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Looking for advice

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Original 8/29/2012 Post

11:27:53 PM

Hi Mel and everyone,
I am a first-time poster but have been following this wonderful site for quite a while.

I have been a 'M' sufferer for seven years. I know that I am dealing with springtails in addition to other parasites. I have drastically changed my diet and am following a protocol of supplements comprable to the one on this website.

My environment is a terrible problem and I can't get it under control. I have cleaned my house from top to bottom (washing walls, furniture, kitchen items, etc.) numerous times, put diatomaceous earth everywhere possible, used an ozone machine, and worked with a pest control company. I wash sheets daily, bag up clean clothes, vaccum daily, etc. I am currently diffusing menthol crystals, but nothing seems to help.

I was considering using nylar (which inhibits the growth of insects) and wanted to ask if anyone has tried this and had success?

Also, I am thinking about getting a steam cleaner for my carpet. Has steam cleaning helped anyone with a long term infestation? If so what brand of steam cleaner and what did you use in the solution? I have thought about getting the carpet removed, but honestly don't know if it would help in my case.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Responses (Newest First)

1:08:29 AM

My water intake is way below what it should be. I will work on that and see if it helps. Thank you so much.

6:20:48 PM

Hello DB

Good to hear from you. Your PH question is a good one. Here are a couple things to bear in mind. PH levels fluctuate throughout the day. If my memory serves me well, I believe you are naturally most alkaline at 2: 00 PM and most acidic at 2:00 AM.

Dr. Bob Marshall suggests that you rely on the PH level of your first morning urination. You want that to be around 6.4 or higher. This is the one that really counts. Saliva test readings will fluctuate throughout the day, so I don't think they are necessary. Make sure you are drinking enough water. You need one half ounce water for every pound of body weight each and every day.

Like Ellen, I have never checked my PH. I rely on my diet to keep blood PH where it belongs. I know if I am too acidic because my first morning urination will burn slightly. Hope this helps.

Strength and Love,

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