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Original 1/18/2013 Post

11:17:04 PM


In retrospect it hasn't been a dauntingly long period of time since I've been dealing with this, but it feels like its been forever. Thought I'd start with a bit of history first.

Last June I slept at a party on a couch in a sleeping bag, and awoke with hundreds of non-itchy bumps over my arms with some on my ankles, by how it looked I thought it was an allergic reaction to something but I've come to doubt that it was something that simple. About midway through June I got a few very small really itchy marks on my leg after walking through tall grass at a golf course, the worst itch I have ever felt to be precise, which lasted for a couple days. I thought it was probably just poison ivy or something, not sure if its related to anything. A few days after this happened I started developing a crawling sensation on my arms and feet along with a weird rash on my hand that would sometimes appear and then disappear within hours, and it just always seemed reoccur. My symptoms spread to my legs and my shoulders (both are the worst spots now) and I knew by then that something was up for sure. I treated for scabies in September and sort of ruled that out as a cause, and then was put on anti-anxiety meds by my doctor in October. After about a month and a half all the AA meds were doing was giving me tension headaches and not affecting the crawlies so me and my physician decided to discontinue using them. I ended up seeing a Naturopathic MD in November who believed parasites were involved, so he put me on a candida diet and parasite cleanse for 3 months (still on candida diet). This protocol seemed to supress my crawlies to some extent but never seemed to be curing the problem. I've been less active in the New Year due to a recent hernia surgery, and my muscles in my legs and arms have began to twitch randomly on most nights.

Up to this point I have been spared any mentally-affecting symptoms, which I am thankful for. I am 19 years old and in pristine health otherwise, as a former competitive athlete I take health more seriously than a lot of people my age, I guess thats just a testament to how this disease isn't very selective. I have been able to maintain what feels like a double life; Continuing to act normally with friends at school, as well as get good grades and work as a TA at university, all the while confiding in my best friend and family and researching ways to try to get back to normal.

I never really adressed it until recently, but I have been convinced that this has to be something along the lines of M, nothing else seems to even come close to fitting the shoe here besides that. I've been looking at paths to take and I stumbled upon the protocol listed. I was inspired by how multi-faceted the protocol is; after seeing how my symptoms responded to a parasitic cleanse, it made a lot of sense that a multi-dimensional systemic approach is necessary to beat this.

I have had thoughts about giving up after living through this, feeling like I'm a prisoner in my own body, but I will not yield. The discovery of this website has rekindled my faith in getting well, and I am now ready to fully commit to this protocol which I ordered at the start of the week. I will not let something just swoop in and steal my life away like this without fighting for it.

Sorry for the long essay here, but its good to let this stuff out every once in awhile :).

Best Wishes,

Responses (Newest First)

7:14:01 PM

Hello Wes

Great to hear from you. Thanks for the update. You are now well along in your detox and it seems that the protocol is indeed restoring your health. That is what it does and this is so important for others to read. Stay committed and keep us posted on your future progress. I am very happy for you!


3:17:32 PM

Wow it's been awhile since I last posted here. It's about halfway into my 15th month on the protocol and things have been steadily improving lately. One thing I noted is that about a month and a half ago I decided to cut out all of the complex carbs that remained a part of my diet (ie. brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc.) and add a bit more fruit (ie. granny smith apples, berries, lemon) and I feel as if that allowed me to breakthrough some walls that were halting my progression in recovery.

It has been my personal choice to just stay away from morgellons on the internet, and instead visit a naturopath every couple months or so who updates me on any new info that comes up. I'm the kind of person who dwells on ideas and theories, so keeping myself preoccupied with other things is a must.

Best wishes to everyone in their continued battles,


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