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Lara's [healing] Theme

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2:56:54 PM

Hello Everyone,

As some of you know, I'm still quite new here: I've been on the diet and protocol supplements for about 2 months, and I started MMS about 3 weeks ago (currently on 2 drops).

I was not planning on starting my own healing-journey thread, as I'm a very private person. But ever since stopping by this forum, I've been embraced with such kindness and help. So whatever I can do to contribute, in the form of encouragement and/or lessons passed along, would be an honour. I hope to pay it forward, just as I've been inspired by the courageous journeys of so many here. Monica, Justin, Twiggy, Peter, Ellen...and many more. I hope you guys realise what a light you're shining for those of us still reeling from disbelief, fear and grief.

A few days ago, Mel called me - all the way to Africa! My husband answered the phone. At first, I was in such a state of shock that I gesticulated wildly to him to say I'm not home ('she says, blushing furiously'!). Sorry, Mel, I was/am so in awe of you and all that you do for others. Guess I was a bit starstruck :)

Morgellon's does that to some of us, it turned me from an outgoing person into someone who feels very scared, ashamed, and who is always hiding. But Mel immediately relaxed me with his warmth and gentle reassurances. I felt validated for the first time in a very long while. And then he said it: 'Honey, we didn't do anything wrong to get this thing...' Bingo! A light went on for me. With those words, he instinctively lifted the painful burden that we had somehow brought this disease onto ourselves, that we're 'damaged goods', or to blame. Thank you, Mel. You helped me lift my head up again.

At 2 drops of MMS, I'm already seeing improvements. Crawling is down by 60%! (I'm purging mostly tiny black specks and foil-like glitter.) I still find this quick improvement hard to believe. Occasionally I'll hit a few bad hours or a night of itching and heart palpitations, but I'm learning to accept these times as a sign that the treatment is working, cleaning my body of multiple toxins. Despite short bouts of insomnia when I itch, I'm generally sleeping much better. Anxiety and mood swings are all over the place but, again, I see this as part of the healing process as I purge on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

God bless all here who are blazing the trail for those coming after. I have only the deepest respect, gratitude, and love for you in my heart.

All glory be to the One.


2:29:18 AM

Hi Lara,

I look forward to reading about your journey! :)