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New MD sufferer

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2:51:26 PM

I recently realized that I have MD.

I have had this "bug" problem since October of this year. It was bug bites at first of pepper mites and small white egg shaped creatures.

I had my house fumigated in October to no avail, but at that time the house had bed bugs left from guests. I really need help since my life is going down hill every day.

I have looked at the Logos MD Wellness product, but don't know where to start. I am a 78 year old female and would like to have a bit more life...but this is a real struggle.

I can't have any food in my house in freezer, fridge or cupboards due to the bugs. I also have glaucoma and they invade my nessary eye drops. My neighbor has been keeping my eye drops and food but no longer is willing to do that. I am of course unable to really let her know exactly what is going on with me or she would freak out.

I am contacting you in hopes you can give me a direction. I do all the every day vacuuming, laundry, bed changing, shampoos, showers and Kleene green sprays. I feel that the problem is in my body.

I have been invaded by pepper mites and the MD hairs. I just recently started garlic pills, but know I need much more than that. I feel with the right direction I may be able to win this battle.

I asked God to please give me a direction and here I am. Greatly looking forward to hearing from someone who can direct me.

Thank you,

2:44:34 PM

Hello Gail and Welcome,

Let me remind you that if ever you need to talk, that you join us either Friday or Saturday morning in our Coffee Tea or Me conference call.

Using our conference call line 712-432-3011, access code 664059.

Friday and Saturday mornings on a call we chose to name "Coffee, Tea with Me"

Please note new time changes at the request of additional late sleepers.

8:00AM---10:30AM (Pacific)
9:00AM--11:30AM (Mountain)
10:00AM--12:30AM (Central)
11:00AM-1:30AM (Eastern)

Prayer meetings will remain the same:

3:30 (Pacific)
4:30 (Mountain)
5:30 (Central)
6:30 (Eastern)

Always remember, our new Skype option is also available upon request by sending your Skype address and time zone via email and requesting a call any Wednesday or Thursday morning.

A special appeal for those who have tried to reach me in December or early January, who have not received a return phone call, this is and will be in the future the best way to get in touch with me.

God Bless You All, Never Ever Give Up Hope,


3:14:51 PM

Thank you John for your response to my plight. It gave me confidence in the direction that I am going. I have noticed that the insects have changed in looks since I have been on the diet and supplements...I take that as a positive in the change that is in me. I am looking forward to having my food in my own home which will make preparing the diet much less complicated. Bless you and everyone for all your support.

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