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We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

Only one way to kick this affliction.

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8:17:51 AM

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Nice job Peter, I could not have said it better!

The best too you Tina!

God bless you all,


Oh bye the way Tina, those who do not give up HOPE get well!!!

8:07:22 AM

Hello Tina

The first thing I always tell a newcomer is to read, read some more and read some more. Just in case you haven't done that yet, let me suggest a little outline.

Start in our FAQ section and read each one more than once, especially if you are experiencing brain fog.
If you are able, print them!

Then you will understand the sacrifices and challenges that lie ahead of you.

Invest the time to listen to some of the Conference Calls in the forum under the topic More Communication Is Better (COFFEE TEA WITH ME), start with the last one first and work back to our first call this past April 22nd.
You will likely find the answers to all of your questions and many that you may not have considered.

When time allows also listen to the calls in our Conference call archives, again last one first.

The Follow the Journeys page chronicles the progress of four fellow Morgellons sufferers as they work towards total recovery.
This will allow you to see what others have experienced as they went through this restoration and will help in eliminating a great deal of the fear!

It sounds like you have only recently begun to experience symptoms. Hopefully that will bode well for your recovery. The sooner you begin the process of rehabilitating your bioterrain the better.

I suggest you start with the nutritional protocol from Logos (Morgellons Support Kit), As well as Sovereign Silver.
This will address any nutrient deficits you may have and begin the process of restoring integrity to your body's immune, digestive and detoxification systems.

Then I would go about adding the Logos Extension Kit and and Sodium Chlorite, in the second month as outline in the FAQ'S.

To round out the SUM of the parts let me say that rest naps and sleep must be utilized to assist in the healing process, as well as a change in your diet.

We rejoice with you and welcome you here as you begin your journey back to health.

Please keep us posted on your progress.


6:53:57 PM

Dearest Tina R.,

Hi welcome! I'm so sorry what you have gone through and are still going through. Yes, this is the place to come for support and direction on getting well. Yes, you're not alone anymore!

I was bed ridden also. But after getting on the protocol just in three days I was able to get out of bed and do house chores which I couldn't for many many months.

I'm sorry your experience is similar to many with this disease, not being believed. It's painful to be doubted.

Please read the FAQ several times. Read as much as you can. Clean up your diet. Rest, get on the protocol.

Have you spoke to Mel yet? You can email him at We're here for you Tina!

Please continue to post here so we can support you!
There is hope!!! Many ones got healed from this disease with this protocol.

Please also listen to the recorded conference calls, under the thread "more communication is better" and the conference call archives.

Hugs and love to you!!

Tina R
9:41:27 AM

I've had this affliction since July 2012 I was working on my roses without gloves stupidly and discovered black specs all over my white towel after I showered.

I have so much to say I need support I'm going through a lot with the disease and now a possible divorce.

I'm scared I'm alone and with all the it has become almost unmanageable. I am sick in bed all the time and now have to figure out how to work to support myself I'm just hoping that this can be a forum I can find support.

My family thinks I'm crazy and all that goes with it!

Please help, Thank you,


3:38:26 PM

Hello Diane,

Thank you for your post and welcome!

I'm so sorry that you are having to cope with morgellons and remember how hard it is to be searching websites for answers.

The best place to start here is reading Mel's protocol and the FAQs and printing them off so that you can keep reading them.

You can start to tackle changes in your diet straight away and there are diet articles on the website to read giving lots of advice. The main things are to cut out all sugars and carbohydrates that the body turns into sugars, so no bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and nothing with sugar in.

MMS is part of the protocol and helps to get rid of the disease. As you read through the site and listen to conference calls and the recorded Saturday calls which are in the thread, More Communication, you'll get lots of information about it. But also there are instructions in the FAQs on how to use it. And as you read through the protocol there are links to where to obtain items.

I know its a lot to read and get hold of but keep asking for help with anything you are not sure about.

God bless,


11:47:37 PM

I just found your site. I have been so ill. It's encouraging to read your comments. I also am suffering from this. I'm so tired tonight I havent been able to read a lot but I am so happy that someone found a protocol that works. What is MMS? I will keep you all in my prayers.

