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I'm getting small red bumps on my scalp

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Original 1/17/2012 Post

5:48:53 PM

I just started the protocol, everything except the antibiotic which I plan to pick up tomorrow. I'm starting to get small red bumps on my scalp. What are these and what should I expect? What should I treat them with? Thanks for any help.
Responses (Newest First)

10:50:14 AM

Welcome Julie.

We are certainly glad you found our website and have decided to start the protocol. Your small red bumps are something we have heard many times before. To understand what you can expect, may I suggest that you review the following threads:

Living With This For a Few Months - Features two Morgellons sufferers in the process of recovery as they describe on a week to week basis what they are going through.

A special thanks to Monica and JS is in order as they now approach their fourth month.

Experiencing Less Itching - Another young lady who is ending her first month and has described what she has experienced.

By all means read all that you can, but these two threads should calm your fears, answer many of your questions, and give you an idea of what you can expect to experience in the coming weeks.

Please keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you have any more questions.

Welcome again.

God Bless, Never give up Hope!
