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New and young. Looking for support

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Original 4/28/2013 Post

10:47:03 PM

Hello to everyone in the community. I've been lurking and reading forums from this website for the past week now. I've been intimidated and skeptical about posting here as I fear this could be a ploy to advocate the sales of products by taking advantage of the fears of sufferers. Anyways, I'll start by introducing myself and the state of my condition.
You can call me KB. I'm 21. I feel Morgellons has been dormant in my system for coming up to a year now. My first symptoms struck in May of 2012. I had a small gash on my shin that wouldn't heal. After awhile of analyzing it I noticed white fuzz growing out. Eventually it healed up (crater like) by the end of June. During the month of June I had terrible dandruff that wouldn't subside. One night my head was incredibly itchy. It woke me up in the middle of the night and I began scratching my scalp so intensely that it started to bleed. That sensation has yet to occur since then, although my dandruff is still highly prominent and I have always been itchy (I thought this was from dry skin and general poor hygiene since I don't bathe religiously). About 3 weeks ago I fell riding a scooter and scraped my hands. Over the next few days at work I was looking at my palm and noticed hairs protruding my one of the holes a rock made. This made me paranoid and reminded me of what I've read and experienced. I then looked on the inside of a black beanie I was wearing and noticed all sorts of fuzz balls (white and blue,) white squiggly fibers, blue micro fibers and the weirdest of all to me, a neon red fiber. I then threw out that beanie, haha. The gashes have healed up and no more fibers grew from then besides the one day I noticed and pulled them. I should also include I'm getting a cyst from an ear lobe removed this Wednesday and have been on Kelfex for almost 3 weeks fighting a bacterial infection of the cyst. Is there a coincidence between this purging and the antibiotics? maybe. I also came down with a bad respiratory/ sinus cold 3-4 weeks. During that period I was experiencing intense depression and lethargy. My brain-fog was making me feel incredibly stupid and that made me more depressed. Since all this started I've noticed all my clothes, linens, and car is infected with this white squiggly fibers (some small and very curly, others up to 4 inches long and are straight and squiggly,) and white, blue, and red mixed fuzz balls.
As of now my symptoms include brain fog, itchiness all over (nothing unbearable, I felt a sharp sting on my leg today but that has been the only one,) dandruff, copper/ shinny fibers growing out my arm and legs confusing me making it hard to decipher my real hair from the fake. I have no lesions (THANK YOU, JESUS!)
I'm highly considering starting the protocol and establishing an anti-candida diet. I've always felt I've had a pretty healthy diet being I aspire to be an organic farmer, avoid GMOS and artificial ingredients as much as possible, and am gluten free. I gave up alcohol and marijuana in early January as it was starting to slow me down and hold me back. Luckily I have an intelligent sponsor I can talk to so I don't have go running back to that old way of life as a result of fear from this newly found difficulty. I firmly believe the Lord/ the enemy are testing me. He gives us nothing we are unable to handle.
On that know I could really use someone to talk to via email or phone. I cannot talk to friends or my mother about this as they think I'm just a hypochondriac (I've always been really in touch with my body truthfully. I can tell when something is off.) I have many questions that are to broad for the search engine. I love this community so far being that it is aimed to help and not scare. I cannot handle horror stories and beaten sufferers from other websites. I have to surround myself with positive people and not people who have given up. I feel I'm early in the stages to stop this before it worsens.

Much love,
everyone is in my prayers,

Responses (Newest First)

Justin J
9:03:55 PM

Hi KB,

Iâ m a little less new now but just as young as you are. You are definently not alone in dealing with morgellons and I feel it can be overcome. In regards to the website pushing products on people. This site is not a snake oil, instant cure, smoke, and mirrors site.

The protocol takes dedication, time, and courage, dealing with fear, fear of the unknown and many, many emotions I would venture to say all of them. I feel the people on this site want every last person to get well as quickly as possible, and they are very helpful and friendly. Amazing! Considering what most have experienced at the hands of society, doctors, and even family members, friends who were/are antagonistic, in denial, or indifferent. The group of people here are very solid, good people. Of course you should always think for yourself and use your own judgement. Come to your own conclusions! You are your greatest teacher, and healer.

I have done my own research about the quality of the nutrients, and products and that are suggested, those supplements are very high quality, and quite competitively priced.
It took me abit of time to trust the process of taking all the supplements but each component is there to heal a compromised body. Unfortunately there doesnâ t seem to be a â silver bulletâ 3 week course of meds type scenario that will clear morgellons up, however, everyoneâ s body is different, and everyone responds differently to different things. Melâ s protocol seems to be working for allot of people myself included.

Since before birth we are exposed to a mountain load of toxins, heavy metals, ionizing radiation, many people are nutrient deficient simply because the crops eaten are grown in depleted soil, picked before ripeness , sprayed with pesticides, and almost noone is eating seasonally anymore. This reduces the vital force in the food allot hence also in the body. We harbor many different parasites, fungi, bacteria that thrive in this weaked state, or at least are inpart asymptomatic until the body is made weaker by many factors including toxin overload, stress whatever.

Yet the body is a wonderful adaptive thing! People still are maintaining their health in an pretty hostile enviroment when we should be alot sicker. There is great hope in that.

How to heal the body: Poisons out, Nutrients in, supportive herbs, and energies in, destructive energies out, and most important allow time to heal it all!

Morgellons seems to reproduce and center in key deep pockets in the body, the gut seems to be a huge pocket so you could make dietary changes first if your unsure about supplements. I initially started veggie juicing that helped me allot I found I had more energy. Peter recommends roiboos tea, also pumpkin seeds pack a strong punch, with raw veggies, lemon juice and coconut oil. Anything green is highly alkalizing.
Home made chicken broths, bone broths are really good too.
Everything should works synergistically to maximize the healing potential. So what seems like allot of weird supplements isnâ t as much you have to break it down and understand the different functions and the job each one is doing.
The people on here really do want every last suffering person to get better no matter what.
It can be done! Your not alone know that and believe it!
If you have questions feel free to ask me. I know a few things about the being new, and dealing with most of the proverbial questions of starting the protocol dealing with morgellons. Peter has very, very, very good advice, and recommendations too regarding everything.

I hope you find yourself again and realize your truth and true potential.

Read,read, read, read, educate yourself

If you need moral support or help you can talk to me on here or email me. Mel has my number/email. That is if you like

Much support light and love

6:07:52 PM

Thank you much Peter and Nancy for showing support and responding to my post. It is very encouraging knowing there are people who will listen.
Later on tonight I have to return a phone call from someone I know of who has recovered from M. That makes me very excited that I can verbally hear her story and vise versa. I am very blessed that I don't have sores, but what I do notice is still nerve wracking. black specs and small white granules on my arms and scalp. The increase is significant when I'm consuming coconut oil but from all that I've read that's a good thing. My clothes are covered in the fibers but I've noticed a decrease in colorful fuzz balls. I shaved my head a couple weeks ago after noticing an unsettling amount of micro fibers in my hair after washing it. It's shaved down to a 2' and I've been noticing 'hairs' that manage to grow faster than the rest. When I pluck them it's visibly obvious that they are M fibers.
I'll be going to a Naturopathic doctor next week to get my vitamins, hormones, and metals tested and also talk about diet and candida overgrowth.

Much love, KB

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