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New girly here with a few questions!

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Original 3/15/2014 Post

6:13:39 PM

Hiya guys!

So, I'm obviously new here, and I've only been using this site for a few weeks now, but I'm on it and reading every day. It's been saving my life. Not only that, but I am on the first week of the protocol! :) Oh, thank god for this protocol and the anxiety that this site helps me with.

I will get to my story and introduce myself further a little bit later, boy, do I have a decent amount to tell you guys! I think you're going to enjoy it.

So so sooooo, as a 19 year old girl whose turning 20 in a few days I obviously need some guidance and have some questions! I've been trying to use the search engine for hundreds of questions I have daily and kinda need you guys to help me along a bit.

Firsty first, my environment issue since I seem to have everything else under control (somewhat... for now). I see that people use kleen green and D.E a lot. I'm somewhat strapped for cash, so my big question is, will kleen green help clear my environment of morgellons? Or do I need to buy the D.E as well? (of course along with cleaning and vacuuming every day.)

Another question! As far as diet goes, I've been OBSESSED with using my juicer to intake the max amount of raw veggies that I can. I make a juice at least three times a day PACKED with the leafy greens. I see the recipes and posts about walnuts and yummy foods but... I also see posts saying stick to just your veggies! How long should I stick to just vegetables before I can add eggs and almonds or something back into my diet? I'm dying for some substance. Today, at the health food store I bought what they called "coconut almond squares" made in their organic kitchen. Made of almonds, coconut, cinnamon, carob powder, and himalayan salt, and thats it! Fresh made in the kitchen, gluten free and vegan. Says it had no sweetener added but the nutrition facts state that it has 10mg of sugar total in the whole box. I guess I should stay away from it, what do you guys say? Soo confusing.

Sorry for the long post, I'm real tired and need to get done with my laundry for the day. Tah Tah for now. :)


Responses (Newest First)

12:07:17 AM

Great post Twiggy!! I seriously never knew so much about apple cider vinegar! I feel like I need to add it back into my regimen ASAP! Thinking : like why did I ever stop? It does not taste good at all.. But with all those good for u benifiits i think you sold me I have to buy some ASAP!! It's another don't think just drink situation!! ;-/ sending u love twiggy iggy ;-) < 3


12:42:29 PM

Hey all,
SO recent discovery today... and now that I'm glad to be back again I decided to give you and remind you of some insight on how great apple cyder vinegar is for us and our skin. Not only has it helped my digestion and helped me detox, and after juicing for months and months to get rid of my acne (I think we all know by now how obsessed I am with juicing at least three times a day and I never take a break...) after adding acv to my daily regime which I take with water before downing my juice, I noticed in about three days my acne is all gone and my skin is glowing. Coincidence? I think not.
We remind ourselves about boosting our immune system and treating ourselves from the inside and the outside of our body. I was just reading an article about apple cyder vinegar for acne trying to discover if this was the culprit to my rejuvenated skin. I was reading about putting it ON the skin directly, which I will post the instructions under this little paragraph here. But to be honest, I think the healing benefits of apple cyder vinegar went absolutely direct when I simply drank it and my body and skin absorbed it way faster than if I were to just directly dilute it and pour it on my skin. So today Im going to go apple cyder vinegar crazy and take it directly before juicing AND try it as a toner on my skin. You should refer back to Peter's and Monica's posts to see how it helped him along his journey as well as the more scientific benefits of apple cyder vinegar!
Here's some info for the skin usage:
The thought might put you off. Why would you want to smear such smelly stuff all over your face when there are delightfully scented face care products available? I’ll tell you why. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has amazing health benefits and you can use it to treat skin problems such as: age spots, acne, pimples as well as other skin conditions. Let me elaborate…

Real ACV is made by fermenting pressed apple juice until the natural sugar turns into vinegar. The ACV you should use is the raw, organic, unfiltered, and unpasteurized kind of ACV. Not the refined kind. Only the good quality kind of ACV contains the “mother” of vinegar, which is the cloudy stuff that sinks to the bottom of the bottle. This substance contains the beneficial enzymes, bacteria, pectin and trace minerals that makes ACV so good for you. Just remember to shake the bottle each time before using ACV to distribute the elements.
How to use apple cider vinegar to cleanse your skin

ACV is strong stuff, so you are best to dilute it with water when you apply it all over your face. Don’t be naughty and use undiluted ACV on the skin. It is very acidic and can damage the skin. To make your own ACV toner, mix equal parts of ACV and water. You can get creative with your ACV solution. Try adding green tea, aloe vera gel or witch hazel. After a while when your skin got used to it, you can gradually increase the concentration of the ACV. It depends on the tolerance of your skin. Just make sure you shake it before you use it, so that the water and ACV are thoroughly mixed up.
Before you use ACV all over your face, it is advisable to test it on a small area of your face. Under the chin is a good spot, just in case you do get a reaction, then it’s not too noticeable!
To apply ACV to your skin, simply use a cotton bud and gently glide over skin to remove make-up, oil and impurities. Be careful not to get it in your eyes!. If you are suffering from a breakout, then be warned it will sting your pimples. However, this should feel like a ‘good’ hurt, and not be intolerable.
When you use AVC for the first time, after 5 minutes, it is a good idea to rinse it off with warm water. This is just so your skin isn’t too exposed to ACV on your first time. If you don’t get a reaction, then the next time you use it, don’t wash it off, and then you can build up your skin’s tolerance. It is best to apply the ACV toner at night as ACV can increase sensitivity to ultra-violet rays.
Don’t leave your body out. ACV isn’t just for your beautiful face. If you suffer from acne on your back, you are not alone. Fortunately, ACV is wonderful for treating acne on the back too. If you’re worried about how the hell you’re going to apply it, then just use a spray bottle.
To finish off your new fabulous ACV skin care regime, you can use a natural, chemical free moisturizer such as coconut or jojoba oil, or whatever suits your skin.

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