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Original 8/14/2009 Post

12:02:27 PM

Hi, My sis has been speaking to you and suggested I speak to also about Morgellons. This is the first time on your site. My Dr wont help, because he doesn't know what it is.
Responses (Newest First)

Nancy G
9:39:03 PM

John T - there is a lot of info here in the forum on what you can do for treating Morgellons, both internally, externally, and in the environment. Of course MMS and the protocol are the main event so to speak. However, to address your direct question of a doctor( I had to pursue treatment from a Lyme literate physician to enhance my healing so I understand) in NY there is Dr. Richard Horowitz. He is the leading expert in what his best selling book called Why Can't I get better and his MSIDS - multiple systemic infectious disease syndrome- meaning lyme, co infections and yes even morgellons. He does treat Morgellons as stated in his book and has had success in doing so. Be forwarned, he is uber expensive but has a great reputation. Hope this helps.

1:00:45 PM

I bm quite sure I am suffering from this. In addition to the skin rash, some lesions triangle shaped with streams of liquid injected into my skin, I have hundreds of floaters in my eyes and ringing in my ears. I even have had periods of 7 days where I could not eat anything, I am on Fentanyl. There are so many home remedies...are thre any doctors in NYC who believe in and treat morgellins? also, do permetherin and ectermicen work? the house has been super cleaned and I use dawn degergent on my skin. I also take epson salt baths. Need a doc in NYC!

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