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12:54:09 PM

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I posted. I'm posting this today to share with those who've never met Mel face to face, as I hadn't until a few days ago, how amazed I was at how good he looks!! His skin looks AMAZNG, bronze, smooth and youth full! As I sat staring into his face, I realized that I was starring into a picture of Mel's young modeling picture on this site! He stood tall and strong with a very handsome complexion. I was 'deer in the headlights' shocked at how great his skin looked. He is the picture of health, head to toe! His skin looks better than mine prior to M, which I've been suffering from for almost two years now. Mel looks 25 years younger than he actually is, no kidding folks! Way to go, Mel!!

I believe that if more of us could share this experience with Mel or anyone who is now well from this protocol, it would be a huge benefit to those who may be on the fence whether to start the protocol or not. Also, it could serve as a little boost to the warriors who are fighting a good fight and may need a little help in the momentum to keep pushing forward area. Maybe we could even ask to have a before and after thread, where those who are well could post a before and after photo. Would this be possible, Mel?

At any rate, I wish more of you could look into the face of health, like I did, you'd be in awe as well!

Peace and light to all!


12:59:20 PM

Hello Mary, Melissa and others.

Welcome as always.

First Melissa, thank you very much for your encouraging comments.

As a male model for five decades, I learned the benefits of taking care of one's skin as well as the body at a very early age. Remember, our skin is our body's largest organ.

I am healthier and more vibrant now than I was prior to my car accident of July 2013.

Reno is a small enough town that eventually you see people that you haven't seen in years. This has happened twice in the past month, and both times those people told me that I looked younger now than I did back in 2004 just before getting Morgellons. I am sure part of it is my hip replacement, which allows me to stand tall and walk normally after 35 years of not being able to - as well as being freed from thirty five years of chronic severe pain.

As those of you who have learned to live with chronic pain know, it takes a toll on your health over time. I like to think that some of the wrinkles on my face faded away along with the chronic pain that is now in my past.

I have remained on the basic protocol as well as Adams Vitality and Joint Marvel from Logos since my health has been restored for six years now. I have often mentioned staying on the basic protocol slows down the aging process. Need I say more!!

I also have told you that I still bathe in MMS twice a week. I believe that this along with a good moisturizing cream have been the reason I continue to look younger than my years and have a glow about my skin.

Lets not forget the man upstairs who knows my heart and rewards me with His grace, knowing that MY vanity lies in how I look.

Hope that answers the questions.

God bless you all, Never give uo HOPE!


2:31:29 AM

Hi Melissa, thanks for the 411 on Mels looks and physical fitness. From your description he sounds so healthy and vibrant! I'm curious,Mel, if you had good skin before MD or if you feel your skin has improved over what it was in your 50's? If it has improved then would you say that the Burgstiner wellness protocol, the silver and mms not only got rid of the MD MRSA but also improved your health to the point you have such good skin tone? Did this all happen in the last 5 years? That's so wonderful!
Thanks again for sharing, Melissa!