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Monica, do you have any helpful hints for getting the purging junk out of hair?

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Original 1/28/2013 Post

9:27:34 PM

Hi Monica,

I've followed your posts from when you started your journey. I found all of what you've shared to be so helpful and a reminder that I'm not alone! For this I thank you.

I've also enjoyed phone conversations with Peter, and of course all of our 'true hero,' Mel. John from Logo's has also been a great help! This site has saved my life, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart...

I have had my ups and downs but mostly it's been ups, until a couple weeks ago. I honestly felt like I did before I started the protocol and became so frightened I was getting sick all over again! I'm still feeling pretty bad and each day has been a challenge, but I know this will pass, as I was warned of these times. I just was having so many ups I didn't know how to deal with it when it got really bad again!

I've been on the protocol since late September, but started the drops later. I'm up to 15 drops per day now and haven't hit that herxing point yet. But know it's going to come.

My question to you is, have you found anything that gets the crud out of your hair? This seems to be a real problem area for me, and I can't stand it much more! Last March I had to cut all my hair very short because it grew into a huge mass that I couldn't get out! I don't want to go down that road again, as I finally have grown out my hair some with hopes to get it back to where it was????

I have tried everything possible, with some luck. But lately nothing is working, all I can do is wear my hair up because it's not normal hair right now!

I read that that was a problem area for you as well, and that's where it liked to purge, so I was hoping you had some helpful hints?

I look forward to hearing from you, and 'congrats' on your continued success! Thanks for sharing your journey with us...

May you continue to be blessed,


Responses (Newest First)

1:33:31 PM

Thanks so much Deborah for following up! And also for the tip regarding the overdrying problems- I was wondering just this morning if it's actually the dryness that is causing my shedding as well as itching. I think in my mind that it's the mites themselves, but it might be the dryness that makes these problems worse! I will try these strategies out : ) Much appreciated!!

Deborah B.
2:15:32 PM

Hi Everyone,

Jul... hope you are feeling better this week! I wanted to say that on the issue of organic oils. . . while we are super careful about organic and GMO-free items as far as foods and supplements, I have not found it to be quite as important when it comes to topical oils. Some of ours are organic, some not. There might be others in our community that have better information on this, though. I hope if there are they will chime in here and add their advice.

On the drying nature of ACV. . . because I use the coconut oil nearly every night in my hair, I actually appreciate having a somewhat astringent rinse in the morning to help cut the oil. You'll find it is a bit of a challenge to get all the coconut out and usually requires a couple of shampoo cycles. The coconut oil is so effective at strengthening my hair and moisturizing it that the ACV really isn't a problem. Additionally, I have started to use a good quality shampoo for dry hair, adding my own tea-tree and peppermint to it. The shampoos with them already in it were too drying for my hair. This approach along with the coconut oil, has really stopped me from having to worry so much about dry hair and scalp.

Peter. . . hope you are filled with renewed hope and healing these days, brother! And yes. . . we still do enzyme soaks and use sulfur soap from time to time too because they are still part of the solution. Like you, we've also had to be careful about the stinging with ACV. But the little bit of itchiness/stinging we suffered at first while trying to get this protocol fine-tuned was worth it for the huge results we've gotten. I still find myself kind of stunned that it worked so well and we are seeing so little evidence of scalp purging after struggling with it for so long. Do still get a small amount of fibers at the full moon though. . . but only for a day or two and very little. Can't tell you how much less household cleaning we have to do now that the scalp purging is nearly a thing of the past!

This remedy might not be for everyone, but if applied cautiously I think it could really help a lot of people. It might be wise for those trying it for the first time to start with a 1/4 ACV to 3/4 water ratio and then build up from there. Just to ere on the side of caution and to protect against skin irritation.

God Bless,

Deborah B.

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