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Original 1/14/2013 Post

4:43:32 PM

I'm in denial...
I look at Mel's list of symptoms and I have just about all of them. I'm only 33 years old and I have a daughter and husband who I love more then my own life. I'm scared. I don't want this. I wanted to have child so bad this year, but I got scabies May 2012...So I thought. I did the Prem 5% cream 5 times and I took Invermectin about 10 times. My last time taking the invermectin was 1/12/13.
My symptoms currently are that I have fibers that come out when I bathe, I see little black specks on hands chest where ever, I have the crawling feeling sometimes on my scalp, sometimes I feel like I see something pass me but its nothing. I have also had cuts that look like razor blades come out of know where. I'm not itchy or have lesions. I have excemea which I think I have aggravated it due to all the chemicals I have been using to get rid of the scabies. Sometimes I feel like I have bird mites in my home...but why do I have fibers coming out my skin after a 30 minute bath and shower?
I have not slept in the same bed as my husband since 11/2012 out of the fear that I might give him scabies. I don't really hug my daughter because I am fearful of giving it to her. My heart is broken. I ask God for peace, for strength and the will to continue on living, because I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to have this, I cry and beg God to please not this. I rather have cancer then this. I want to be here for my daughter. She's my only child. I don't want her to be alone.
I use to be filled with life, taught spin classes, loved music, dancing, traveling now I can't even get up in the morning with out crying. I read these stories of people suffering, and I don't want that. Why is it that some people suffer so badly? What are they doing wrong? Can I be cured? I am trying to be strong for my daughter but faking it takes a lot of energy....God Bless

Responses (Newest First)

7:19:22 PM

Hello Maria

I hope that you read Therasa and Deborah B's responses for you here more than once. They are giving you the straight truth about what you can expect and how you will become better. FOLLOW what they are suggesting to you. I am just about a full 8 months now on the protocol and their message to you is dead on!! You will be in my prayers.


Deborah B
1:16:56 PM


I apologize in advance for the long post. Your story impacted me in an unusual way and I had to respond and add to what Theresa has already expressed so well. I hope my story might encourage you.

I can remember faking a hopeful attitude for my daughter in the early months.I had the same sense of hopelessness and the same questions you have. I also have one young daughter, a wonderful husband and had most of the symptoms on Mel's list. I can remember thinking I would rather have cancer. You perfectly described my emotions and thoughts last July as I came to realize that both my seven year old daughter and I had this disease. I had to keep fighting for her life even if not for my own.

I thank God every single day that He did not let me give up and that he lead me to this protocol and these warriors. Unlike Teresa, my daughter and I are still relatively new to the fight and in only the fifth month of the protocol. Hearing her story, you might be tempted to look at those who are doing better after a year or 18 months and think that you simply cannot make it that long or that they are the lucky exceptions to the rule. I had those thoughts. But the truth is that many and even most on this protocol are stabilized and rapidly improving after only two to three months. Most of us can measure new improvements each month. But the road to full recovery is still a very long one and we have to travel it with patience. The good news is improvement in the early months comes quickly.

My daughter and I were nearly symptom free at only three months on the protocol. At five months we still have a long road ahead of us but life has not only become livable, it has returned to a level of normalcy. We look forward to the future and what God has planned for us. We are so grateful that my husband has remained Morgellons free as so many family members do. Our symptoms are manageable if somewhat inconvenient and unpleasant. Currently, we still experience some scalp purging, once in a while some itching, some bruising, and some toxic dye-off symptoms like headaches and joint pain pretty regularly. But we are again able to go about our lives and even have careful and cautious contact with family and friends. My daughter can be a normal seven year-old and play and run and ride her bike. Life is worth living again and in fact is better than it was before Morgellons. How can it be BETTER than before? Because now we are focused on what is most important in life and what holds eternal value. We thought we already were but we had no idea how much we still needed to grow. We are closer than ever to each other and to the Lord. We are more grateful for what we have and the smallest blessings bring huge happiness. We are more compassionate. We are healthier with Morgellons at this point than before we had it. You can read many posts here of warriors who will tell you the same story. I personally feel ten years younger than I did a year ago. I had a friend who I hadn't seen in two years stop me in the store the other day and say 'What happened to you? You look great!' . Inwardly, I thought. . . 'You'd never believe me if I told you'. I heard someone once say that there are no silver linings with Morgellons. I have to respectfully disagree. There are. The future looks very bright from where I am standing.

Marie, it will be for you too if you choose to commit with courage to the road ahead. And it WILL take lots of courage and there will be tough days. But you won't lack for support, love and prayer coverage while you are here. I personally will commit to praying for you as others did for me. There are so many people here who will help you along the way. Please don't give up. You not only will survive this, you will thrive in ways you never dreamed.

God bless you, comfort you and give you courage,

Deborah B

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