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looking for answer about hair color, beauty products: mascara, lipstick,....

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Original 10/16/2010 Post

12:30:16 PM

i am new to morgelons and trying to find out on the internet, if it is harmull to color hair, use mascara, lipstick, nail polish ? please let me know, what do you think ? I know it is a studid question, but i am curious, if i can use those things. THANKS A MILLION !

Responses (Newest First)

1:04:54 AM

Welcome, Gabby!
I have had M for 3 years, but have only been on the protocol for @ 10 weeks. I have continued to wear makeup because I have worked the entire time I've been fighting this. I use LashBlast Fusion mascara from Covergirl, because the brush is separate and I can close the mascara and sanitize the brush. I heat water in a mug to sanitize both my mascara brush and my liner brush. I wipe them with a paper towel before using again. I go through mascara faster this way, but it helps not to reinfect my eyes. My blush, eyeshadow and brushes go in a ziplock bag, then the freezer. I use disposable cotton rounds for powder and don't reload after using.

My daughters have never had bad acne, even though I had cystic acne as a teenager. They both use (now even at age 19 and 22) Body Dynamics Skin Drink Intensive Renewal Cleanser. We have it at our health food store, but Body Dynamics has a website. My girls don't have M, but it sounds like your acne was there before M? You might look into it.

Hope you both get better soon!

5:22:47 PM

I'm going to be going onto my fifth month on the protocol, the rest of my body is perfectly fine besides the swelling, but my face is a blotchy mess as well! Looks like acne and an off colored swollen face. I honestly do not care right now about my appearance, I go to the store in full on pajamas, coconut oiled hair, no makeup, looking all tired and sick and what not. I mean, it's clear to other people that I'm sick and not trying to look my best to strangers. I know for a fact I don't want to use makeup until I stop purging SIGNIFICANTLY. Which is probably between 8 months to one year of this protocol, so I know I've got about 4 months to go at least.
It gives me something to work and look forward to, the day I can use makeup again! I've been trying to use witch hazel and black african soap to clear up my acne and blotch face but no avail so far. I think I just need to let the protocol do it's job and I will see improvement as I start to heal! If not then I have to look up some kind of organic acne solution that really works, this thing is just loving the fact that I'm acne prone and my face and scalp are my only problem areas. Ugh.
Aaaaaanyways, you are one brave soul still looking half decent for the world, lol! I'm just like "awh yeah no not leaving pjs or coconut oil out of my hair for you the supermarket or even to go to the park, you all have to deal with it muhahahaha."
So far I know Burt's Bees has some good tinted lip balm, but that's really it.
I think any physicians formula to help clear skin up might work. Not realllly sure.
Wellness Mama teaches you how to make your own makeup, that's a decent website. And the campaign for Safe cosmetics can help too but their website it kind of confusing for me.
Thanks for the support Karin! Yeah, I still dislike going out too. So you're not alone.

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