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Original 10/30/2011 Post

7:15:02 PM

I have been friends with Mel for a long time. I have seen Mel's health go back and forth with issues that at first were unexplainable. In all the time that I have known him, I have never seen him out of pain, if even just that his hip was hurting. As the years have passed, his hip has continued to get worse & worse until he was bent almost in half and using a walker. Therefore, the hip surgery.

Mel has baby blue eyes, like Paul Newman....only I had never see Mel out of pain, so when I saw him after the surgery, it seemed that there was something missing....the pain in his eyes. His eyes are crystal clear, vibrant, white, and no pain!!!!! It is good.

Mel has overcome so many obstacles in his life, as you have read here, plus morgellons,...his challenges seemed insurmountable at times. He, however, rose above the anguish & pain & through courage, endurance, expermentation & just plain hukspa...he is surviving & I beleive he will be dancing again, soon.

When I saw Mel the thing that 'grabbed' me is that for the first time since I know him, he is at peace. What a lovely gift. What a blessing for all of us that he will now be able to do what he came here to do. He will now be able to fulfill his purpose on this earth.

I am soooo excited both for him and for all of us. Mel is just who he is, no fillers...just the real deal, you should all know that. His light is shining through & it is good to feel that peace.

Mel, I love you...I am grateful for you in my life and for the honor of being able to see your transformation. It has been a long road, my friend, and it is so worth it. The difference from the day we met to now....amazing. You are Awesome!!!!


Responses (Newest First)

Doc Holliday
4:39:40 PM

Hi Anna such good positive news, be well Mel