Original 1/10/2013 Post | |
Judi 1/10/2013 9:26:48 PM | Hello All- Thanks to all who have taken the time to write their story! I am brand new to this and so fearful. I am working on a hugh assignment from Mel and it appears as if I have a hugh amount to learn as well as who's products to take, which ones I need to start with. money is a financial concern for me. I have faith that God brought me through prayer to this web site. I don't think things could get any worse for me so I only have to look up. Thanks so much for all your inspiration. Judi |
Responses (Newest First) | |
Peter 1/14/2013 3:29:47 PM | Welcome Judi As you can plainly see, you will have the love, prayers, and support of many here who are well on their way back to health. I can reassure you that if you show dicipline and commit to this protocol, you WILL GET WELL! Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to our disease. The means to get well involves a slow and steady approach that over 18 months brings you to a restoration of your bioterrain and a return to superior immunity. You will face many challenges on many levels, but we here have found that the journey back to health provides countless hidden blessings and benfits. I wish you well as you begin that journey and I will hold you in my prayers for steadfastness along the way! STRENGTH and LOVE' Peter |
Nancy G 1/12/2013 1:45:36 PM | Judi, you are not alone-we understand the depths of the fear this illness brings and we can help you walk it out one step and one day at a time. Keep looking up and over time things start to settle down and managing this becomes doable although not ever really easy. This is a club none of us want to be in but here we are and we learn to manage and find hope and ways to settle into the day to day abnormalcy of it until eventually pockets of hope and normalcy appear and provide relief to get you through to the next phase. I like to think that a collective healing of all of us here are a testimony to our faith in God an His ability to turn something horrendous into Trust in Him and in Good as well as winning the war or at least some battles against darkness. YAY! MY prayers go out to you. I have found a hard fought balance now of fighting this disease on every front is now being coupled with more periods of resting and pockets of more hope and periods of normalcy with increased faith and trust in the protocol and in God to heal my body. There are a lot of people praying for healing for all those in the morgellons community. I wish you much success and wellness as you journey through this. |
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