10:21:24 AM

Hello Gail!

First of all welcome to the website. I totally understand not being sure of what is the truth or not.

I have researched, as many of the friends on this site have, this site is by far the best one out there!

Please read over the forums and pages on here and you will see for yourself. I listen to the conference calls when I can, they are also very informative.

I am new to this site and have been taking the protocol almost 2 months and I am seeing results.

Go to the FAQ's and read and print them so you can read again!!

Hang in there!

Gail T
8:25:17 AM


I am about 5 months into this nightmare and still trying to find out fact from fiction. I have a close friend who got this around the same time as me. We are battling it together, as my family has determined I am plain crazy. I am doing everything to get back my health. But the infestation is exausting us both trying to clean constantly. Please give me more info on your protocol.


Gail & Bobby

1:53:03 PM

I had a skin "rash" break out on my arms, it was like little pimples but they itched really bad and scar. I started swimming in a salt water pool everyday and it went away in about 2 weeks. Nothing up to this point was working for me. I have not had the rash come back since.

2:44:40 PM

Hello Deb,

Welcome again.

If you mean parabolish you should follow the instructions on the bottle and take it along with their Thymic Formula.

God bless, HOPE is only the beginning!

1:24:49 PM

How should we use paragone? I cannot find the protocol for that.

4:55:04 PM

Hello everyone

I think it would serve us all well to take a minute and read this post from Debra. It provides a strong message for those who would be inclined to think you can rush the process of healing or may question using the MMS as it is laid out within Mel's protocol.

Some in the past have lost faith, resisted the MMS, or QUIT the protocol after being enticed by other information or the 'so called' means to a quick cure for Morgellons.

In Debra's own words from below... 'After 4.5 yrs of looking for answers, the real answer was the first one I found. The only people getting better are on Mel's protocol.'

So to those of you with doubts... or who still think there is a silver bullet...or those of you that resist due to the MMS...BRAVE UP, DIG IN, AND GET GOING. The path to your becoming well is right here within your grasp!!


Debra **

2:38:29 AM Hi Everyone -
Mel asked me to share a little bit about myself. I guess I am one of the first to have found Mel's site about 3 yrs ago.
I have had this for 4.5 yrs now. Had I listened to Mel 3 yrs ago I would probably be pretty much cured by now. But I did not know who to believe. Who was this guy and why is he trying to help strangers, what's in it for him. This is what I thought.
I have gone through the same experience as everyone else, No need to rehash it all. Except I have not had lesions or fibers. For me it all started with a flea infestation of my dog and before I knew what was going on it had spread to my 3 cats. All my cats usually find their way into my bed during the night. By the time I found out we had fleas they were jumping on my bed. I was sleeping with them. Before I know it I am in the Twilight Zone.
I have been a health freak for 40 yrs. I was reading prevention magazine as a teen. I had been driving my family crazy complaining about additives and preservatives, etc. for decades. I studied Nutrition in college. I refused to take medications, antibiotics, etc. I was a professional dancer for many years. I was in the best of shape even at my age of 50. So why me?? Obviously, this could happen to anyone. I am sure that I contracted some bacteria or parasite or both from the fleas. As I learn more and more, I realize that it may be some new organism that is not identified or some genetically modified thing that is being covered up by the CDC. My original thought was that it was something as simple as a mite that wraps itself in skin so that the body can not detect it - this does exist. (There is a great book called 'Big Fleas have little Fleas' if you want to read about the beginnings of genetically modified substances.)

