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Original 11/17/2013 Post | |
Derek 11/17/2013 4:57:22 PM | Hello fellow warriors and Mel, It has been a long time since I have posted on this site. Like the title of this thread says, this is one of the few sites I have found that gives me some hope that this disease can be cured. My story with this illness has been pretty long and rough. I initially contracted this in 2006, with the worst years in 2009-2010. I began Mel's original protocol back in the summer of 2010, but lost focus as my marriage finally crumbled from this thing. In the spring of 2011, I refocused on Mel's original protocol and also took some additional herbals orally and topically Using DMSO(GSE, wormwood,and oregano). In only about a month or two, I got much better and lost focus again on the protocol, but this time I went into complete remission for 2 years with absolutely no symptoms. I was able to get my body in top physical shape during my remission as I have always had a passion for bodybuilding. I really forgot about this illness and was moving on with my new life. Then, however, this past summer, the illness came back extremely quickly and aggressively in July. This time, though, Morgellons seemed stronger than the first time I had it. I can't quite say for sure what the trigger was to bring it back. Was I reinfected from the environment?, or did I just suppress my immune system enough so the "stragglers" in my body from the first time came out of dormancy? The one thing I do know for sure was that my air conditioner near where I slept developed some mold growth. I may have been exposed to many mold spores for a few months. Hence, I believe that this could be some type of mold, but that's just speculation.I moved out of my apartment and saw an LLMD who did both mold and Lyme testing on me. I tested negative for two of the most common mold toxins, but got a positive test result for Lyme (Igenex western blot) like many of us do. In August, I restarted Mel's basic protocol and began IV treatments for Lyme and mold. I changed my diet to practically a carb-free diet too for a while, but then caved as my Morgellons symptoms were getting no better yet, and I sought comfort. So, here I am now in November 2013, with Morgellons again ruling my life and realizing that in order to beat this, I have to follow this protocol plus the diet religiously for an extended period of time. It looks like 12-18 months is the usual duration. Since I have been on and off the protocol for the past few months, I am calling today day #1 as I refocus on diet and the protocol. I really enjoy reading the journeys of the fellow warriors because I can see that others are getting better slowly. That's what gives me the hope that I can AGAIN recover. I'm hoping that in a few months, I can give an update that I am improving as well. Although I should have a better handle on this disease by this point,I will still be soliciting advice from all of you if I hit a roadblock. Cheers and wishing you all a quick recovery! |
Responses (Newest First) | |
Derek 11/25/2014 5:25:10 PM edit upload | Hello everybody! I am still alive, now 8 years since first developing symptoms. It's time for me to do another post. I'm back in my home state of WI where it is already looking like Christmas. My mom is happy I'm back although she has no clue how sick I truly am. It is nice to have her nearby though as I no longer feel so isolated. Since I'm not working right now, I'm also taking a class online to get additional certification so when I return to my career, I'll be able to offer more to employers. I'm trying to make lemonade out of lemons... I've made some progress since the last post in August, but even bigger progress if I compare to further back in time like a year ago. In my opening posts a year ago, I talked about having uncontrollable anxiety and the need for xanax just to function. I no longer use any pharmaceuticals as I no longer have anxiety or severe pain! I still get some pain from stinging and muscle aches, but it is now tolerable. I no longer hyperventilate from lack of oxygen or acidosis like I did only 4 months ago. I do get a slight shortness of breath though a few mornings each week so I know there is still quite a bit of infection there. I gage my progress more on how I breathe, think, and energy level, rather than on skin symptoms as the skin symptoms are always there and hard to really measure and remember what they were like a year ago. If I try to remember, I would say the skin symptoms were more severe a year ago as I was ready to end my life>(I felt so alone, and now I am no longer thinking that way. I can also say that I purge MUCH LESS than I did even 2 months ago under the same conditions. I would conclude that there are fewer and fewer fibers in the body over time as I have worked hard at removing them for the past 4 months using oils and heat. I don't get any big stuff coming out anymore. But, since I still have crawling and stinging and brain fog, I know there is a lot left in the body, but probably much deeper than right below the skin. I look forward to the day where I cannot get anything out of the body and the skin symptoms totally disappear. Considering how sick I was last year when I relapsed in what seemed like overnight, I'll accept the progress I've made over the past year. When the disease is more disseminated, it does take longer to recover and there is less room for error, especially with diet. My diet has been good but not perfect over the past 3 months, but I'm in the best physical shape of my life, with bodyfat in the single digits and at my maximum lifetime strength. The root cause of the few dietary slip-ups was consuming insufficient dietary fat while eating so few carbs. We don't slip up on our diets because we choose to (because we all hate Morgellons more than anything), we slip up because our body is telling us we are lacking fuel to function, and it needs that fuel (sugar). Then, we give in to our body's cravings by giving it sugar. I have a solution to this though. To eliminate the cravings, the answer is to switch your body over from being a sugar burner to a fat burner by eliminating carbs as much as possible and eating more fat. IF ANY OF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CONTROL YOUR CARB CRAVINGS, INCREASE THE FAT IN YOUR DIET AND REDUCE YOUR DAILY CARB INTAKE TO LESS THAN 30 GRAMS A DAY. ONCE YOUR BODY BECOMES ADAPTED TO USING FAT AND KETONES FOR FUEL, YOUR HUNGER AND CARB CRAVINGS WILL GO AWAY AS YOUR BODYFAT IS AN UNLIMITED FUEL SOURCE FOR THE BODY. This takes about 3 weeks though for your body to adapt. And remember, to stay alkaline by eating lots of veggies and herbs, drinking lemon water, and consuming a reasonable amount of protein to maintain your muscle mass, but not too much where you become acidic. There are sites where you can estimate your daily protein needs so I won't get into that here. I look forward to reading your posts, and STAY IN THE FIGHT. You will beat this. Derek |
Peter 8/13/2014 9:52:41 PM edit upload | Hello Derek In reading your post, I kept having one presiding thought. While clearing detox pathways is central to overcoming Morgellons, it is not necessary for people to use far infrared saunas to get well, and far infra red therapy is not part of the protocol. I would not want anyone who is sick to decide not to use the protocol because they cannot afford something like this or because they believe it is necessary to get well. It is not. In my experience, right now, you are at that critical point where you succeed or you fail. The disease does not compromise. It only responds to the consistent application of responsible behaviors over time. This, and only this, is what brings about the cure. You must set your mind and keep it set on simple, strict adherence to the protocol by letting what you have learned become your bottom line motivator. Sometimes, when God wants to get us rooted, he hits rock. That’s when he has to blast us to get through. This is often the case for people afflicted with Morgellons. Once stabilized on the protocol, they lose sight of the infection that is still looming inside. Then, a massive expression of symptoms arrives and sheds new light on their predicament. This is when they come to understand that to step off into certain old behaviors will not fare well. This is when they accept that consistent behaviors over time brings the cure. With patience, you can come to see the daily small steps turn into giant leaps. As you build commitment, you can learn, through becoming challenged , how to fully dedicate to proven behaviors. "Sum of the parts, slow and steady, diligence and discipline." Make this, together with coming to Christ, your master equation. Godspeed, Peter |
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