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In Need of a Friend

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Original 8/27/2013 Post

1:27:47 AM

Well I wanna give all my love to everyone on this site what we face makes us stronger.
I used to be scared of a lot of things now i'm a better healthier person.
Pete n Mel saved my life a year ago i have been taking the Meds eating healthy i had a few mes ups sure but i learned from it.
I could use moral support sometimes from other people from protocol right now i am in a situation of anxiety because this is the first time i don't have my full meds in my protocol. i got about 4 olive leaf extract and i wont be getting my meds till september 13th, when i leave to florida any tips on helping me get threw. this time like i will take my black garlic pills i am just iffy about going back to the wormwood but i'll do it if i have to.
I hope i did not mess up my progress by running out. I have been trying to email and call Pete one of my saviors. I understand he's a busy guy so I am not sure if I should leave my number here but my email can be gotten through Mel!
Right now i am very anxious and its just scary being out there on your own I could use some friends to communicate with to get threw these 15 or so days without all my Meds.

Mel my prayers to you brother for that car crash your gonna recover well, God loves you!

Pete my prayers out to you i know your busy and your pretty much saved my life I pray for you all the time brother you dont understand how much your support meant to me

To the rest of the community love you all if you need my support i'll be there for anyone on this message board and my progress is great! when i'm fully better i will always be there to help morgellons sufferer's.
You are all family to me so,please don't think I won't take your message seriously. To anyone one who first come here before before starting the protocol please contact me as well i remember the feeling of no hope.
Mel and Pete showed me there's HOPE! I am doing things i haven't done since this thing traumatized me a year and a half ago...

Don't let it change who you are, just accept gods gift and get strength from people in this community and you will truly start actually getting better.. if you commit to the protocol.

PS Cheating with Morgs is only hurting yourself, please do not give in to bad diet

Responses (Newest First)

6:53:49 PM

Thanks Peter! I will read what you recommended.


3:52:34 PM

Hello again Sue

You are actually very fortunate, because you have caught this so early on. If you have read this entire site, then do it again, because you have missed much. The choice you now face with this disease is pretty clear. Get busy getting well, or continue to suffer. It STARTS with reading here and continues with building supportive relationships HERE. And the disease will further progress the longer you wait!

Unfortunately, purging is going to be a part of your life and continue to take place in regular cycles regardless of whether or not you are on this protocol. What you must come to realize it that Morgellons is a very difficult disease to cure. To my knowledge, this protocol will give you the best chance for becoming completely cured. Most everyone that has worked it sees relief and marked improvement in only 90 days.

God has brought you to the one place where you have EVERYTHING available to you to become well again. But only you can make the choice to begin your journey. Honestly, it simply takes working this protocol, faith, hope, and TIME.

I would stay away from other web sites. All they do is generate fear and will only distract you from where you research should really take you. And that is right here into the many pages of past posts from people who actually have this disease and provide the BEST information they can to help others with the many aspects of recovery.

I would suggest that you to re-read my initial response to you and follow those steps. Read the "for the newly stricken" thread. This will explain many, many things to you.

Strength and Love,

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