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2:52:25 PM

Jacob, first of all, don't panic.

It sounds to me as though you have reason for concern.

The FIRST thing I would recommend you do is start on the Bergsteiner supplements. I would not have believed the difference they make in the way I feel if I hadn't discovered it for myself. They are not a magic cure-all, but a strong foundation for your body to fight off the invaders.

As I am still battling Morgellon's, I don't feel qualified to give you advice. But the sooner you start treating this, the better off you will be.

As for treating the itching and crawling, I found a little relief using OTC anti-itch products like Caladryl-Clear.

Also sulfur soap probably helps.

The main thing is to take it one day at a time and don't listen to all the crazy stuff on the net. Listen to people like John Burgsteiner and Mel who know what they are talking about.

God bless, and help you along your path of healing.

2:49:56 AM

Also, if this matters at all...the first time, the itching, etc was all over my entire body except my head/face. This time (and it only flared up day before yesterday, but is really painful) it is localized on my stomache and barely a bit on my chest. I feel a mild itching sensation every once in a while on my face/scalp, but there are no lesions at all and I think it may be because I have been using the sulfur in my hair just to make sure the 'scabies' didn't come back and my skin is extremely sensitive. I am seeing the black tiny spots on my stomache/chest, but I usually have on dark clothes and feel/hope it is just specks of the clothing?

2:52:25 PM

I stumbled across this after having been told I had scabies. I have tried Sulfur soap and cream, Neem Oil soap and cold-pressed oil, and two doses of permethren. The Permethren worked well the first time for about 7-10 days. However, it has started flaring back up again. I thought when I put it on, I saw small black dots appearing, and assumed it was the scabies mite. However, evidently scabies is too small to see (these were miniscule, and not a ton). I feel like I feel bugs under my skin and then have the black spots, but keep telling myself it is just scabies and some lint or whatever from my clothes.

I am afraid of ignoring a more serious problem, but also do not want to be a hypochondriac. Is this enough to be concerned for? What should I do for immediate relief until I am more certain and would need to look at the Protocol?

Please, feel free to email me. I have only had this for a few weeks, but it is intense. I desperately hope it is just persistent scabies, as at my age (only 24), the thought of having a permanent parasitic infection is just terrifying.

Thank you,

can email (not sure if it shows to people reading)