12/16/2014 Post

Lisa S
12:19:35 PM

I am needing some advise, I have not been officially diagnosed from an MD, though I am quite certain that I have Morgellon's disease and have been living with it for over a year now.
I do not have a regular family practice MD, in fact I have not seen a doctor in about 10 years. Currently have UCare/Health Partners health insurance through my county Human Services.
How do I bring this whole thing up without being labeled delusional. I have heard to not even say the word Morgellons but to ask for Lyme disease blood tests. Antibiotics? Have heard long term Antibiotic therapy (6-12 mo.) as well as anti-fungal type meds are also necessary.
I have not worked since this hell took over my life. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse and have real concerns about returning to work. My situation is desperate, with no income I have pretty much lost everything. I just want to feel normal again!! Any advise?

Responses (Newest First)

8:20:34 PM


John would know best, but I took 1 Olive leaf extract and 2 MSM 10:30 AM and at Bedtime with MMS.

The protocol has expanded since then and I would check the protocol page and print it out as I did back then!


Deborah B.
3:34:46 PM

Hi Lisa,

I know it feels like it right now, but you have not lost everything! In fact, by stumbling on this website you have just found a very great deal of value to your recovery. . . and in my opinion the only real solution to Morgellons that exists today. You also clearly have intelligence, and it sounds like you are pretty motivated. Now that you are here you also have the chance to receive the support and encouragement of some of the most amazing people you'll ever have the privilege of knowing.

I have been battling Morgellons for 2 1/2 years with great success and am approaching complete recovery even though I had Lyme disease for over 25 years prior. I had also developed autoimmune disease as a result of long-term chronic Lyme. This has complicated my recovery and made it a longer battle than it is for most. Over two years may sound like a long time, but for the complications I have faced I consider it a miraculous and lightening-fast recovery. If I can get well then anyone can.

I was on long-term antibiotic therapy for 6 years before opting for a more natural approach. Many of the components I used at that time are included in Mel's protocol and did help a great deal. But when I added in the full protocol as detailed here on our website, I truly began to get well for the first time. This approach has done more to get me over Lyme and it's co-infections than all the antibiotics combined.

Many of us have had to find creative and sacrificial ways to fund this therapy, but it can be done if you are determined. In your position I would not focus so much on traditional approaches or testing for Lyme, but instead I would begin working out ways to start on the protocol as soon as possible. Down the line you can look at further testing to fine-tune your approach if it becomes necessary. The majority of people who go on our protocol get completely well without having to attain an official diagnosis or do any testing.

One thing I can say for sure, if you commit to this journey and stay connected here, you will not have to travel the road alone. Support, information and encouragement will surround you.

I wish you the very best and my prayers go with you. Feel free to ask Mel for my contact information if you would like to talk.

God Bless and care for you,

Deborah B.

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