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My Symptoms

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Original 2/4/2015 Post

8:32:37 PM

Hello everyone!

I hope you all are doing well. I originally promised myself that I would try not to think about the big M until my big test is over, but, after starting off strong, I've kind of relapsed and pay too much attention to it to the point that it is bothering me and distracting me from my studies. So I thought maybe it would be helpful to just talk about it, which I usually can only do with myself (results are not good lol).

Basically, I believe I got this more than a year ago, after spending a couple nights in the motel room from hell. It had both bed bugs and I later find out I contracted body lice, I seriously cannot believe that place was so gross. Anyway, after shaving all hair from my body, which I think may have been a bad idea in retrospect, I became very itchy for a couple of months. I had the fatigue, brain fog, acid discharge from my ear, glass in my neck, black spots, feeling bugs were following me or coming out of me, granules, crystals, and floating white dots.

After losing my mind (lol), I took some stuff that helped, but didn't get rid of it. Basically, my symptoms now consist of only the granules and crystals, weird spores that look and feel like hair is growing out of them. I'll find these on my beard or in my hair, and crystals and granules on my clothes. Also, I get tons of white fibers on my hands, head, fiber balls all over me and my clothes, pustules (but very rare and only from time to time) and eye floaters. Not really itchy anymore, except for my scalp. I know we shouldn't care about what it is or what causes it, but I was looking up the spore thing and found this article on wikipedia:

and this quote: "When the hyphae of the fungi burrow into the skin and release enzymes to digest keratin, they may irritate nerve endings and cause the host to itch, which may elicit the scratch reflex, which directs the host to scratch. Scratching directly transfers fungi and dead skin particles that are infested with the fungi to the fingers and under the finger nails. From there they can be transmitted to other parts of the host's body when the host touches or scratches those. Scratching also damages skin layers, making it easier for the fungi to spread at the site of the infection. If the fungi and infested debris are not washed from the fingers and fingernails soon enough, the fungi can also infect the skin of the fingers (tinea manuum), and burrow underneath and into the material of the fingernails (tinea unguium). If left untreated, the fungi continue to grow and spread."

Honestly, I feel like if I wasn't so aware of everything, I probably wouldn't think there was a problem. How do I not let this distract me from studying for this test. I mean it's a huge time sink and messes with me psychologically, as well as my motivation and confidence. I guess all I can do is just ignore it. Do any of you have any suggestions? I'm beginning the 2nd month of the protocol, so hopefully after this test I can start cleaning and really kicking everything into gear. Thanks for your time and G-d bless. By the way, I'm a male in my mid-twenties. I think that is supposed to be kinda rare, but I think more and more young people are getting it.

Responses (Newest First)

3:47:26 PM

Hey Sol,

Thinking about you. How are you doing? I just wanted to check-in with you?

How is the studying going? Did you ever pass the test?

If you want to join our whatsapp you can.

Praying for you,

4:33:02 PM

Hey Victoria,
I started the protocol when I was 19 and I think I was one of the youngest posting on this website and trying to deal with this on my own... keeping quiet about it from friends and family at such a young age and not being able to support yourself is heart wrenching. Dealing with this has made me grow in my mind to be about twice my age. Taking responsibility for my own health, finances, cleaning, and personal life really took a lot of work. But if I could do it, I believe you can too.
As everyone has already beat me to it: I would read this entire website. From mel's story, to every page of the forum, listen to the conference calls, reading the FAQs.
I was scared and alone at the beginning of this. It is key to keep your stress levels down and to try to never feel alone. I suggest staying off of other websites since they are SCARY and untrue, also there are sites out there that want to say they have a cure but scam you. I have never been scammed since this is the first cure I have ever tried and I am lucky that this seems to be the best protocol and the best cure EVER to stumble upon. I am feeling and looking amazing. You, too, can cure this by getting on the protocol, following the diet, and restoring your health. The younger we are, it seems the faster we heal. So youth is on your side.
You seem extremely intelligent with already starting the diet and the oils, these are key. Combined with adding in the protocol, I can foresee you getting well in no time! It's the sum of the parts. So basically you need to keep up with certain cleaning and laundry rituals, diet, supplements, showering daily, getting plenty of rest, and stress levels.
It's a lot to take in so take your time. I hope you've gotten in contact with Mel, perhaps sooner than later you can make contact with me once you settle into things... for now, soak up the information like a sponge, sweet girl.
There is a search engine on the task bar of this website, I suggest learning to use that for most of your questions as well. Do not fear, this is a safe place that will surely guide your way back to health and get rid of those itchy crawlies.

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