I tried Mel's protocol and for the first time I started to see improvement. But I hated the mms so much I stopped and went to Mr.C's protocol. That seemed to work too, but there was something missing. I then took both protocols to a terrific Holistic Doctor in NY. This doctor graduated from Harvard as an MD but decided at some point that mainstream medicine was not doing the job it should be doing. He became very disillusioned with the profession and decided to look into alternative medicine.
He asked me - out of all these pills you brought me to see, what one thing would you say actually works the best. What makes you feel the best? I said to him - the MMS without a doubt. He explained to me that that means there is a parasite involved and that mms was perfectly safe to take and I should continue taking it. This was what I needed to hear from a doctor I respected so much. I went back on it.
But I again eventually started to look for answers that did not involve mms. I did this mainly to help a friend that would not take mms. I tried to find a cure for her. I went on another protocol by another alternative doc but every day I got worse and worse.
After 4.5 yrs of looking for answers, the real answer was the first one I found. The only people getting better are on Mel's protocol. I started mms again along with my own group of supplements. It took only 3 days on very small doses to feel better than I had in months. By the 5th days I came down with the worst cold, congestion and laryngitis I ever had. But I stuck with the mms. My illness lasted 2 weeks. I added the Bactrim back in twice a day after the first week. I am so much better now. I did not think it was posible to ever feel this good again. And my improvement was almost overnight
I will now slowly add in other supplements. I like paragone very much and it seems to help. And I probably should add in molecular silver.
At this point, I am convinced this is the only route to take to comletely get rid of this. There is no other solution that works. I am not stupid enought to wait for the medical profession to find a cure.
I hated doctors 40 yrs ago and I hate them even more today. It is an embarrassment today to be a doctor. They should be ashamed by their arrogance and ignorance.
Mel - where would I be without you?? On psychotic meds, dead..I can't even imagine living like this without hope. You gave us hope to look forward to living our lives as normal as possible.
The step we all need to take is stop hiding and to group together. To meet, to have chapters across the country. To march in Washington, to picket the White House. The fact that we are all in the closet is the biggest problem in fighting this.

9:54:49 PM

Debra,I am so glad you are back on the MMS.I remember your post before about your fear of MMS.I understand your frustration.If we had cancer,everyone would want to help and would be compassionate to our disease.Sadly,this disease destroys lives too.We definitely are hiding.Some like me need to keep our jobs, are tired of being ridiculed by doctors and members of my family,and just plain tired of trying to validate what I was going thru.Not only are we disease ridden,we are made to feel ashamed and isolated.After doctors from my hometown to Mayo suggested counseling over and over again,I feel safer in the closet.This doesn't solve anything but I still need to be employed.I wish I could talk about this but where I live,no one takes it seriously.Believe me,I have tried many times only to be told,you need a psychiatrist.By the was I take no meds for anxiety or depression but I have been branded as psychotic with DOP.

6:15:39 AM

Yes, I look forward to meeting in person in the future...and coming together in thankfulness and praise that we all have each other and are getting cured.

11:24:54 AM

Hi Susanne,

Welcome as always. It is good to see you are back.

Networking and support are extremely important. We are trying to facilitate the formation of support groups where possible... most recently in Australia.

When I recover from my surgery, one of my goals is to expand efforts in that area to extend the reach of our website community and have a greater impact on more lives.

As you know, the main focus of our site is to help people restore their health. While raising awareness of the plight of Morgellons sufferers is a responsibility we all share, let us not forfeit our opportunity to take control of our lives and our choices and avail ourselves of the help that is already here.

As Deb so aptly put it, "I am not stupid enough to wait for the medical profession to find a cure".

I look forward to meeting many of you in the future as we work together to change lives.

Never, Never Give up Hope,


3:59:37 AM

I agree to have chapters across the country; I said this early on ...not to hide, to have support groups. . and to picket the white house. We need to pull together in networking and support for one another. I have met other Morgies that wanted to avoid me here, Meeting in person Is Ok. WE NEED TO GROUP TOGETHER. Well said D.

10:11:37 AM

Hello Debra,

Welcome as always.

I am so very sorry it took so long to respond to you for this
wonderful post!

Thank you for your vote of confidence in what it is we try and do here.

I hope those who read this will feel even more comfortable with our web site.

This post shall be added to our testimonials!

Thank you very much in trying to bring HOPE to others.

God bless you, Never give up HOPE!

