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Original 2/7/2013 Post | |
Leah 2/7/2013 3:16:32 PM | Hello to all. I'm new here and still very overwhelmed with my situation. I've spent hours reading different posts on this site. It gives me so much inspiration to know there are others fighting so hard to make a difference for others. I realized I had Morgellons in November 2012. I had been experiencing symptoms for several months prior to that. I keep trying to think of an event or something that happened that stands out in my mind but I'm just not sure. I moved to Texas from Oregon in Dec. 2010. By March of 2011 I experienced my first encounter with head lice on my children as well as myself. I was able to get rid of the lice in a little over a month. I don't remember feeling any different after that. By Nov.2011 we moved to the house we live in now. In Feb. 2012 I went to see a nutritionist who practices nutritional response testing to see if he could help me with my intense fibromyalgia pain and extreme sleep disturbances. My kidney and heart tested weak as well as high formaldehyde and some food intolerance. I started taking specific supplements he recommended and went on a diet with no sugar, no dairy, no gluten and very little grains. To my complete amazement ALL of my fibro pain that I had experienced almost daily for the last 8 years vanished. I never saw any improvement in my sleep disturbances. I literally wake up 10 to 20 time a night. Always dreaming, never deep sleep. So my money ran out and I had to stop seeing that doctor and taking the supplements. It was around this time that the crawling and itching started. This was the summer of 2012. At that same time I qualified for Medicaid and was able to get a referral for a sleep doctor. I had a sleep study done and was diagnosed with narcolepsy with cataplexy. I was put on Xyrem and for the first time in 25 years I was able to get short 2 or 3 hour spans of deep sleep at night. The doctor told me it would eliminate my fatigue. It helped quite a bit but as the Morgellons progressed the affects seem to diminish and I'm left with no energy for the simplest things. I know that itching is a symptom people with fibromyalgia can experience so I really didn't think much of it. It was getting more intense around my birthday(October). For my birthday I asked for all my amalgams to be removed as my gift(searching for an answer to my fatigue). Immediately after my amalgams were removed I started a 9 day colon cleanse. I saw a MARKED decrease in itching and crawling. Shortly after I finished the cleanse it started up again but worse. By this time I had little black flies following me everywhere and tiny red pinprick dots on my torso, arms, chest and so on and felt like I was being bitten. I still have those dots to date. So I put all those things into a search engine and came up with Morgellons. I prayed it was something else and thought maybe it was because I had no open lesions but my gut was telling me different. I was sick with anxiety. I went and bought a black light to check my skin and was horrified to see hundreds of white filaments coming from my body. I closely examined my bed and found colored fibers and glitter. The worst part of all of it was examining my two little girls and finding the exact same thing. I was ready to be committed. My boyfriend doesn't believe me. My friends don't believe me. Only my mother believes me and even she didn't until I took a spur of the moment trip to Minnesota to see my family because I really believed I would probably die from this before seeing them again. When I came back to Texas I found this site and decided I was going to try to save the lives of my children and my own. I fear for my children and I know I'm there only chance to beat this. So I started the protocol without knowing if I will be able to afford the treatment but am giving it to God and going by faith. Everyone that has ever known me has always said, 'You are so strong. You always find a way. You're one of the strongest people I know'. I've never felt that way inside but I guess for whatever reason that is how I am perceived. I don't feel strong right now but I have the desire to be well and I don't want to see my children suffer. I know in my heart I can't beat this without God. I also know I have negative thought patterns and things I have to let go of so I can release this darkness from my body. I'm thankful to everyone on this site who takes time to share who and what they are. God bless you all. |
Responses (Newest First) | |
Nancy G 2/11/2013 5:23:07 PM | Leah- have Mel give you my number and we can talk on the phone if you like. I have Verizon and have to watch minutes but sure we can find some time to talk. I understand the morning feelings- I have the same thing when I wake up to face M again- it's the hardest thing I have ever done- I have children too and they keep me going if nothing else will. Perhaps we can find ways to encourage one another and share and support each other. I was thinking today of a story about Victor Frankyl ( sp??) I read a while back about his survival of Germany concentration camps and he said those that did not give up were the ones who found some sort of meaning to such a horrific situation. Well I am not sure how to find meaning in this, but maybe we can find meaning in it by believing we are here to help one another get through this and without us doing that many would not make it- maybe in helping each other we can survive this and get to the other side of it... give me a call if you would like --- I will do all I can to help us both stay in this- we all need people on the other side of the phone to cry with and share and just understand.... Love Nancy |
Leah 2/10/2013 9:28:27 PM | Dear Nancy G Thank you so much for encouraging me. I woke up this morning wishing so badly to stay in my dreams. I realized how afraid I am and my heart started racing and I felt a heat wave go over me. Mornings are very hard for me mentally and emotionally. I know fear is the Enemy so I'm clinging to God and it is making a difference in my life. I'm so blessed to be in communication with all the wonderful souls here. Your right God is in this fight and I know He hears each and every prayer we pray. God bless everyone. |
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