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My wish for everyone

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Original 12/31/2013 Post

12:43:13 PM

Hello my fellow warriors! Happy new year :) I want to express my gratitude and love for all of you and let you know that my wish for your 2014 is health and happiness! Every day is a new day and a chance to be completely healed. So with that's to being cured in 2014!!

Love & blessings,

Responses (Newest First)

4:11:12 PM

Hello Amber

I have no doubt that 2014 will bring forth a complete cure for you, me, and so many others that are on this journey. Every new day does indeed bring us all closer to that. I will meet you at the finish line! Wishing for an abundant and joyous 2014 for you, Mathew, and everyone else as well. Be blessed!
