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Original 2/10/2013 Post

6:21:41 PM

Hi warrior friends,
I have overall been doing very well, but am at a new challenge lately with digestion or lack thereof.
I am unsure as to whether this is a herx thing, or a coincidental co-infection, but either way I continue the protocol and am seeking out some remedies to help make me more comfortable and help healing.
A lot if those remedies most of us are already doing like the DE, lemon water, lots of ginger teas, coco oil & tons of probiotics.

In my holistic research I'm seeing a lot about Kombucha tea, and I feel like it is helping to settle things. The ingredients seem either beneficial or neutral so I think it's ok for people recovering from the toxic/M symptoms... Or maybe excellent for us... But I'm not sure. And I don't remember much mentioned here, but maybe I missed it. If anyone has opinions or experiences with Kombucha, please let me know!
Thanks so much!

Responses (Newest First)

11:15:18 AM

Hello Everyone.

Welcome as always.

As you can see of late, we sometimes have wonderful folks with different opinions.

For the last three years or so I have been making my own juice with my Omega juicer. That way, I am assured that the only thing there is fruit juice.

I have never tried this product, so I can only remind you of the guidelines of our website.


Therefore I suggest everyone do their own research and make their own determination as to whether they want to try it.


If in the event you decide to try it, use small amounts at first. Try to be in touch with your own body to see if you can feel or sense a positive or negative reaction to the product.


God Bless each and every one of you who takes the time to contribute here whether we all agree with each other or not.

Let's never never give up Hope!


11:39:28 AM

Thank you Peter!!! It is questionable, but I've read it has tons of probiotics, is alkalizing, helps to detox, fights free radicals, control candida/yeast and aid digestion... among a long list of other benefits, I could go on. I sought it out because I've been dealing with digestive problems and my tummy seems to like it. I think so far in terms of my personal response to it, it's good. But everyone here is different and has specific criteria and sensitivities. The other discovery for me in terms of digestion is Turmeric. It has been helping a great deal. I still follow the protocol completely, but these are things that seem to be helping to deal with digestive symptoms I'm currently experiencing.
Love to all <3

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