1:44:06 PM

Hello Ann,


First might I suggest you go to our Protocol Page and scroll down the page until you see "MMS and Citric Acid". There you will find a toll free # and information, as well as a discount code.

Then, I would suggest you read our welcome letter on our Forum Page. Try and use all the features we have created to make it easier for a new person to get the most information quickly.

If in a week or so you still have questions, feel free to email me with a contact phone # and I will give you a call.

I hoped we helped a little.

God bless, Never give up Hope!

2:28:56 AM

So, where can we buy MMS now?

8:17:51 AM

Hi Everyone -
Mel asked me to share a little bit about myself. I guess I am one of the first to have found Mel's site about 3 yrs ago.
I have had this for 4.5 yrs now. Had I listened to Mel 3 yrs ago I would probably be pretty much cured by now. But I did not know who to believe. Who was this guy and why is he trying to help strangers, what's in it for him. This is what I thought.
I have gone through the same experience as everyone else, No need to rehash it all. Except I have not had lesions or fibers. For me it all started with a flea infestation of my dog and before I knew what was going on it had spread to my 3 cats. All my cats usually find their way into my bed during the night. By the time I found out we had fleas they were jumping on my bed. I was sleeping with them. Before I know it I am in the Twilight Zone.
I have been a health freak for 40 yrs. I was reading prevention magazine as a teen. I had been driving my family crazy complaining about additives and preservatives, etc. for decades. I studied Nutrition in college. I refused to take medications, antibiotics, etc. I was a professional dancer for many years. I was in the best of shape even at my age of 50. So why me?? Obviously, this could happen to anyone. I am sure that I contracted some bacteria or parasite or both from the fleas. As I learn more and more, I realize that it may be some new organism that is not identified or some genetically modified thing that is being covered up by the CDC. My original thought was that it was something as simple as a mite that wraps itself in skin so that the body can not detect it - this does exist. (There is a great book called 'Big Fleas have little Fleas' if you want to read about the beginnings of genetically modified substances.)

I tried Mel's protocol and for the first time I started to see improvement. But I hated the mms so much I stopped and went to Mr.C's protocol. That seemed to work too, but there was something missing. I then took both protocols to a terrific Holistic Doctor in NY. This doctor graduated from Harvard as an MD but decided at some point that mainstream medicine was not doing the job it should be doing. He became very disillusioned with the profession and decided to look into alternative medicine.
He asked me - out of all these pills you brought me to see, what one thing would you say actually works the best. What makes you feel the best? I said to him - the MMS without a doubt. He explained to me that that means there is a parasite involved and that mms was perfectly safe to take and I should continue taking it. This was what I needed to hear from a doctor I respected so much. I went back on it.
But I again eventually started to look for answers that did not involve mms. I did this mainly to help a friend that would not take mms. I tried to find a cure for her. I went on another protocol by another alternative doc but every day I got worse and worse.
After 4.5 yrs of looking for answers, the real answer was the first one I found. The only people getting better are on Mel's protocol. I started mms again along with my own group of supplements. It took only 3 days on very small doses to feel better than I had in months. By the 5th days I came down with the worst cold, congestion and laryngitis I ever had. But I stuck with the mms. My illness lasted 2 weeks. I added the Bactrim back in twice a day after the first week. I am so much better now. I did not think it was posible to ever feel this good again. And my improvement was almost overnight
I will now slowly add in other supplements. I like paragone very much and it seems to help. And I probably should add in molecular silver.
At this point, I am convinced this is the only route to take to comletely get rid of this. There is no other solution that works. I am not stupid enought to wait for the medical profession to find a cure.
I hated doctors 40 yrs ago and I hate them even more today. It is an embarrassment today to be a doctor. They should be ashamed by their arrogance and ignorance.
Mel - where would I be without you?? On psychotic meds, dead..I can't even imagine living like this without hope. You gave us hope to look forward to living our lives as normal as possible.
The step we all need to take is stop hiding and to group together. To meet, to have chapters across the country. To march in Washington, to picket the White House. The fact that we are all in the closet is the biggest problem in fighting this.